Stopped With The One Liner

We start off with our breakdown of the running backs, who will end up making the roster behind Guice and Thompson? We also talk about this week’s front office changes & the situation at guard where players are dropping like flies.



  • Confirmed….

    DeAngelo Hall has retired

  • Did DHall hang’em up today?

  • Wut’d I miss?

  • @ C. Dub

    I went through something similar with my mom… and also my mother-in-law has Lupus and grew up with strict religious parents. Up until she gave cannabis a try, she thought exactly like steve and greg. She is now 180 degrees different in the way she views medical marijuana treatment! I don’t know who or how people in the government are still profiting from marijuana being illegal, but that is the only viable explanation for why it isn’t legal!

    • back in the day, it was the Big Cotton lobby

      • I’m surprised Big Sugar, Corn, and Soybean have not lobbied against Tesla et al., if you think about it

        • and if you think about it, Tesla might get marajuwana the next step by forcing the need for industrial hemp in those areas devastated by the loss of a biofuel market over time

          • The bummer will be if that happens only mere months before the aliens arrive and harvest us our for meat and minerals.

    • Different_Cat

      Another thing is that marijuana has been shown to drastically reduce deaths from opioid overdose and opioid addiction in general.

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      “people in the government are still profiting from marijuana being illegal, but that is the only viable explanation for why it isn’t legal!”
      no. it is because 70-80 year old senators/congressman enjoy their cocktail hour, yet can’t fathom their hypocrisy.

      why are we even having this conversation? or… why don’t we go about proving the medicinal benefits of alcohol?

    • I knew the first guy who ever got medical marijuana for his glaucoma, he and my dad were good friends. It kept him from going blind for the last 20 years of his life. He did eventually die of AIDS I believe, something unrelated.

      He used to live on Barracks Row, above what is now the CAVA. Great dude, probably the reason I’m a redskins fan, my Dad would bring me over to his house as they were going over his legal strategy to get medical marijuana, Bob was a diehard fan and refused to turn off the games on a sunday. So they would plop 2 year old Alex in front of the game as they talked.

      • So, with out Medical Marijuana The Hog Sty wouldn’t exist, and there would probably be 1 more Giants fan blog out there.

  • looks like the bulls eye is going to be Loudoun, Fairfax, and prob dead on the PWC

    t-minus 90 minutes

    get your **** inside

  • What up bitches?

  • There are three westerns filmed in 1972, 1973, and 1975, that Tarantino used to make “DJango”.

  • Steve,
    You are entittled to your opinion.However,I whole heartedly disagree with your thinking that the only people that want marijuana legal are all just stoners or potheads. This bothers me most of all, because I have seen with my own eyes what that wonderful plant did to help my father my sister and my brother all to whom succumb to CANCER ! Not lung cancer, but tumors in thier heads and bodies.
    The Kemo therapy and drugs they were prescribed only proceeded to make them more sick! Throwing up losing wieght and not being able to shit (because of the prescriptions) is no way to live the last months of your life! Our family had the doctors approach us and ask us if we were pot users.When I gave the doctor a thumbs up, he took me aside and told me to let my father smoke it in order to get his appitite back.
    Guess what? It worked for him and my siblings,as they all gained weight and had quality of life,in the last few months before they died.Of course I already knew it would help,but I was glad to hear the professionals say go for it.
    I respect your opinion but you can stick it where the sun don’t shine !

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      consider the source. the guy would have alcohol be illegal if he ran the zoo.

      • WOW

        • walter_in_fallschurch

          optics? what? ”
          “steve” has said as much. what are you talking about?

          • You telling anyone to consider the source

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            the guy wrote a comment to steve. steve has expressed the opinion here that in his ideal world alcohol would be illegal. the “source” of “c.dub’s” comment on steve’s opinion is steve. please try to keep up. jeepers.

          • He should move to Afghanistan. Taliban would love that guy.

          • he’s talking about the World of Warcraft / Oakley joint

      • That isn’t what I said, but I don’t expect you to get, well, anything, right.

        • walter_in_fallschurch

          that is certainly what you’ve said. now, if you’ve changed your mind about that, do tell.

    • So because he doesn’t agree with your opinion he’s an idiot

    • evidence suggests that many doctor practitioners have it wrong when it comes to prepping for Chemotherapy: the move is to fast for several days before in order to increase effectiveness and reduce the side effects

    • C.Dub: thanks for the response. I respect the fact that you intelligently laid out your points, although I disagree with them.

