What Da’Ron Payne Brings to the Redskins

May 8, 2018

By Steve Thomas

The presence of Da’Ron Payne, drafted by the Redskins as the 13th overall pick of round 1 of last week’s NFL Draft, on the roster is an indication that the team’s front office followed through on their stated desire to improve on the terrible 2017 run defense, which was ranked 32nd and last as measured by total yards surrendered.  Payne, who is 6’2” and now weighs approximately 308 pounds, is never going to put up stats that blow away the unbelievers – in fact, his Alabama numbers really don’t look that impressive.  Here are his Crimson Tide stats broken down by year:

2015: 8 gms, 13 tackles (6 solo/7 assisted), .5 tackles for loss, and .5 sacks

2016: 13 gms, 36 tackles (12 solo/24 assisted), 3.5 tackles for loss, and 1.5 sacks

2017: 14 gms, 53 tackles (21 solo/32 assisted), 1 tackle for loss, 1 sack, and 1 interception

On the surface, this does not look like the resume of the co-MVP of the National Championship Game or one of the top 2 defensive lineman in the draft.

Don’t be fooled.

Payne spent a significant amount of time lined up at nose tackle at Alabama, which isn’t going to generate huge, impressive statistics.  Payne is more versatile than you might expect for an interior defensive lineman.  Payne’s tremendous weight loss – he was reportedly up to 350 pounds as a senior in high school – has made him quicker and lighter on his feet than you think a player of his size should be.  He was timed at 4.95 in the 40 at the Combine, which is a great time for an interior defensive lineman.  Couple that with his best asset, which is his tremendous playing strength and power, and you have a player who can do quite a bit on an NFL defensive line.  To me, this is a player who is definitively not just a 0/1 technique nose tackle.  I think the Redskins intend to have him play the 3 technique on a regular basis.  Let’s take a closer look at what Washington can expect to see from its prized new defensive lineman.[1]

Here’s what our colleague Adam Taraschke wrote about Payne in his interior defensive line draft preview (read the entire column here):

Strengths: Great athlete for the position.  Plays with a high-level motor at all times.  He has a tenacious, aggressive attitude on the field.  Outstanding burst off the line.  A disruptive penetrator in the run game, but he can also anchor against double teams.  Great awareness and understanding of what the offense is trying to do.  Finds the ball quickly.

Weaknesses: He can get lost in the sauce if his initial pass rush move doesn’t hit. Struggles with pad level at times.  Hand placement and footwork have room to improve.

Overall: Payne is constantly the first guy off the ball and makes every play hard on opposing offenses.  He is a prototype 1 tech and would be a match made in heaven with last year’s 1st  round pick and former Alabama teammate Jon Allen.  He has the power and mentality to be an excellent run defender.  Although he did not put up gaudy numbers at Alabama he possesses the traits to excel as a pass rusher at the next level.  After blowing up the combine he cemented himself as the best interior defender in this draft.  He would be a great pick for the Redskins at 13, but he may be available later in the draft should a trade come to fruition.  He would give that defense a dynamic duo on the inside who can do anything asked of them.  Adding a run stuffing NT and a pass rushing element to Washington’s defense should be a huge goal this offseason.  Payne would check both boxes and instantly make that defense better.  He may not constantly put up the numbers you’d expect, but I promise he is a player that makes life easier on everyone on the defense.

Payne does not have the body type of a traditional 2-gapping nose tackle, and he’s faster and more agile than a player who’s limited to that position.  Dedicated 2-gapping nose tackles don’t weigh just 308 pounds.    Jay Gruden has made it abundantly clear many times that he is a coach who values versatility across the roster.  The Redskins typically don’t bring in players who are limited to one position, even at the top of the draft.  Payne fits that mold.  I think the future is that, for the 10 – 15 plays per game that Washington is lined up in a true 3 – 4 alignment, Allen and Payne will most likely serve as defensive ends, with another player, either Ziggy Hood, Phil Taylor (if healthy), or (if all goes well) Tim Settle, playing the middle.

It is likely that Payne stayed on the field as a DT when/if Washington moves to a 4 – 3 alignment or something more creative.  I quite simply find it impossible to believe that Gruden and Doug Williams would spend a first round pick on an interior defensive lineman who couldn’t do both, or at least who they don’t think can be coached up to succeed at both positions.  Payne’s strength and agility will allow him to play run defense against both guards and centers, at least.

In terms of his ability to be disruptive in the passing game, it’s certainly a concern, but he showed enough at Alabama to give me hope.  As Doc Walker said on our show this week (listen here), he’s a very young player and has an outstanding position coach in Jim Tomsula.  He has the raw talent to provide a consistent interior pass rush – strength and an amazingly quick and powerful launch from the snap; it’s just a matter of developing that aspect of his game.  His technique needs to improve, and he will need to play lower in order to get better leverage against NFL offensive lineman, whereas in college, his natural gifts were enough to overpower opposing lineman.  He won’t ever be an edge rusher, for sure, but lined up inside of Ryan Kerrigan, somewhere from the 4 (just outside the guard) through 0?  I can see it becoming a strength of his someday.

In the end, the team and fans alike have good reason to expect quite a bit from Payne, even in his first year in DC.  Provided that he and his Alabama teammate Jonathan Allen can both remain healthy, it is likely that the Redskins run defense, and possibly their interior pass rush, to take a significant step forward this coming season.  It’s the dawning of a new defensive day for the franchise.

Do you have thoughts?  Let us know in the comment section below.





[1] Thanks to Hog Sty friend Robbie Duncan for taking some time to talk through some of Payne’s issues with me for this piece.


  • Fuck Gretchen Wilson too!

    • what did she do

      • From Illinois

        • she has a killer duet with Hank jr . Outlaw Women . It’s badass.

          • A 1-64 whore! Southern Illinois, corn, State Troopers, and East St. Louis! Lol, just kidding, I don’t care. I am glad they quit playin’ that redneck woman song, good God almighty.

          • oh yeah . Wore that out two years too late

          • it won’t all that to start with . I don’t like “catchy” tunes by anybody

          • Smoke and mirrors!

          • She hasn’t aged well. Thought she was hot as hell when she first came out

          • If I had every moment back for when I saw a portly bunch of women blasting that at a stop light…… I’d live a long time. It’s their fucking anthem. That and Shania Twat.

          • Yes. She has a very good voice though . You gave to get away from her radio songs to hear it .

  • Shawn L. will be a fine Redskin— as a run blocker. Pass pro, not so much.

    • Different_Cat

      I hope there’s a real competition between he and Arie. I heard that Arie put on 15 lbs of muscle this off season.

      • I think you’re right. One thing to remember…SL is usually strong at the start of the season, but starts to get mauled as the season goes on. Injuries are also his undoing. Hey. Let the fun begin.

        • Different_Cat

          He’s decent when healthy, but he can’t stay healthy more than 3-4 games. Dude has Frankestein feet and ankles.

    • https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%BCbler-Ross_model

      What stage are you in concerning lauvao?

      • It’s obvious to me that many of us before the draft wanted a left guard and were angry we didn’t get one. perhaps in denial that we didn’t get one, and now we’re in the acceptance phase

  • Different_Cat

    Do we have a backup center?

  • Aw shit…saw that Josh Norman broke a hip while rehearsing for Dancing WTS.
    J/K suckas

  • noonefromtampa

    Redskins sign a new guard Shawn Lauvao

  • Different_Cat

    What’s going to be really interesting is watching the NK nuke talks unfold. We would be lucky to come away with a deal as favorable as the one we just trashed with Iran. We rightfully do not trust NK, and now they have no reason to trust us. I mean, Iran was complying with the agreement we made with them and we pulled out anyway. NK has no reason to believe any agreement they sign will be worth the paper it’s written on.

    • Steve Thomas

      You can be skeptical – I am, because NK is run by a dishonest, murdering thug – but let’s wait to see what comes of it before condemning it. It’s a fact that more progress has been made on the Korean peninsula this year than at any time since the end of the war in 1953. What becomes of it? We’ll see.

      The Iran deal had good intentions but was awful from the word go. Iran wasn’t comply with anything.

      • Different_Cat

        I’m not condemning it at all, but I am skeptical about how it can possibly work out.

        While it’s true that this is an historic opportunity, you could also argue that the “progress” that’s been made has all been on NK’s side, given that in the last two years they have successfully tested nuclear warheads, hydrogen bombs, and ICBMs. And now they’ve swung direct talks with our president with no preconditions.