      • Different_Cat

        How do you disagree with the fact that his family members got some relief from marijuana when they were dying from cancer? Or are you saying you don’t care?

    • Thank you for those sincere thoughts and feelings, CDub. I have not seen it, but I suspect that what you say is true. If I have someone close who is in that position, I will do just what you did.

  • Different_Cat

    Melania Trump having kidney surgery. Speedy recovery.

  • Gone in 60 seconds has a good soundtrack

  • Django Unchained has a good soundtrack

  • Back to the good ol daysBruce

    Huge Tarantino fan. Resevoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction being my fav. Dusk til dawn something awful.

    Django Unchained was ballsy. Christoph Waltz is the shit…
    – Ray Lewis

  • Rush hour’s going to be a war zone now that the news is out.

  • Any of you remember “Dialing for Dollars”?

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      janis joplin does. i don’t.

      Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz
      My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends
      Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends
      So Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz

      Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a color TV
      Dialing For Dollars is trying to find me
      I wait for delivery each day until three
      So oh Lord, won’t you buy me a color TV

      Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a night on the town
      I’m counting on you, Lord, please don’t let me down
      Prove that you love me and buy the next round
      Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a night on the town

      Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz
      My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends
      Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends
      So Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz

  • possible derecho in the DMV tonight
    batton down the hatches
    bring in the welcome mats
    secure the trash cans
    cancel the three ring circus

    ETA 6-8 PM

  • Before we had cable, there was Saturday programming called Martial Arts Matinee. Loved it. All Karate movies, but mostly Bruce Lee. Dad would give us a list to do, but they never got done until the movie was over. great memories

  • I haven’t been to a movie in months, and I’ve only seen a handful all year. There just haven’t been many good movies recently at all, at least ones that I’d call good. The last movie I went to go see was 12 Strong.


    General Sandy “Don’t give a damn ” Smithers

  • The Hateful Eight
    Django Unchained
    inglorious Bastards

    Great Tarantino flicks , but he is a doosh .

    • pulp fiction

    • I fell off of Tarantino around Kill Bill. I don’t know why.

      I really liked R. Dogs, and Pulp Fiction is still in my Top 5 all time, maybe my favorite. But I couldn’t sit through all the boring action scenes in Kill Bill without falling asleep.

      I have heard good things about Django and IB. I should check them out sometime.

      • I’m in the minority that I really liked Hateful 8

        • For me, HE started slow buy gained steam.

        • Is it dialogue heavy? I can’t take too much action in a movie.

          After a certain point, gunfire, explosions, swordfighting, chase scenes, dangling from precipices with one hand, etc, all bore me to tears.

          • See, I’m the opposite. I love action movies and war movies. I tend to not like artsy, high-brow, dialogue-heavy movies. I’ll take the 4th Rambo movie any day.

          • I’d have to say you’d love Bruce Lee films…all action.

          • He was inspired to re-create Reservoir Dogs with a inspiration from John Carpenter’s The Thing.

        • I think the only Tarantino movie I’ve seen is the one with John Travolta, whatever that was called.

      • Hateful Eight is a badass movie . killer.

    • Great Filmmaker, but I’d want to see him beaten

    • I remember… something about all his movies take place in the same alternate timeline

      • Yes, the idea is that they are one continuous universe. An alternate hyper violent society, which is why you see so little repercussions for murder.
        But Vic Vega and Vincent Vega are brothers. Other characters are related to each other going back to Bastards.

  • Apke could probably put on 15 pounds and still retain his speed

  • I think I would shed a tear when Mel Brooks dies. Grew up with his films. Love the man.

  • 70’s westerns kicked ass.

  • Saw ‘The Electric Horseman’ last night, for the first time since I was a kid.

  • You’re old school and a patient guy if you sat throughout the movie: Quest for Fire–another film with very few words.

  • If you get a chance to rent, rent Dunkirk. Excellent. A movie of very few words, but action galore.

    • The RAF footage is awesome, otherwise….meh

    • I think it’s finally on HBO now. I’ve been waiting to see it, because I missed it in the theater. I’ve been trying to grab it from Redbox, without success, and Netflix doesn’t have it.

    • It was my pic of the year. Outstanding film, the sound is amazing.

  • The 90’s were great.