    • Flawed logic and i just saw the same shit on CNN

  • Steve Thomas

    Headlines, right now:

    CNN – “Trump Says He’s Pulling U.S. from Iran nuclear deal’
    subheading: “In response, Iran warns it’s ready to start nuclear enrichment without limitations”
    MSNBC: “Trump: US will withdraw from Iran Nuclear Deal”
    1st subheading: “Kerry: Trump just ‘created crisis’ with Iran”
    Fox News: “Nuclear Bombshell”
    subheading: “President Trump bucks allies, pulls US out of ‘defective at its core’ Obama-era Iran inspection deal”

    All three networks focus on their agendas with these headlines – CNN makes it known that the consequence of Trump’s action is Iran getting nuclear material, because they hate Trump; MSNBC mentions what John Kerry said, because they are shills for the political left and Fox News highlights the words “defective at its core Obama-era” to make it known that Trump’s actions correct an Obama mistake., to highlight their anti-Obama leanings.

    I hate them all. All media outlets have agendas they are driving, and none of them are honest.

    • No Punt Intended

      If I had a kid, I might place above, “don’t cheat, don’t lie, don’t steal” something I think needs to be learned as early in life as possible.

      Learn to think for yourself.

      I will put on each of those networks, even if for no other reason than to say I have actually watched them. Each has someone I like and someone who makes me want to puke on a cat.

      • Steve Thomas

        I don’t watch alot of TV news, but I read each of those websites for news, to one degree or the other.

    • Steve Thomas

      And also, Fox used the term “President Trump”, whereas CNN and MSNBC didn’t.

      • No Punt Intended

        That’s like the losers in the media who refer to the Washington professional football team.

        They think if they say President Trump, they will offend their viewers.

  • So District 3, part of South Chicago, points west and southwest. Prediction: some sort of large scale civil unrest in Chicago within the next two years.

  • Neo-Nazi Arthur Jones wins Republican nomination for Illinois congressional seat.

    I hate Illinois Nazis

  • noonefromtampa

    Before his death in March, famed physicist Steven Hawking announced a $100 million project to find intelligent life among the stars. Now that push will redouble thanks to new technology that lets astronomers scan the galaxy like never before.
    I foresee a bad sci-fi movie scenario where the aliens show up and want to speak with Hawking and when we tell them he’s dead, they vaporize the Earth

    unless some wascally wabbit can prevent that from happening

    • Steve Thomas

      I think it’s extremely likely, almost a certainty, that there’s life of some type somewhere besides earth, maybe even in this solar systemm in the form of microscopic bacteria at a minimum. I think it’s also likely that there’s intelligent life somewhere else, albeit not a certainty. Intelligent life developing is a billion to one chance, but there are billions of stars, and therefore solar systems, out there somewhere. How to find them and contact them is another matter given the laws of astrophysics, if this life really does exist, as is the question of whether it’s even a good idea to contact them assuming that they could be located.

  • No Punt Intended

    Trade Fat Rob to New Orleans.

  • noonefromtampa

    It’s the Mista Moe show at WaPo

    30 comments in 30 hours is about their pace now

  • Most farmers don’t like ground hogs because they dig big-ass holes everywhere. You’re cutting hay on a slope and drive off in a hole, flip the $50k tractor, roll down the hill, your tractor is totalled, you’re in ICU, your next winter’s feed (hay) is molding on the ground, or over drying (no nutrition). One of your $2000 dollar stacks of money could also step in the hole, break a leg, die, you lose her, and the $2000 calve she would have birthed EACH year thereafter. POO-WAH! Some people around here actually eat the sumbitches.

  • noonefromtampa

    We would always stop in Wakefield, eat at the VA Diner and pick up a Smithfield ham

    coming back from vacation in Nags Head which was right before school started

    I would be eating ham sandwiches the first week of school for lunch with Frito’s and Oreos
    and a chocolate milk it cost 7 cents, white milk cost a nickel

    • Chinese own Smithfield foods now . Damn shame .

    • noonefromtampa

      how different elementary school is from high school

      high school was sneaking off at lunch to go to Shakey’s Pizza for the pizza and salad bar with pitchers of beer

  • noonefromtampa

    I remember going to OC back in the day and going by the Perdue plant

    a bunch of chickens came running out of there chased by several workers

    we were shouting “Run, Chickens, Run, Be Free” out the car windows

    thinking back, pretty sure we were high as a kite

  • Different_Cat

    N.O. RB Mark Ingram suspended 4 games for PEDs.

  • I will say if you ever went inside a hog processing plant such as Smithfield foods , you might swear off bacon and pork chops for a long while . You can’t even imagine .

  • noonefromtampa

    Thierry Fremaux is making the selfie ban a personal mission.

    The Cannes Film Festival artistic director, who has long spoken out against “grotesque” selfies in an effort to return the event to a more elegant place — at least as far as the red carpet is concerned — stood at the top of the Palais steps just after 6 p.m.
    he banned Netflix films and now this, how stuck up can you get

  • kon, for now

    Trump is really putting a dent in my bacon export business. Iran is my number 1 customer.

  • noonefromtampa

    America Is the Enemy for Most Young Arabs, New Survey Finds
    Family Fueds
    Abdul, survey says “America is the Great Satan”

  • noonefromtampa

    is it animals attack day or what?

    Just days after losing an arm in a grisly crocodile attack during a “pre-wedding honeymoon” on the Zambezi River, Zanele Ndlovu was able to walk down the aisle with a smile and marry the love of her life.

    Groom Jamie Fox said he felt “so proud” of his bride, a former tennis player, for being able to smile and laugh “despite her pain and what she gone through.”

  • RumpledSkinsFan

    All this talk of wild animals earlier today reminded me…

    I managed to avoid Bigfoot during my ride on Saturday, only to find him lurking around in my neighborhood.


  • The woman’s screams make this truly enjoyable.

  • When tranquilizers fail….

  • noonefromtampa

    China is like the USSR in some respects

    90% Han, 10% 55 other ethnic groups

    a lot who still rail against the central government esp. the Muslim ethnic groups

    • noonefromtampa

      if the central government fails, China splits into 6-7 countries

      • Let’s get to work!

      • it will depend on whether or not China can stay at least medium economically

        the big difference, however, with China is that they are NOT almost solely dependent on natural resource trading for their government to stay afloat. Russia could be collapsed again if the US and SA just decided to start pumping oil with abandon and ship North American nat gas to Europe. Most of the Western world, however is dependent on China as their labor force.

        Chung Kuo is playing out in slow motion.

  • Different_Cat

    kon, for now alex35332 • 5 minutes ago
    Iran is the major influencer in the region now. They’ve got a hand in everyone’s shit. We’ve gone and been flanked.
    Shit, we flanked ourselves when we took out Saddam. Iraq under his rule was the No. 1 check on Iran’s power and influence in the region. Now Iran is ALL up in Iraq’s business, not to mention Syria’s and Lebanon’s. Trump likes to claim credit for defeating ISIS, and he likes accusing Iran of supporting terrorists. But the truth is, Iran had as much or more to do with ridding Iraq and Syria of ISIS as we did.

    • plus, before their eyes, to the East, the Mongolians…
      …sort of…
      the Pakistanis are turning Japa… Chinese. If you look at a map… Gondar is building a new modern port… with Chinese money… with a rail line to China… to ship Chinese goods to and through the Middle East.

      One Belt. One Road. China.
      This is China’s Century.
      Like the 20th was America’s.

      • kon, for now

        Aye…China is the biggest player on the world stage. And will be for a long time to come.

        Way to go capitalists! Cheap bastards.

        • while some people criticize it, what Germany, Japan, and China have done is probably the right way to go (net savers). when all the dust settles. you’re the one left with money to invest.

          of course the problem in China is that there are so so so many people. India has the same problem, with even less land.

          • I don’t think the US disappears at all, it just becomes a bit more like England, a once superpower who got complacent.
            *smash cut*
            China goes through a revolution, where the poor rise up after seeing how the other half live on the internet, the demand for more and more cripples the Chinese government, totalitarianism is necessary, they turn inward, and step back a step or two. And after battery demand cripples the system, the Americas rise to produce biofuels. With a small (large) markup fee.

            Who really knows? The aliens?

          • Can I buy some pot from you?

          • He’s got really good shit, believe me.

          • If we are smart, we eventually will realize we have to give up the “empire” thing and do a soft landing like the Brits did in the 50’s. Every empire dies eventually. Far better to do what the Brits did than to go the way of every other empire, with a lot of pillaging, and smouldering ruins.

          • kon, for now

            The right wing would lose its frign mind if anyone attempted to subscribe the US to not putting frightening amounts of money into the military.

          • Steve Thomas

            What’s funny and what people like you don’t understand is that the U.S. military was just about choked out of existence under 43, budget-wise, if you get away from the war effort costs and start to look at training and weapons system acquisition.

          • kon, for now

            People like me? You mean people who understand that hundreds of billions to contractors profiting profiting for their own gains using the sell job that it’s for American protection of its interests abroad?


            Too many resources are blown on US military contracts. It’s a waste. No return on all that investment.

          • basically our big commodity is professional services, like architecture, engineering, infrastructure. and that’s who often benefits. so, if you work for a multi-national A&E firm, well…

          • that’s only part of it; a lot of this is about workers AND the “elites” getting complacent, pandering in order to keep a good thing going;

            an example from the Persians: they had a rule (at least the royalty) to eat one meal a day so they did not become gluttonous. once they were firmly established, the rulers simply then had a meal that went from noon to the end of the day; completely lost the meaning of the rule. ask not what your country can do for you becomes, what must my country do for me?

            it sort of depends though

            it will be interesting to see…. 500, 1000 years from now. remember those maps of the Roman, Greek, Persian, Mongolian, etc empires from grade school text books? what will the future historians draw as the American empire?

          • Some debate as to weather it will be a drawing of the American Empire or if we will just be a chapter in the age of “western dominance”

    • Steve Thomas

      As to ISIS, the truth is that President Trump took the gloves off in Iraq and Syria by lifting targeting restrictions, streamlining approvals, and ramping up the strikes. That’s the primary reason for ISIS defeat/almost defeat.

      • Different_Cat

        “Nothing President Trump did or authorized was a fundamental game changer in the counter-ISIS strategy,” said Jennifer Cafarella, an analyst at the Institute for the Study of War.

      • Different_Cat

        The truth is that ISIS was already losing when Trump took office. He mostly adopted the Obama administration’s strategy. I’ll grant that he did loosen targeting restrictions and push the decisions farther down the chain of command. That may have hastened the win, but it also resulted in many more civilian casualties.

        • Steve Thomas

          He didn’t adopted the Obama Administrations strategy, really, except the extent that he kept up combat operations.

          • Different_Cat

            Sure he did. Obama established the strategy of working with and through local groups and governments, supplying them with training, strategy, intel, and air power. It was exactly the same under Trump, only with more liberal use of air power.

          • to be fair, almost certainly most “strategy” comes from the civil service, or in this case, the military service, not those who are appointed from admin to admin.

            I mean it comes from them, but it’s almost completely written by the people who are there and have been there from admin to admin. Trump’s admin is the most different in that regard from the previous couple of admin. But still, it holds. Just less so.

          • Different_Cat

            Absolutely, but I think the CIC always makes the ultimate decision as to whether a conflict will involve American troops in combat roles.

        • that’s straight out of Sun Tzu, however

    • Steve Thomas

      As to Iraq, the mistake wasn’t taking out the Baath Party. The world is better off without them and they needed to go one way or the other. The mistake was disbanning the Iraqi Army and failing to put a viable government in place, even if it had been martial law for awhile aka MacArthur in Japan.

      • Should have let Sadaam fester under under no-fly zone and sanctions.

        He was too weak to invade anyone, but strong enough to protect himself from invasion. Therein lies the peace.

        • Steve Thomas

          We did do that, for a long time. It couldn’t last forever.

          • Of course we could, and for a hell of a lot cheaper.

            Sooner or later there would have been an internal revolt/coup, and Sadaam would have been deposed from within.

          • Steve Thomas

            That was never going to happen, ever.

          • You have no way of knowing that. Stop it with the bluster.

          • Steve Thomas

            I’ve been there. You haven’t. I served from Gulf War I through the second war in Iraq. I saw first hand, in some cases, what was going on with the rebels in Iraq. It wasn’t going to work. Stop pretending you know more than I do about everything.

          • Different_Cat

            Dude, there were no rebels in Iraq when Saddam was running the show.

          • noonefromtampa


          • There were rebels
            There’s always rebels
            There are even rebels in the USA.

          • did I just walk into a grass seed commercial?

          • A kind of grass, sure.

          • Different_Cat

            Rebel Rebel, how could they know?
            Hot tramp, I love you so!

          • Do you think Sadaam would allow ISIS to exist in Iraq and challenge his authority?

          • Different_Cat

            Of course not. That’s a joke. Saddam had one of the most effective secret police organizations in history.

          • noonefromtampa

            the CIA spent millions of dollars funding anti-Saddam groups trying to topple him between the wars

          • How did that work out?

          • Different_Cat

            Worked about as well as it did with Castro.

          • noonefromtampa

            ask Uday

          • Hey, I read a book, so there’s always that. That rationale seems to work pretty well for you.

          • It was going to happen!

            -G Reaper

          • Different_Cat

            There’s no reason it couldn’t have lasted right up until now and beyond. Weapons inspectors were on the verge of declaring Iraq WMD-free when Bush ordered them out of the country and launched the invasion.

  • Didn’t Great Brittan and ourselves drill oil for free, once upon a time, in Iran?

  • Trump no deal, phase two “flashing green light in Israel’s Central Command”.

    • kon, for now

      It was obvious what Netanyahu was doing last week when he was recreated the US’s WMD sell job.

      Just plumb nuts that anyone bought it. But hell, it’s not like neocons need to be sold on starting shit.

  • k0n, they don’t cry if you hit them right.

    • kon, for now

      When you hit them right, they just…drop

      • Their nerves keep firing for a bit, they may go 20/30 yards (running dead). Lung-heart-lung settles things up fairly quickly.

        • kon, for now

          Why not a head shot?

          Incapacitate all responses. Keep adrenaline out of the meat.

          Or hey, what about a passive trap? Get them calm and then do a slow bleed?

  • kon, for now

    The major sticking point for Israel in Iran is…all those Persian Jews living in Tehran.

  • noonefromtampa

    The problem with Iran is that religious types who run the country are part of a Sunni sect that believes Israel has to be destroyed to for the Great Prophet to return according to doctrine

    so they just don’t plan the nuke for self defense (and who would they be defending themselves from with it?) they want to use it offensively against Israel to return the Great Prophet to defeat the West

    • That and throwing gays from tall buildings

      • noonefromtampa

        you only gay if you’re the catcher and not the pitcher

      • walter_in_fallschurch

        buck. it’s in the book. it’s really baaaad to be gay, according to the book from 1500 (or 2000 depending) years ago. really bad.

        • That’s really old, 1/3 the age of like, everything.

        • I think the issue is that it is really bad to DO gay; it would not be understood that there ARE gay and not gay. just that you do not DO gay.

          • Yet, from what movies tell us before the Otiman Empire fell they were really okay with it.
            Like way, way OK with it.

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            are you saying it’s fine for gay people to be gay, but that they should just be celibate? or have pretend heterosexual sex?

    • Steve Thomas

      …the perfect country to give a billion dollars to in $100 bills on a palet in the back of an unmarked cargo plane.

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      oh, wait… people’s irrational religious beliefs causing a problem for others?? blow me over with a feather.

      • some of the more important actors are “probably” doing it for money and power

  • I don’t care about this story topic, but when scanning through my news feed this Tweet, it cut off the top and bottom of the photo, and was just a pic of breasts.


  • Does this mean we get our billion dollars back and whatever else we secretly gave them ? I’m thinking not

    • Steve Thomas

      They’ve probably already spent that money on nuclear weapons material.

    • kon, for now

      That not really a payment to Iran was actually a reimbursement for an arms deal we reneged on.

      We took their money, but didn’t deliver the hardware they ordered.

      • Steve Thomas

        You’re talking about the F-14 deal, and yes we reneged, and….good.

        • kon, for now

          US interference in Iran is why Iran is what it is today.

          And look at them now, kicking our ass at our own game.

          I don’t know that US leaders will ever learn to stop having to get involved in shit that they ought to leave alone.

          • I don’t know if I’d call it kicking our ass. I agree, we should generally be keeping out of other countries affairs.

          • kon, for now

            Iran is the major influencer in the region now. They’ve got a hand in everyone’s shit. We’ve gone and been flanked.

            Israel is a little sideshow for them anymore. The mullahs mean to move Mecca to Tehran. That’s the long game.

  • Bad Reputation

    Why when sometimes I put a link in, the actual pic shows up…and other times it just shows the link?

    • I’ve found if I post something too quick it hasn’t loaded into the system.

  • noonefromtampa

    top tier YAC average is 8-12 yards

    Grant averaged 5

  • noonefromtampa

    Ebola outbreak in Democratic Republic of Congo

  • Leaked news: The Donald has fulfilled another campaign promise to exit the Iran deal.

    All out war as our allies think there will be?

    • noonefromtampa

      The Disney-Comcast war goes hot. Comcast is talking to investment banks about usurping Disney’s $52-billion bid for 21st Century Fox, three sources with knowledge of the matter tell me. The plan being discussed would see Comcast make an all-cash offer of around $60 billion for the same assets Fox agreed to sell to Disney.

    • kon, for now

      Trump: No deal!

      Iran: Great…now we can make all the nuclear material we want. Thanks Trump!

      • Nah.


        • kon, for now

          Israel can’t do that cross border strike stuff they do in Syria. Iran is too big with way too much military.

          They’ll have to find some other preemptive solution.

          • You mean, like hacking their network?

          • the thing is, ironically: Saudi Arabia

          • Steve Thomas

            There’s no doubt the logistics of attacking Iran would be much tougher for Israel.