    • i said below: started with great potential, but the good stuff was co-opted early and it all turned to shit by 2000.

    • I’ll say this much about the 90s – the music then was light-years ahead of the crap that’s come out of this decade.

      • Here’s my impression of Music
        50’s- Hey we’ve discovered this instrument called a guitar, but all we sing about is high school kids dying in car wrecks… who’s this weird Memphis guy?

        60’s- So we can do rock and or roll? Hey look drugs, this will make things better.

        70’s- Things are really humming a long now, you know, lets try adding some sex to these drugs and seeing how that works (it worked GREAT).

        80’s- What’s with the pants? The hair? Okay Queen, you guys got a pass, but everyone else, I’ve got an eye on you.

        90’s- Wait a minute, I’m not liking the way these things are looking. Where did the sex and drugs go? Who is this Blowfish dude? Why do these guys call themselves bands when none of the boys play an instrument?

        2000’s- Smouldering ruins of fire and death. Oh and hey look it’s Radiohead to play a song about “Smouldering ruins of fire and death”

  • One movie that was hard to make it through was the Hateful Eight. The ending: oh boy.

  • I thought that the remake of “Cape Fear” was better than the original.

  • I also hated the remake of True Grit. I had to grit my teeth to make it through that, too.

  • The other movie that I thought was horrible that the critics loved was The English Patient. I rented it on DVD, thankfully, so I was able to turn it off without having to actually walk out of a theater. Atrocious piece of filmmaking.

  • M. Night Shyamalan has made some very good movies.

    • Some not so good.
      But hey, he became famous for the “final plot twist ending” thing, so much so that they call it a Shyamalan twist.

  • Besides Starship Troopers, the other worst and dumbest movie from that era that I can think of was The Blair Witch Project. Just awful.

    • Gotta admit. If you were out in the sticks with no one supposedly around and “things” start throwing pebble and little rocks at you from all angles, that would be creepy.

      • Beast Mode

      • I first saw it when I was up in the Adirondack Mountains. Walked home through some heavy woods that night, about a mile walk. Heard a tree branch break at one point. Sprinted home.

        • The Blair Witch Project may stand alone as the worst movie I’ve ever seen, because it’s the only time I remember considering walking out of a theater because it was so bad. I stuck it out to the end, but only because I didn’t want to waste my ticket money. I thought that there wasn’t even a single scary moment, and the characters were so irritating that I found myself rooting for the witch to kill them all.

          • I distinctly remember laughing loudly when the one dude was like, “I kicked that map down the river!”

            Also, remember my gf at the time being petrified on the walk home (through a college town–lol).

    • Dina Meyers is why they fap ST.

  • noonefromtampa

    Two books that everyone should read Starship Troopers and The Forever War

    • noonefromtampa

      two bookends of the spectrum

    • Random fact. Despite being a flop at the box office this happened: In 2012, Slant Magazine ranked the film #20 on its list of the 100 Best Films of the 1990s

    • Isn’t that a Power Rangers movie?

    • What age is it appropriate for? Got a long car ride coming up in June and our library has it on CD (marked juvenile, too).

      I know some Heinlein has sexual overtones.

      • I’m sure if the library has it marked as juvenile it’s fine.

      • noonefromtampa

        I was about 16 when I read them both have some mature topics at points

        like massacres, xenophobia, homosexuality

        • Thanks, Noone. Good info to know. I should at least read it first to judge how serious the car-ride discussions would have to be.

          • noonefromtampa

            they are actually good books to have a serious discussion about various important topics without the kids knowing you are schooling them

          • Yeah. I will definitely check it out. My kids love to read and they love to listen to good stories.

            Recently read them “The Princess Bride.” They were seriously rolling on the floor laughing. That book is hilarious.

          • If you haven’t read, or watched The Princess Bride……..

      • Clan of the Cave Bear……lol

  • Speaking of the 70’s


    • noonefromtampa

      it created the “summer blockbuster” concept for the movie studios

    • Possibly my favorite film of all time.

      • I think it was every kid’s favorite movie at least for awhile . Thinking i was roughly 12 .

        • Yes but now as an adult, there’s so many more things I can appreciate rather than just the fear it gives you about swimming

          • Yeah , i know what you mean. The original Halloween as well.

          • That’s in there too. Frankly there’s a class of horror films in the 70’s and 80’s that’s unmatched for having those levels of depth. I’d put the first Alien in there, The Thing.