          • we’re not not ending our alliance with Israel

            but it should be interesting to see how this “covert” Israel – Saudi alliance plays out

            could be like WWI… we could make a kill… ERRRRRRR… a lot of money selling weapons

            Good times are here again…

          • Steve Thomas

            I don’t think it goes anywhere. I don’t think the Saudis will ultimately have anything to do with Israel.

          • The royals in Saudi Arabia probably don’t care all that much about the whole Israel/Muslim thing, they are all about money and control of the population, just use the religion as a way to control the people.

          • That’s why whenever you hear about Saudi royals coming to the states there’s always stories about parades of prostitutes, crazy wild parties involved. The religion’s a cover for them.

          • No Punt Intended


            – Fred Smoot

          • Had a buddy who worked in one of their US mansions for a year or so in 2000-01. Said every night a new bunch of women were brought in by limo.

          • Steve Thomas

            Not only that, but the royal family is thousands of people, not just a handful.

          • all I know is don’t fuck with em or you won’t be seen again, no matter what country you are in.

          • they will be the proxies for the US, using US gear they paid for; while somewhat assuring Russia and the US don’t get engaged head to head

      • We should just give Iran, the Saudis, everyone a nuke. (BUT JUST 1) Just to shut them up about it.

        • the thing is, ironically, if you want to take the juice out it you MUST treat nuclear power countries the same way you do non-nuke. what I mean is you cannot show any deference BECAUSE of nuclear weapons, because if you do, it just screams to everyone without that we need some.

      • Steve Thomas

        They were making all the nuclear material they want anyway….in part with our money, thanks to President Obama.

  • Bad Reputation

    Walterfootball has us drafting at #18 in the 2019 draft. And has us taking :

    18. Washington Redskins: Collin Johnson, WR, Texas

    The Redskins signed Paul Richardson this offseason, but he’s not a No. 1 receiver. This is something Washington could pursue next spring.

    Collin Johnson has great upside and athleticism for someone with his frame (6-6, 212), but caught only 28 passes as a freshman. He’s taken a big step this season with 54 receptions.

    LOL…..it came up on my feed so I had to look into it.

    • Bad Reputation

      Round 2:

      50. Washington Redskins: Beau Benzschawel, G, Wisconsin

      The Redskins had a strong offensive line last year when everyone was healthy, but the one exception was at left guard.

      Beau Benzschawel was told to return to school by draft advisory committee, but he has a chance to sneak into the first round with a strong senior campaign.

    • I would guess CB if I had to pick one spot this blindly right now.

      • Bad Reputation

        I’d say maybe edge rusher. Kerrigan is getting older, and unless Preston Smith does something this year…..

      • No Punt Intended

        O-line for me please. Unless there is a legit pass rusher who can play more than 2 downs when we are up to pick.

        • they might have two guys from this year’s draft/ufa that make the team already, maybe 3 (unlikely, prob 1-2 PS) it’s just way too early

    • Way too soon to say. Could need a QB next year for all we know.

  • Bad Reputation

    Evan Silva Retweeted

    Damon Harrison Sr.

    Verified account

    17h17 hours ago
    I will remind every lineman we play this year, while I’m whipping their ass, that they didn’t vote for me. Blame it on the Top 100. So don’t ask me “what’s your problem man” you should already know. When the list comes back y’all hands gonna shake when you think of me…

  • Bad Reputation

    Alex Smith:

    “I get it, right. If any of us were the [general manager], this in my opinion might be the most important position in all of sports. You’d be crazy not to be stockpiling talent. So I get it, going into Year 13. You understand it.”

    Big Ben:

    “I was surprised when they took a quarterback because I thought that maybe in the third round, you know, you can get some really good football players that can help this team now. … I just don’t know how backing up or being a third-[stringer] — well, who knows where he’s going to fall on the depth chart — helps us win now. But, you know, that’s not my decision to make.”

    • This is the kind of response you get from a guy who’s possibly the smartest QB in the NFL and then below that, the kind of reaction you would expect from a guy who rides a motorcycle with no helmet.

  • Bad Reputation

    “Smith also reached out to Mahomes shortly after he was drafted, not only to wish him well and offer his help but, to diffuse any awkwardness that could easily develop.”

    • noonefromtampa

      it’s called “being a teammate” something Big Ben doesn’t comprehend

      • noonefromtampa

        God forbid Ben goes down with an injury and Randolph has to step up with say a playoff berth on the line and Ben hasn’t done nothing for him

        • Bad Reputation

          Yeah. Though I think Landry Jones is their primary backup and I believe Ben has a good relationship with him.

  • @AWalkerColts
    58s59 seconds ago

    New #Colts WR Ryan Grant with “All Eyez On Me” reference. Says Tupac’s career took off when he got with Dr. Dre; says he hopes to have a similar career ascension working with Andrew Luck.

    Isn’t that cute, he thinks QB was the problem when he was in DC.

    • kon, for now

      Little column A
      Little column B

      • The QB threw for 4000+ yards the last 3 years & had one of the top completion %’s. That Grant can’t do shit when he’s got the ball, that’s a Grant problem.

        • kon, for now

          A QB in a short, safe passing game…I’d find a better metric

          • Yes, the point of the short safe passing game is to get yards after you catch the ball, which Grant can’t do.
            Also 59 passes for 20 or more yards (5th in the league last year) 9 passes for 40 or more yards, (tied for 9th)

          • kon, for now

            230 YAC in 2017 on 45 RECs…that ain’t bad at all.

        • noonefromtampa

          Grant has no YAC

  • noonefromtampa

    Scenes from Wonder Woman 2 are going to be filmed at abandoned Landmark mall in Alexandria

    Landmark is gone? WTF I used to go there almost every day

    • it’s still there, sort of

    • You were the one thing keeping that place afloat

      • noonefromtampa

        Used to ride my bike there and hang out, get chased by mall security

        • I assume it’s going to be used for some post apocalyptic landscape at this point.

        • about 1-2 times a year I’ll go to Sears
          usually it’s to either pick up something I’ve ordered online or take back something I’ve ordered online

      • I know Rick Snider kept saying he thinks that is where the Redskins Should build their next stadium. But it won’t happen.

        • not anymore. not after all that money goes in; plus is isn’t close to the train

          and Landmark is even smaller than the Springfield TC, which probably too wouldn’t have had enough land unless you do some parking with a pedestrian tunnel under the mixing bowl, but SF is also going with some Fed offices that will take up the other part of the puzzle that would have been necessary.

    • kon, for now

      Filming in and around DC.

      I’d go get me a close up with that Gal.

  • Bad Reputation

    With all the rumblings in Pittsburgh from Big Ben and B’More from Super Bowl Joe Flacco Hon…….it’s nice that our new QB didn’t act the same way in KC when Mahommes was drafted.


    • Bad Reputation

      He actually mentored the kid, and didn’t bitch at all. Shows the kind of character Alex Smith has.

    • No Punt Intended

      Mahommes is going to be Kyle Boller 2.0.

    • I got to start re-learning the bottom of the rosters jersey numbers. Robert Davis #19.

    • kon, for now

      Even refreshing the page isn’t getting twitter links to load. Hrmmm….

      • I’m wondering if there’s something up with the Disqus servers. Not the end of the world, gif’s still work.

  • Bad Reputation

    What’s gonna be harder for the Caps…..getting past Tampa or whoever wins the West?

    • No Punt Intended

      It’s all cake now. Watch them run though the teams in their way like a hot knife through butter.

      • noonefromtampa

        uh the Lightening are actually a pretty good hockey team and playing well right now

        • No Punt Intended

          The Capitals are going to hang their ballsacks on the Lightning’s faces.

          • well, they WERE
            now it’s Lightning in 3
            that’s how bad games 1, 2, and 3 will be.

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      let’s get past tampa first. can’t even evaluate the next step w/o that happening first.

    • Don’t want to even look past Game 1, heck, lets not even look past the 1st 20 minutes of game 1 in Florida.

  • noonefromtampa

    killing things are overrated

    picking it up at the butcher shop is so much easier

    • kon, for now

      God damn right it is.

      • except for people that don’t prefer it that way and they do exist .

        • kon, for now

          If the food is closer out in the woods than it is going into town…sure.

          Pound for pound, hunting is a lot less spendy than retail meats. For me however, a concern would be not knowing what the animal has been feeding on and if it is free of disease.

          • Not so. I know people who process their deer into hamburger , sausage , etc . They eat it year round and they live close to groceries stores .

          • I got some great home made venison jerky from a friend. Delicious

          • Thats my favorite .

          • They also made some into little meat sticks, like a slim jim.

          • I bet that was good . Time consuming process.

          • TBF, I am not sure if they did the processing or if they just brought the deer to a butcher to do it.

          • kon, for now

            Then unless it’s about money…I flat don’t get it.

            FYI….hunting as a means of providing does not work in my head. I’ll go out and forage though.

          • That’s fine . That’s how you feel and you are certainly entitled to it . Just know others arent wrong that disagree with that .

          • kon, for now

            I don’t think it’s wrong to provide. Hell, I’ll even go out and spot for ya. But when it comes to that moment of denying an animal its life…I won’t go there.

            I’m not that hungry.

          • I understand that completely . I don’t like watching an animal flop around after you shoot it . which happens sometimes . Don’t like it one bit .Can’t stand it actually .

          • kon, for now

            And the cries.

            That shit is haunting.

          • it’s way too long I know, but I posted the link to the Rogan podcast because the guy does talk about why he does it
            and remember, it’s bow hunting
            dude keeps in shape to honor his body and honor the animal. kinda mystic.
            he runs a marathon in 3 segments every day except Monday, Wednesday, Friday where the 3rd leg of the marathon is weight lifting. And he still gets home in time to see the kids for a few hours before bedtime (working a cube-farm type job full time too). fascinating. I don’t get how a person can be driven to do that, and he gets a bit into that later when he talks about his kids. I’m not a hunter, but I find Joe’s podcasts with them fascinating.

          • Still has all that News Radio money.

          • based on his hits on social media (podcast downloads, views), Joe Rogan is the most influential man in the world

            but in this case, I’m talking about his guest, Cameron Hanes

          • kon, for now

            I’d have to edit my interests to add Rogan podcasts to things I do while waiting on the universe to reclaim my atoms.

          • Feeding on nature and antibiotic free . Lean and high in protein

        • I’m not a hunter, but there’s a reason I learned how to make my own sausage, and got a smoker. The more control of the process you take, the better quality food you have.

          • you can get a good look at your butcher…

          • No Punt Intended

            Yes, what a process. Preheat smoker, load meat, close lid…….check back 11 hours later.

          • I was talking more about the process of making your own sausage, so that it’s not full of needless things like corn syrup.

          • I havent been much of one either for the last few years , but i still love a good venison tenderloin if i can get my hands on some .

          • I’m surprised there’s not more “wild game” type restaurants in the DC area. I’ve heard about a few in the south, and you’d think this area, foodie types would dig it as much as your outdoors-men.

          • I have heard that also . Elk meat for example . It still has to be inspected by the Government , not sure how that works

          • Skip the Elk, go for the Yak

            Yak is less gamey, tastes a lot like beef.

          • Thats farm raised I am sure .

          • I’ve had elk, venison, ostrich, emu, bison, gator, snake, crickets or grass hoppers I don’t remember which, boar.

            But never tried yak.
            I keep wanting to try gunny pig

          • Years ago an acquaintance tried starting up a place that specialized in wild boar. It was really good, but for some reason it didn’t succeed

          • No Punt Intended

            The “Boar’s Nest”?

            – Boss Hog

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      yes… exactly, noone. it’s like being and “end user” vs being a programmer or techinical support person. i do not care about the minutia of how windows 10 works, or does not work in my case, i just want to use it.

  • Show of hands…..how many of y’all really thought the coyote killed the farmer in that video, BEFORE you clicked it?

  • Nothing like calling a coyote or big grey fox in close, pitch black new moon, hearing them snarl at your cottontail destress call………..blasting them right in the face with high-brass #4, while their eyes glow demon orange in the dim light of your red lens. POO-WAH!

    • Coyotes are a predator . Once they lose their fear of fear of people , they can become a threat .It’s so simple.

  • State hunting laws and quotas are established by biologists in order to manage population control. They are God’s creatures too, yes, but at the same time, the only viable and realistic way to manage them is hunting.

    There’s a reason that shooting coyotes and feral hogs are allowed year-round in many places. That reason is that they are a nuisance and in some way, shape, or fashion, are a danger to humans.

    • Hogs I believe are largely not a native species are they?

    • People, one of God’s creatures…judging other creatures to be a nuisance. What a laugh. Enough irony going on there to tilt the frign planet.

      Golden rule. All creatures. Great and small.

      Full stop.

      • No Punt Intended

        You aren’t judging or anything.

        And that ‘Golden Rule” shit is for kids and pussy adults because after dealing with as many assholes in life as I have, that turns into, “I’ll treat you how you treat me”.

        You really sound like you need to get some better pussy.

      • Are you a vegan? Because unless you are, all of these things you’re saying will be pretty hypocritical.

        • Now I gotta be a vegan because I don’t kill?

          • I’ll kill for you, you just enjoy the steak, k?

          • You kill it. I’ll clean it.

            I’ll even do the cooking. Actually, I insist I do the cooking.

          • Cool, and don’t complain about me edging our bet against other predators…..see how that works?

          • What other predators? You mean some other dude trying to hunt? Hellz, you can shoot them fuckers all you want. Damn nuisance is what they are.

          • Coyotes mainly, fox and bobcat if they get to settin’ up on our turf.

          • You’ve spent the last hour criticizing hunters and ranchers for protecting their ranches, and expressing your thought that people should stop selling cattle. So I want to know if you eat hamburgers, steak and chicken, because if you do, that food comes from the very people you criticize.

          • I haven’t criticized ranchers Steve. I have though opined that I believe vegetable farming would be a better choice.

            I mean, unless all of a sudden coyote have a thing for maters.

            Farming vegetables is safe. Lot less shit. I mean that. A lot less shit.

          • Once again, vegetable farmers also go out and shoot alot of vermin for the same reason – they are a nuisance that ruin crops.

          • kon, for now

            They trap animals Steve. And probably put it on the dinner table.

            Lot damn simpler than stalking.

          • Do you know how much manure you need to grow a potato????

          • This ain’t Mars man

            The nutrient is already in the soil

          • And you need to replenish the soil all the time.

          • That’s what composting is for. We can do that without heaps of cow shit.

          • that’s not how this works in the long run. we will need to better use human feces for fertilizer; but the way our WWTP and systems work, unfortunately a lot of industrial waste (consumer/industrial) messes it up. we essentially us nat gas and air to make ammonia for fertilizer, and then we eat the food, poo it out and covert the N back to the air. that takes a lot of energy, but it also keeps out the heavy metals. unfortunately, the other nutrients don’t work that way.

          • kon, for now

            Human poo is a great fertilizer. Once it’s broken down.

            Even better is human hair. Which is maybe nature best example of a slow release, non-burning super source of nitrogen.

          • Yes but human waste when not properly broken down results in some serious health issues. There’s a story that came out in the last year about how everyone in North Korea has some crazy parasites because of it.

          • kon, for now

            Of course it has to broken down. It can’t be raw.

            Hence ‘once broken down’

          • No Punt Intended

            Dude you are really dumb. You should stop.

          • kon, for now

            I’m dumb because I know fertilizers?

            Quit yer troll’n

          • No Punt Intended

            Why don’t you quit your cryin’.

            You and your personal rage against our 2nd amendment and those who protect themselves, their families, their homes and their property/livelihood make you look like a complete douche.

            You can leave the country at any time…..or simply move to San Francisco.

          • kon, for now

            The fuck are you even on about?

            Second Amendment?


          • No Punt Intended

            Bitch about more things that are legal that you despise.

            Please. Let’s turn this into how you feel this country should have been founded in terms of rights and laws.

            Please, share with us your depth of knowledge, understanding and of course, willingness to understand not everyone is like you.

          • kon, for now

            Legalities? What does have to do with ethics?

            Now the founders. Huh?

            Dude, you’re off the rails here. But it’s cool. You disagree with me disagreeing with someone and just had to bitch your way into an exchange that is none of your business.

          • No Punt Intended

            No dude you are just a fucking loser and a bitch who cries about what they don’t like and consider unethical.

            You should be slapped like the bitch you are by every member of the NRA.

          • kon, for now


            You’re a fucking riot

            A complete panty-waste…but still a riot

          • No Punt Intended

            You went full douche-nozzle today.



          • kon, for now


            Because I’d rather call animal control than shoot something that’s not a threat?

            Cracking me up.

            Go find a happy hour your sour fucking twat.

          • No Punt Intended

            Yes. You are a fucking douche. Not because you are a pussy who calls a dog catcher or animal control…because you condemn your fellow citizens because they do things differently – and perfectly legal – than your sissy ass.

            And this is no chatroom-Fonzie bullshit but motherfucker you would have a fucking hear attack if I decided I was done listening to your bitch ass and took even 3 steps in your direction.

            Bitch. Keep running your old broke ass yap and eating your organic chick peas.

          • kon, for now

            You’re still making laugh chump

            Take a step at me NPI…I will put your ass down

            Now, go on and be a lonely loser. That’s about all your’e good for. Well, that and making dudes laugh at you

          • No Punt Intended

            I feel bad for you at this point. You have run yourself through a wood chipper this afternoon and got your ass handed to you in true, D_C fashion, but like a dozen other people.

            Nah man, you got your shit owned and now you are just punch drunk. I’d have to stop 2 women from beating your ass.

          • kon, for now

            The crowd pounced and I met it all. Still standing. Ass right where it was when it began.