          • yep

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            “the thing” was awesome.

            the exorcist, the omen.

            mic drop….

          • That caused a little stir back in it’s time .

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            i remember. they were wondering if the “r” rating was enough… because they mentioned, you know woman parts…. seems so tame by today’s standards.

          • The shit kids can see on the internet …..scary ..

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            yeah…. the days of discovering your dad’s playboy mag are long gone.

          • Exorcist, great horror film, but I don’t think it’s got nearly the layers that some of those other mentioned above had.

          • Ridley Scott and John Carpenter, always liked the both of them.

    • Hoopah drives the boat

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      freakin’ loved jaws. saw it at the old “state theater” on lee highway in downtown falls church. it was a great, old-fashioned theater with a balcony. just a classic venue. also saw “rocky”, “the sting” and “airplane” there. the place has been converted to a concert hall. great place to see a concert. i hope i never closes. it still has the classic movie-theater marquee sign. just wonderful.

  • 90’s movie everyone should re-watch Starship Troopers.

    • No thanks. That was gawd awful. I actually paid money to see that in a theater, but I should have just lit $10 on fire instead.

    • good ol’ Paul Voerhoeven, that dude’s batshit, lol.

      • That movie was way ahead of it’s time. People didn’t get it at first. Some people still don’t.

        • his takes weren’t always great, but they were always interesting to me for one reason or another.

        • “Some people still don’t”
          Hand Raised!

          • Well, he was deeply influenced by living through the Nazi invasions of his childhood.
            The movie, not only was it meant to be a critique of political propaganda during war time, based off his experiences in his childhood. But the movie itself was a part of the propaganda, in that the “heros” in the film are actually the villains and the entire film is meant as a puff piece to justify their genocide of another planet.

          • Ah Ha…I see it now!

    • noonefromtampa

      read the book, 10,000x better than the movie

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      to me, “starship trooper” is a song by “yes”.

  • noonefromtampa

    DeAngelo Hall is hanging up his cleats. Hall is now wrestling with offers to be a TV commentator, assistant coach or front-office executive.
    I would add him as a coaching intern and see how it works out

    • I think he’d be better served taking a network job unless he just really wants to be a coach. Then, a front office job over coach if he doesn’t want to do media. Better hours, better money than coaching.

      • He’s said in interviews his dream is to become a GM. If I were the skins I’d offer him a scouting gig see how he does.

        • They could do that. I’d also consider offering him something in the football ops side of things, like maybe player development.

    • He’s had a long successful career.

  • Here’s a universal truth that cannot be disputed: Batman is a just a rich, smart guy in a suit, not a superhero.

    • Batman is the American culture’s Hercules.

      • The truth of the matter is that a real battle between Superman and Batman would last precisely 5 seconds and would entail Superman tossing Batman into orbit. The end.

  • noonefromtampa

    Ebola deaths in DRC up to 19 now

  • noonefromtampa

    RIP Margot Kidder ‘Superman’ Star Dead at 69

  • noonefromtampa

    CBS chooses ‘nuclear option’ against Shari Redstone: It sues to thwart Viacom merger
    big business war going on between Moonves and Redstone family

  • IF The Caps pull off a Stanley Cup win, an ancillary benefit will be that Redskins players will finally be exposed to how rabid our fan base can be when we win championships.

  • The crack epidemic of the 80’s and 90’s was probably the most devastating social ill of the last 50 years.

  • 90’s. What a shart show.

    • 1.) Grunge
      2.) Seinfeld
      3.) Pulp Fiction
      4.) Classic rap (Pac, Biggie, Naz, early JayZ, OutKast, Wu Tang)
      5.) 91 Redskins

      What’s not to like?

      • I’d say that the top 4 on your list are reasons not to like the 90s…..

      • Yes, Sitcom’s were at their zenith, but they also fell off the cliff at the end of the 90’s. The whole computers and the internet thing took off.

        What’s not to like:
        1. Rise of the Boy Bands
        2. Rise of the Conservative Democrats (DLC)
        3. Cowboys “Troy Aikman Years”, Redskins terribleness from 1992-1998
        4. Non Tim Burton Batman movies
        5. Reality TV became a thing.

        • I like conservative Democrats (and liberal Republicans, for that matter).

          As for Aikman, just remember the glory of LaVar putting him out of the game forever.