            I still love you though.

          • there are a lot of places where vegetables don’t grow very well that grass, clover, and alfalfa grow profusely

  • kon, for now Steve Thomas • 10 minutes ago
    Oh nos! Coyote took down an animal at a ranch! I’m the one supposed to kill that cow! Not some coyote!
    $1200-$2,000 dollars, low range (to be fair)
    What’s in your wallet?

    • A fishing license
      Credit cards
      Drivers license

      Oh did you mean literally?

    • Raise something that bring more per pound and doesn’t spoil shit so much as does cattling.

      As a business venture, it’s not a very good one. Just not sustainable in the long run.

      • Bullshit….. literally, lmfao

      • cattle isn’t sustainable? you could prob make the argument that people are less sustainable

        they can eat plants that grow naturally and profusely that we cannot eat. sure we feed them grain, at least some grain and soybean, but if people don’t want that, they’ll be more irrigated alfalfa / hay; but the thing is, taking the health aspect out, now that the world has chosen batteries over biofuels AND the demand for meat is rising, that will make cattle worth even more; and there’s a pretty solid premium for grass-fed beef, $1-3 lb.

  • Got to wonder how primitive people lived on this continent for thousands of years with all those big bad critters going around killing everyone.

    • Does everyone have to do exactly what you do?


      • I’m not telling anyone they have to do what I do. But I am expressing that I find their way of handling the sight of an animal to be absurd.

        And I have no idea at all how farmers in Africa manage to get along with elephants running about the place.

        • No Punt Intended

          I love how you type out “handling the sight of an animal” like everyone with a firearm is going to shoot any/every animal they see.

          That’s what you did, right? Typical.

        • Most herds of elephants now live on protected game reserves or away from the farmers.

          If the farmers find something like a cheetah stealing their cattle, do you know what they do? Shoot it.

        • they kill em. elephants have an enormous amount of meat. there’s actually a recent (like, last Friday?) podcast Joe Rogan did with an expert (bow) hunter friend of his. when Americans were no longer able to bring back trophies, some of the professional hunter units (businesses that lead hunting expeditions) went out of business. and when that happens, poaching goes way up. because… those businesses had an invested interest and hired away hunters (trackers) from the “poaching” industry. So, every year like 400 elephants were killed in those controlled hunts. 30,000 are poached. the locals loved it because it brought employment, and since they were only after the trophy, they ate all the meat. and apparently, elephants are delicious.

      • walter_in_fallschurch

        what the hell are you talking about greg? he made a comment about big bad critters. what does that have to do with “lockstetp”?

    • Um.
      They killed a bunch of them.

      • they killed most of them

        and the thought is that the reason the buffalo were so numerous when white man saw them on the plains was that so many natives died of disease they couldn’t keep the population in check anymore (not that that was a goal per se)

        • I wasn’t gonna count the Buffalo, since they didn’t regularly attack people.
          Was just going with the predators, bear, wolf, American lions ect.

          • implicit in that is that the natives must have killed most of the competition for the Buffalo

  • walter_in_fallschurch

    i just got a new computer. can i just say “fuck” in several different languages across several continents. jeez…

    • What you got?

      • walter_in_fallschurch

        fancy-schmancy dell something or other. inspirion 17, 7000 series. supposed to be really fast. i am totally an end-user. there is apparently a day-long problem with updating from windows 10 ver 1709 to ver 1803. i can’t even get started on migrating autocad files and settings until i resolve this ridiculous problem. been on the phone for hours. feel like throwing my new computer out the window. and i would, but my old, well…. current, computer is molasses-slow,

        • did you try to do more than one update between rebooting? or windows AND autocad at the same time?

    • Walter….’fuck’ is universal.

      No translation required.

  • Coyote killing dog.

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      i guess i count that as a “dog bites (really effectively) man” story.

  • Bad Reputation

    We got some pretty large foxes in my neighborhood. I’m afraid they will run off with one of my smaller dogs.

    • Different_Cat

      We’ve got some sea eagles and falcons around here. Could carry away a small dog.

      • Owls are abundant here too. small cats and dogs should not be left outside at night or even in the day alone…

  • Coyote kills farmer.

  • kon, you should stick to something you know better. drifting into the NOILR…zone

    • I know better than to kill

      Killing as a means to an end, while other options exist, is mighty damn small minded

      But you go on, you and your way of doing things

    • Here’s how I see it:
      Wolf – legit dangerous.
      Coyote and Coydogs – slightly dangerous. Rare they attack adults. Pets for sure.
      Foxes – mostly harmless. Though if they are rabid you got to worry.

  • Squinnsamania, brother!

    Lived in Vegas in my mid to late twenties (surprised I’m still alive), about a mile or so from a gold course. Great course. On the ninth hole, there was a family of coyotes, always like 6 or 7 of them under a desert rock shelter. Lived there for years. Never bothered anyone. Respect your distance and they respected yours.

  • Off topic alert:
    Just watched Mr.Joe Biden give a hell of a speach on saving the middle class! (and I don’t do politics)
    That is all.Gotta go…

  • I’m okay with someone telling Josh Norman to put a shirt on and button up.

    • I haven’t watched any of his dancing with the stars. It all looks the same to me, at least judging from the very little I’ve seen over the years, and it really doesn’t interest me, Redskin or not Redskin.

  • Coyote attacks on humans , small children and pets has been on the rise . They carry diseases , and can do significant harm to smaller animal populations . Rabbits , etc. They have no place walking around freely in suburbia . They need to be shot , trapped , etc .

    • Any person who does that is a pussy and or a fucktard!


    • People attacks on coyotes are on the rise. The carry diseases and do a shit ton of harm to every eco-system they enter. They need to be shot, trapped, etc.

      • still waiting for your address so we can trap them and send them to you…..

        • I’ll give you my address when you give me your account and routing number. Tough guy.

          • just what I thought…big mouth going on and on about the poor coyotes and how we handle that problem…you live like you wish and let others live how we wish..

          • Just what I thought….blah blah blah

            You don’t even handle it tough guy. You let the jackhole down the street shoot his gun in the same place your family lives.

            How about standing up to stupid and saying hey…’let’s think about this a minute and call animal control’

          • Because we don’t call for every nuisance and it’s not necessary and I don’t own a rifle. I own quite a few handguns.. live how you wish and let others live how they wish. Capisce?

      • Thats dumb and defies common sense .

        • Except, it doesn’t.

          Your logic is to remove threats. Well.

          • There is a reason the state of Va has a year round hunting season on coyotes . Biologist know a shit ton more than you do.

          • They can be hunted at night as well . The population has exploded and it comes with detrimental effects

          • Now it’s biologists?


          • No Punt Intended

            “The sea was angry that day my friends…..like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli.”

            – George Costanza, Marine Biologist

          • They along with state officials control the hunting laws based on their research and information . You have no clue . None

          • Right Buck. No clue of Virginia Tech and UVA studies and the state hiring biologists for looking into coyote population and control methods. No clue at all.

            Go find your slippers.

          • Yet you are still ignorant on the subject . You just contradicted yourself . Go find your bowl and load it

          • I’m ignorant because I don’t live in Virginia?



          • No ,just in general, at least on this subject . You are wrong . There is a reason there is a tear round open season on these animals . It’s common sense .

          • wildlife biologist . Its a real thing .

          • We have a bounty, open season.

      • Look, dude, coyotes have a direct economic impact on farms and ranchers and others in rural areas and I don’t blame ranchers one bit for shooting them. Like I said before, I’m not a sport hunter – it’s just not my thing – but when it comes to defending their economic well-being, I totally get it.

        • Oh nos! Coyote took down an animal at a ranch! I’m the one supposed to kill that cow! Not some coyote!

          • Are you a vegan? Ever had a burger? Do you understand that the meat eaten in this country comes from animals raised on ranches that are killed to benefit humanity? And further, that ranchers sell these cattle, and chickens, turkeys, and other things, for meat in order to make a living? And so, if coyotes kill one of their cows, chickens, turkeys, or other things, it’s taking money directly out of their pockets?

          • Make a living being a vegetable farmer. It’s a better way of life. Easier to manage. Lot less bloody too.

          • News flash: vegetable farmers shoot critters on their farms, too, because animals messing up their crops takes money out of their pockets.

          • not k0n, he shelters them, nurtures them…he’s the fucking Coyote whisperer!

  • Ha, I didn’t see this on twitter till just now. Good burn.


  • Use to be a time when a card in the mail only needed one stamp. Nowadays, ya got these ginormous battery powered things that get hit with a freight charge.

  • noonefromtampa

    1. Snakes are good eatin’, kill away
    2. If you shooting predators in your neighborhood, I hope nobody misses and kills a neighbor with an errant shot. Suburban neighborhoods are not the best places for hunting with high-powered rifles.

    • noonefromtampa

      3. Nothing like guns, animals and killing talk to drive up the comment count

      Alex are we over 100K yet?

      • noonefromtampa

        Cage match

        Trump and Pence versus a coyote and leopard

        • I’d take Teddy Roosevelt over both the coyote and the leopard.

          • Teddy Roosevelt could take down a coyote and leopard with only a spoon to defend himself.

          • he’s lucky he didn’t get gunned down in Cuba

          • Anyone who makes it through a war, especially in that era, there’s a bit of luck when it comes to that.

          • Particularly when you had senior officers right up front literally leading a charge across a field in broad daylight.

          • It was 75 years of people not finding cover when charging machine guns.

        • No Punt Intended

          Pence vanquishes the leopard with his soothing Midwestern voice and disarming eyes and the coyote will recognize Trumps blonde coiff as a mark of dominance and immediately show submission by laying flat on the ground, whimpering like a bitch.

          • They’d both be shitting themselves. The stuff would be running down their pants legs.

            Pence would be yelling for mother and Trump would be offering someone money to get him out.

          • my guess is the coyote and leopard don’t work as a team at all; prob kill each other

          • Instinct though, would take over. Kill the weak and eat.

      • We went over yesterday.
        I was gonna make a big thing out of it but Steve rained on my parade

    • My parents had lots of deer when they lived in the Austin area several years ago. I was always a bit worried that some yutz was going to try and bag supper in the middle of a residential neighborhood.

      • I worry about that living in my part of DC, since I’ve just had deer wander down the sidewalks by my house. Every once in a while I hear gunfire in the park by my house and wonder if someone went and bagged themselves a turkey or deer in there.

        • Different_Cat

          My folks get deer in their backyard in DC. Dad tries to chase them off with the pellet rifle I had when I was a kid. They don’t care much about being shot with it.

    • I had snake only 1 time. Didn’t care for it.

    • We have a large expanse behind my street of fields and trees for quite some distance. no other homes…we’re not stupid..

      • Different_Cat


      • No Punt Intended

        There is some wildlife directly beyond my back yard fence…….the back of a big old brick house that has been home to several female GU students at a time for the last few years.

        • shoot them with a different load….

          • No Punt Intended

            We’ve chatted and I keep it professional. It’s not lost on them that I am one of the younger residents on my block.

          • Yeah, but my guess is that they still probably look at you like just another old guy.

          • true but let us old guys dream, lol

          • No Punt Intended

            To the contrary. They know I take chicks home. My back deck is almost level with theirs and if I step out there with some babe with drinks or to smoke or whatever I am all of about 100 feet from their deck. I’ve been invited to their little cosmo-sipping parties but always laugh and decline.

          • They’ll come running for the hippie lettuce…like moths to a flame

          • No Punt Intended

            I am super careful about that too. As a matter of fact, almost no one who knows me knows I indulge.

          • don’t you live in DC? isn’t it legal there?

          • No Punt Intended

            It’s complicated. But I do not feel safe walking down Wisconsin or M Street burning a doobie if that’s what you mean. It’s more of a decriminalization than straight legalization, to me anyway.

          • Well I think the way the law is you can’t smoke it on the street, only inside your property.

          • My personal feelings aside, I doubt it’d be a good thing for someone who is a government contractor to get a rep as a weed guy. You do you, fine, even though I personally don’t support it, but I understand why you’d want to keep it quiet.

          • ok

          • If you’ve got a government job or even just are a contractor you still don’t want to talk about it, Feds can use it as an excuse to can ya no matter where you live and the local laws. So if someone had an axe to grind they can use it against you.

          • Basically in a conversation outside the office the CFO of my company his feelings were along the lines that he wouldn’t care if anyone who worked for us was high, but if the Government found out and told us to do a drug test, we would have to do it.

          • bastards!

          • Grass on the field, play ball!

  • noonefromtampa

    A 42-year-old motorist who leaped from his car on the Massachusetts Turnpike and jumped on the hood of a school bus says he was trying to make sure all the children on the bus were safe, reports TV station WHDH.

    TV stations across the country broadcast a video of the incident, showing Kevin Crowe blocking a school bus on the Massachusetts Turnpike and attempting to get inside.

    Crowe told the Boston Herald it was not road rage and he’s “not this crazy guy.”

    BTG what have you been up to? LOL

    • Note to self
      Apparently this behavior is frowned upon

      • Well he says he’s not this crazy guy, so it’s fine.

        • No Punt Intended

          Neighbor: Hey Richie, did you just beat the crap out of your brand new Ferrari with a baseball bat? Are you crazy?

          Incognito: Oh no, that was just me venting.

  • noonefromtampa

    Alligators and seals are showing up on Carolina beaches, great white sharks are patrolling the coast and coyotes have become a nuisance from the mountains to the Outer Banks.

    Sightings of those predators are still startling enough to make news. But a study led by Duke University scientists suggests the wayward animals aren’t “lost” but simply coming home — to places they occupied before humans hunted them heavily.

    “We can no longer chock up a large alligator on a beach or coral reef as an aberrant sighting,” said Duke ecologist Brian Silliman, lead author of an essay published Monday in Current Biology magazine. “It’s not an outlier or short-term blip. It’s the old norm, the way it used to be before we pushed these species onto their last legs in hard-to-reach refuges. Now, they are returning.”

    Coming soon Sharknado VIII

    • Sharknado vs Gatorzororg

    • We have coyotes in our’hood. A neighbor shoots them when he sees them

      • We have them, too. I stumbled on a pack of 4 outside our community gym at 5:00 a.m. a couple years ago. Fortunately, I didn’t look like dinner to them.

        • yes, we have enough good ole boys to keep them at bay lol…zero stray cats or dogs in my neighborhood though.

          • I live inside city limits, so no firearms discharges allowed. Just need to be careful. We have tons of rabbits, so that’s what they’re eating. The reason they’re there at all is that the neighborhood backs up to a huge vacant tract that used to be a ranch, and also has a golf course, so they have lots of space still; although coyotes are basically getting gentrified, so to speak, more and more each year due to all of the construction and growth going on.

          • I’ve also heard golf courses are a natural spot for animals like coyotes to set up shop

          • It is for water moccasins, too. I’ve had a couple of those end up at the house. Snake, meet the business end of a big shovel. There’s no calling the snake rescue people with me when a freaking poisonous snake ends up on my porch. They need to meet their maker.

          • Jesus. Well I guess it’s a good thing there’s nothing 100 times our size with a hand tool .

          • Feel free to leave the poisonous snake to run wild at your house. Me…no way. I value the safety of my family, neighbors, and pets more than I do the life of a snake. And I’m not a hunter.

          • Cotton moths are also crazy aggressive.
            I’ve heard some crazy stories about them over the years, how if you have one get aggressive others start showing up.

          • And reclusive.

          • Yeah I had one in my pool. It kept attacking, and then diving to the bottom of the pool. Every time it surfaced, it got a snootful of chlorine shock. After about 20-minutes of chemical warfare, it got out of the pool where it was greeted with the working end of a garden hoe.

          • That’s what animal control is for.

          • You handle it your way, I’ll handle it mine.

          • he’s the arbiter of the only right way…

          • In a lot of places animal control won’t come out for hours if not days. Heck in my place in NY if you call them for a snake they would just laugh at you, maybe if it was inside the house they would do something.

          • Amen!

          • You don’t have to tell me, we’ve killed our share of rattlers in the family compound, even though they are a protected species.

          • No Punt Intended

            I’ll show that mangy and sad excuse for a dog.

            – Carl Spackler

          • I’m just outside the city line so we can, but I don’t. Too close imo…

          • Good ole boys?

            Buncha fucktards is what they are.

            Call animal control for fuck sake.

          • We like to handle shit ourselves. Self reliant. Ever heard of that? Who made you the arbiter of what is right and wrong anyway?

          • lol….self-reliant.

            Using a gun instead of your head…lol

            I’m not moving off this. Coyotes are no threat to people. And nothings ‘good’ about killing them just because you spot them.

            Fucking assholes.

          • They’re a menace and you obviously don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. Stick with something you know…like..well…hmm, making fun of others.

          • Right. I don’t know what I’m talking about. Come to my neighborhood and say that.

            And no, they’re not a menace. They’re living on the brink from threat of the real menace. Idiots like your ‘good ole boys’ who can’t think their way out of a wet paper bag. Learn to live with the animals for fucks sake. Buncha pussies.

          • we’ll trap them and send them to your home. Address please?

          • You boys are too pussified for any of that

          • snakes too…waiting…addy….

          • I’m not bothered by any of these things. If it move on its own, I run it off. If it’s small, I’ll pick it up and take somewhere away from the house.

            Mighty damn simple like that.

          • need your address tough guy…

          • What a stupid thing to even attempt to get.

            As if giving up my addy, for your dumb as fuck never going to happen plot to send me non-threatenting animals is going to happen.

            Pull your head out of your ass on that. Dumb guy.

          • Enough. This at one point was a reasonable conversation.