          • But that’s not till the 2000’s. When we get to the 2000’s you can put it on the list.

          • The Conservative Democrat wave gave us Hillary Clinton. Just terrible.

          • Bill was always conservative democrat (and a terrible person). Hillary morphed from a non-politician to a conservative democrat to a wacko liberal to, currently, a whiny speech-circuit drone.

          • Yeah. Ok, she’s terrible. That’s not what I meant by Cons.Dem.

            I guess I meant regular Joe Demos/Repubs who are not extremists.

          • See, that’s where you’re mixing it up. The DLC were never populist type regular joes. They were the part of the Dems that flipped from being pro-union to pro-wall street, for the money.

        • 6. The first 2-3 seasons of Star Trek DS9
          7. The Makerana
          8. Youth Soccer
          9. The death of MTV thanks to TRL
          10. Y2K bug

    • started off pretty cool, culture-wise, but the good stuff got co-opted quick, and by the late decade it had all really gone to shit.

  • Why the 80s were not so awesome

    1.) Glam rock bands
    2.) Big hair that smelled (and tasted) like Aqua Net
    3.) Makeup that left a face-print on the pillow
    4.) Fear campaigns (AIDS, DRUGS, and Satanism!!)
    5.) Reagan and his wannabe’s
    6.) Plastic clothes

    Why the 80s were so awesome

    1.) The Redskins

  • noonefromtampa

    Why the 70’s was so awesome

    1. Music, best music period ever
    2. Lower drinking age 18 a lot of place (some beer/wine only)
    3. Women’s clothes halter tops, daisey dukes, hot pants. etc. (mainly meant no underwear)
    4. Sex and drugs in abundant supply
    5. bench seats in automobiles

  • noonefromtampa

    I love when people post actual new stories to bolster their point of views

    like the Mom shooting the criminal trying to rob people as an example of why more people need to carry CCW

    except the shooting was in Brazil, not US
    and the Mom (actually a mom) is also an off-duty military police officer for the past 20 years

    so she is a trained LEO

    but I do agree that a trained, pistol packing Momma is a good way to defeat a criminal

  • noonefromtampa

    well I guess the “dry” season is over, potential flooding from the slow moving low in the Gulf

  • Worth reading Uncle Ted’s take on sports betting here:

    • Ted is probably right. It will help the NFL last especially if the league gets a Vegas cut. Which it should. NBA NHL etc too. Like Silver suggested

      • Why should any league get a cut? They’re playing the game but the actual betting has nothing to do with them. Unless the sports leagues want to from some money to the gambling industry, they deserve zero.

  • noonefromtampa

    What do you do to relax….

    I wish I could remember June 1978, I must have been really relaxed then

  • My biggest concern is not even the LG position right now. I am STILL very concerned with the TE position, and their ability to block.

  • walter_in_fallschurch

    was away (from the blog) most of the weekend. any reports from rookie camp? i understand guice is “a ball of energy” and payne is really big.

  • Listen all the way to the very end of the show this week.

  • Speaking of salary cap, I updated the numbers, but I’m missing Lauvao, so I’m going to hold off publishing it for now.

  • Mr. Steve, what do you do to relax? After a tough couple days, stressful case, whatever. Some folks have a nice Scotch. Some folks drink a few beers. Some folks smoke a joint. Some folks have a glass of wine or two. What is your method?

    • Different_Cat

      Steve crush some salary cap numbers.

    • I don’t drink alcohol. I lay on the couch and watch TV to relax.

      • Ok, so that’s your method. I know some very responsible people that use marijuana in a very responsible way, just as there are very responsible people who can just have one Scotch, and not do what Alex just said he does. It’s like with guns, it’s the individual. Are there fucking couch potato bums that live in their mom’s basement and have nothing but weed to live for? Yes, but the same can be said for online gaming.

        • There’s no responsible way to use marijuana, to me.

          • But since you’ve never done you don’t know.

          • Weed is worse than most pot smokers think it is.

            But also, way less bad than most never-pot-smokers think it is.

          • Agreed. I’ve seen people who use it too much and it’s no good. But most the multi-millionaires I know are also huge potheads. But most folks in the middle, productive members of society.
            The key is just like drinking, if you do it before 5 PM you’re gonna be a screw up.