          • It’s still reasonable. No one is being personal.

            I stand by the idea that they’re just killing shit in Carolina because that’s what that state has always done. It’s a state that harbors wholesale murder.

            I also am firm that calling murders ‘good ole boys’ is a god damn laugh.

            Further, someone asking me for my address…I mean, I fall out of my chair on that sort of ‘tough guy’ bullshit.

          • noonefromtampa

            you’re going to get a flaming bag of poop from these guys

            low brow crowd

          • Oh no! It’s a dog! Kill it!

          • Thats not true . You don’t know what you’re talking about

      • How is that okay? What a jackhole.

    • …tastes like chicken…


    • Big hurricane season coming.

  • walter_in_fallschurch

    about the city’s fandom.

    i am often impressed how DC has sort of become a hockey town. i credit ovi. i have several friends whose kids practice at kettler. what a fantastic idea that is. youth hockey groups practice in the same place the caps practice. awesome.

    • I think building Kettler really helped. I know when I was growing up all the ice rinks felt like they were way out in the boonies.

      • walter_in_fallschurch

        my friend’s kids “accidentally” brush up against pro hockey players. just so awesome.

        • It’s still funny to me having grown up a mile from Balston, that it was basically turned from the worst mall in the DMV into a go to destination thanks to the Caps.

    • Different_Cat

      It’s been 25 yrs. since I lived in DC, but I’m sure having the arena downtown, as opposed to the miserable Cap Center, has helped both the hockey and bball teams a lot. I remember going to a Bullets game the year the Cap Center opened.

      • Very true. Locating the Wiz/Caps/Nats into downtown has really rocketed their local popularity.

  • Bad Reputation


    35s35 seconds ago
    Chiefs Waiving DL Rakeem Nunez-Roches http://bit.ly/2I2QESX

  • Just got a call that my nephew’s wife just delivered their 3rd son.

    She was about 10 days overdue, and they had been planning a home delivery, with midwives lined up. In the middle of the night she woke up, and said “Holy Shit, this baby is coming”. They called the midwives, but it was too late.

    So, my nephew and their 4-year old son delivered the baby. What an experience. Everyone is healthy.

  • Bad Reputation

    Vea was def only a 2 down player. They say Payne can develop into a pass rusher on 3rd down. So I think pairing him with Allen, and hopefully Settle can crack the lineup. A rotation between Settle, Payne, Allen, Ionnidis, McGee and Lanier should be pretty good.

    • noonefromtampa

      having fresh legs on third to rush the passer is a good thing for the D

    • Different_Cat

      Don’t be silly. Vea wouldn’t have been drafted at No. 12 if he was viewed as a 2-down player.

  • Happy Tuesday!

  • walter_in_fallschurch

    really nice human interest story here.

    also, i am shocked an adult can’t do 3rd grade math. good on him for seeking help, but wow….

    • I’m not shocked. I’m just glad the dad was trying to learn in order to help his son.

    • I’m 52 and have a 12 year old daughter. Tried helping her with her math assignment….ugh, they don’t teach it the same way I learned how. I told her I’ll get her the answer but it won’t be the same method..

      • I’ve had that problem. I’ve gotten the answer my way, only to be told the next evening that my way, while shorter and easier, wasn’t the method he was supposed to be using.

        • yes, and then they have to ‘unlearn’ our method, and do it the NEW way…so stupid.

      • Squinnsamania, brother!

        ^Old Fogie.

      • walter_in_fallschurch

        53, here. i am pleased to say that i was able to help my daughter with math all through high school. and, she hit the math SATs out of the park. it’s a bit different nowadays, but a simple scan through the appropriate chapter and it all comes back.

        all that aside, this was a lesson about fractions. fractions. not algebra, trig or calculus.

    • noonefromtampa

      I can understand if the are having to show work using the new new Math
      I don’t get all the lines and dots and counting BS

      and early in my career I did some pretty complex math computer simulations

      like missile trajectory across continents involving nautical/spherical computations using matrices, Fourier transforms and other high-end math stuff

      and get hammered by some third grade fraction problem where you have to draw some lines and dots to show how to add 2/3 + 1/2 together

      • Amen!

      • Yeah, that’s the part that’s frustrating to me.

        • noonefromtampa

          I stopped helping after I got in trouble for helping my nephew with his math homework and I showed him a lot of short cuts for problem solving in math

          he was 13 at the time and ended up telling the teacher that his uncle was way smarting about math than her and what I taught him made much more sense

          the teacher was not happy about that and let the parents know it

          • noonefromtampa

            the best lesson the kid learned was that he could check out a book and learn way more about a topic than his teachers were teaching him

          • That exact thing happened to me as well…kid told his teacher that I was very good at math, and she wasn’t amused.

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            most of those people who are teachers, especially at the lower levels, are not good at math. they are, supposedly, good at teaching. of course, if that were the case, we would not be having this conversation.

          • That’s a shame, I thought it was all about learning??? smh

      • walter_in_fallschurch

        “and early in my career I did some pretty complex math computer simulations”

        hahahha funny you say that. people often criticize meteorologists, who are all math experts, about getting a forecast wrong. to that i say, “meteorology is not rocket science – it’s harder.”

        • noonefromtampa

          weather models are some of the most complex math problems around

        • Back in my military days, I used to work with the deployable special operations weather guys….very smart dudes.

          • That was my afsc…oh so long ago…

          • Were you at Hurlburt?

          • No Mr. Steve, I wasn’t special ops but that was my afsc. Stationed in Fulda Germany with the Army from 1986-1988, (We supplied weather support to the Army) then Myrtle Beach AFB from 1988 to 1992.

          • I think you’re referring to what we called, Paraweather. Went from tech school at Chanute to Ft. Benning airborne school

          • Yes, those guys. I mean, all weather guys were smart, but I admired them because they were also so physical yet didn’t get alot of respect from the community.

          • very true. they were bad ass

        • Different_Cat

          Friend of mine from college went on to do a lot of programming on advanced weather models for NOAA and others. That is some seriously mathy shit.

        • Meteorology’s biggest problem is that we don’t allow Meteorological engineering

          a lot of science is learned by practitioners and engineers (might be redundant)

          right now, for example, medical researchers are finding out what bodybuilders have known for a very long time. if you want to know the state of the science it feels like you need to go to bleeding edge researchers, but you’ll find that the people who are “state of the practice” folks have also been doing their own “science.” meteorology doesn’t have that. but if we’re going to there, it would make ‘Merica a step further than when it was the only country with nukes.

  • I agree with Alex. DC is most likely not a football town anymore. Not with that same fervor. When that 2012 run occurred and we beat Dallas I was back in the city with friends at a watch party. Only half the place deeply excited as us older cats. Most others were cowgirl fans or uninterested. I think the combo of 20+ yr draught and name issue just ain’t appealing. My 2 cents..

    I wrote about this in my very first column for this site. http://www.thehogsty.com/2015/03/12/hope-springs-eternal/

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      i guarantee that if we go 3 championships in 8-10 years, it will be a redskins town. again, even now, redskins preseason games outdraw nats playoff games in ratings.

      remember 3 superb owls in 8 years generated the fervor you remember. we win one and it’s all back.

      • Well, first, I think it is a Redskins town. Maybe not in May with the Caps deep in the playoffs, but I think the city is still behind them. I don’t think it’ll take 3 championships for the fervor to return. I think all it’ll take is a couple of deep playoff runs.

      • Squinnsamania, brother!

        I won’t even take that long. A couple of playoff wins, a deep run. DC is a football town, despite how anyone else wants to paint it. Its dormant because we suck. But watch every time the Skins show signs of life, the whole city goes a buzz.

      • Back to the good ol daysBruce

        I would be gladly wrong if the city supports the skins like back in the day. Would be phenomenal

  • Despite all that he was a bad draft pick – dc

    • All of the bleating for months about the need to improve the DL and some people (I don’t know if DC was one or not) complain about Payne’s selection. I don’t get it.

      • noonefromtampa

        We needed to improve the DL play and depth

        I expected Vea to go to Dolphins (instead went to Bucs) and for us to take Payne

        I think he will be good, maybe not an All-Pro, but much better than what we have had the last 10 years

        some of the clips of him beating the C-G gap and making plays some promise for us

        • I always thought Payne would be a better choice for the Redskins than Vea if they were going to go that route in round 1. I think he fits the team’s strategy better.

          • noonefromtampa

            yes they don’t want a big space eater, they more athletic guys who can play multiple techniques along the line

        • walter_in_fallschurch

          “I expected Vea to go to Dolphins (instead went to Bucs) and for us to take Payne”

          really, really? didn’t you do 10,571 mock drafts, 10,377 of which had us picking vea?

          • noonefromtampa

            I reported on 100+ mock draft done by other people who said we were going to take Vea

            I said Vea would be taken before #13 and I was right, just wrong team

      • DC was pining for Vea

    • Squinnsamania, brother!