          • When I was in high school/college, I wouldn’t touch the stuff… not because I was Johnny Morality, but for the same reason I would never root for the Steelers: I didn’t want to be associated with the idiots I knew that did.

          • I never did in HS. College yes. Funny my GPA was so much better in college.

          • Moderation

          • Everything in moderation, including moderation.

          • Well aren’t you just the regular little tightrope walker!

          • Sure, but there ARE responsible ways to use guns, right?

          • Different_Cat

            What’s irresponsible about taking a couple hits and sitting on the couch watching TV?

          • You risk falling on an old TNG marathon, and then 8 hours later, suddenly you’re espousing the virtues of the united federation of planets and one world government and just like that you’re saying that Dennis Kusinich should have been president in 2008. The dangers…

          • I’ve seen it a hundred times?

          • I was doing a similar spin but didn’t want to go full on.

          • Lol

          • That’s just a clueless opinion.

          • You’re a walking clueless opinion.

    • Some folks go out have a few beers, followed by a glass of whiskey, then find themselves a woman of the night, do an 8 ball with her. Then they maybe wander the docks looking for a homeless person to murder.

    • He sits in the parking lot of KFC. Staring at the lights, eating his original recipe. Wondering what the hell he’s doing in Texas.

  • Gambling is legal on the internets.

    I’m betting Steve that cannabis will be legal on the federal level before the Redskins make it to the SuperBowl.

  • The Redskins were 7-9 with no running game, a rag-tag defense, and 21 players (13 starters) on I-R.

  • noonefromtampa

    First 4 weeks
    at Cardinals
    bye week

    to go 3-0 into the bye would be yuuuuge

  • TheHogSty
    This is massive news that’s going to change the sports landscape.
    Only in States where it is legal.

  • Story of the first two weeks…

    Redskins 2 – 0

    Vikings 0 – 2

  • The team put serious effort into correcting our weaknesses. Defense is gonna thump. I got a sneaking suspicion that Guice is gonna thump, Alex is gonna do what he do. Y’all are cray cray.

    • “Alex is gonna do what he do”
      I always do.

      • Lol

      • That I am sure of.

        Smith, I am not.

        The dude is older.
        He’s in a new system, even if it is familiar, even if he’s a veteran.
        He was never a Pro Bowl type QB.
        He has poor options at WR/TE.
        And, though we have more talent at RB, an injury or poor playcalling can nullify that real quickly.

  • Fuck it, put me down for a wild card slot.

  • I love all the optimism about Smith.

    Personally, if he is 90% as good as Cousins, I will be thrilled.

    If we are better at running (and Guice should help there), and stopping the run (DLine is improved), 90% of Cousins will get us a playoff spot.

  • Plain and simple. Both are VERY good QB’s. But Cousins lacked intangibles. Smith looks like he “plays football”. Kirk looks like he goes through the process of pitching an oblong leather object to players on his team.

  • The difference between Smith and Cousins is that defenses have to account for Smith’s legs, not so much for Cousins.

  • We will stop the run.

    If I have to pick which position on the offensive line that I’ll be suspect at, it’s Left Guard.

  • I’m not buying the “tough schedule” argument. The schedule won’t look the same in November as it does in May. For example…Raiders and Seahawks were chalked up as sure losses last season based on paper.

    Also, I don’t see how the Giants or Cowboys will be better than the Redskins.

  • I’ve just been informed that one of my webcasts next week is a panel discussion where they are going to talk about some analytics they’ve done on meetings with panels.
    Full Bureaucracy

  • Ian Rapoport

    Verified account

    Follow Follow @RapSheet
    Big news: The US Supreme Court rules 7-2 that the federal ban on sports gambling is unconstitutional. It rules in favor of New Jersey. … The NFL has studied this for more than a year and has been prepared for this ruling.
    The verdict is in.

    • So’s the fix

    • it doesn’t mean it’s LEGAL. it just means the States have the right to decide

      someone on the radio said that, for example, the first time it could go to vote (constitution) is 2020 in Maryland.

  • We announce that The Hog Sty will now also get into taking bets on Pig Races

  • Question O’ Tha’ Day…

    Some fans and NFL pundits alike, are picking the Redskins to have 7 or 8 wins this season. Please explain this to me how this will be a worse or just as bad a team as last year. I don’t get it.

    • I’m at 11-5…if secondary is crowned.

    • I wrote about this here a few weeks ago. Did a preliminary look at the schedule. I thought the realistically possible range was between 5-11 and 10-6. It’s a tough schedule.

      • Yeah, but at some point your talent has to catch up with the schedule. I know there are questions, but I just can’t see us losing 10 or 11 games.

    • No reason we shouldn’t be able to stop the run
      No reason we shouldn’t be able to run
      Our QB is much more mobile

      • No reason we shouldn’t be able to stop the run: Still no proven NT
        No reason we shouldn’t be able to run: We only have 4 OL

      • I’m not convinced that our 34 yo QB should run more than KC did the last couple years.

        Cousins’ mobility is underrated. Plus he was very durable.

        • Not saying he should run. Saying he moves much better.

        • The statistical evidence shows that Alex Smith is still one of the most mobile QBs in the NFL and that Cousins is of average mobility.

    • Tough division. Tough schedule. Not much at WR/TE. A Smith unlikely to repeat career year.

      Dline better. Secondary worse.

      That’s the pessimistic Kool Aid I think some are sipping.

      Plus, it’s the Redskins. Everyone assumes we’ll suck until proven otherwise, and even then, they assume we’ll screw it up.

  • Redskins drafted or UDFA players on 2nd deals

    Foster (wasn’t drafted by Skins, but was FA street pickup)

    I suspect:

  • All draft picks making the team is not a bad thing…Some will “star” and some will “fade” by the time their rookie deal is up.

  • Trey Quinn is a good story, but we should at least wait until preseason to crown him as the next great thing.

  • At some point, people will realize that continuing to raise their personal politics our of nowhere doesn’t serve the blog’s discourse well.

    • At some point, MOST people will realize…

      Fixed it for you. There are a few people who will never stop

  • noonefromtampa

    I would be more worried if Guice had a Fred tattoo

    not that is anything wrong with it, but I think Fred was a closted gay

  • Can we let Trey Quinn make the 53 first before we “crown” him? Sheesh…

    I know we love under-dog stories, but let him actually DO something first.

  • Bad Reputation

    So Guice has several Scooby Doo tats….wtf LOL.

  • Geron Christian. Why hasn’t he signed yet?

  • noonefromtampa

    I was holding Tiger to the same standard I would hold myself to

    D_C is a fucking moron who just likes to start political shit so people pay attention to him since most of what he posts up here is so inherently wrong that people ignore it

    and if Trump has done the same thing then my opinion of him would be the same of him as Tiger

    • noonefromtampa

      if you make a commitment stick to it

      that’s not a higher standard

      and money doesn’t give you an inherent right to “opt out” when you fell like it


    • Back to the good ol daysBruce

      Meh athletes are athletes. Couldn’t care less what they do in private. CINC is a different story…

      • noonefromtampa

        or people are people and what jobs they have shouldn’t matter

        • Back to the good ol daysBruce

          But we aren’t talking about just people. Its disappointing no doubt but irrelevant to what makes them unique the greatest golfer on the planet maybe.

          Everyone is entitled to their opinion of course

      • Are golfers truly athletes, though?

      • why? did you feel the same when Clinton was doing his thing? Kennedy? Idgaf what anyone does in their personal life. Leaders don’t have to adhere to a puritanical lifestyle for me to think they’ve done a good job leading. Winston Churchill? Great leader but in today’s society, he’d not stand a chance of being elected. That’s just wrong imo!

        • Back to the good ol daysBruce

          Because there are real consequences if a sitting president has Tiger level skeletons in their closet. There’s a reason infidelity is against the UCMJ…

          • Lol, that’s just fucking hilarious. They all have dirt.

          • naive too

          • Nah, I talk cash shit about Hilldawg, Slick Willy, Obama….he can do the same.

          • we all talk shit about everyone but I’m dead serious when I state Winston Churchill, (and many former great leaders) wouldn’t get elected today under the criteria imposed. It’s dumb and we are worse off as a society for it imo. instead we get robotic, milquetoast figures…blah blah blah…

          • We are people. Until we start genetically engineering people (on a large scale), the euphoric academia myth will be just that, a myth.

          • There were a great many reasons Winston Churchill shouldn’t have been put in power. His weird sex life was not one of them.

          • he was a great leader tho Alex..don’t go there dude

          • He was a better leader than Chamberlain sure. But he had some major flaws, like all political men, he was very anti-irish, anti-womans vote, there’s the whole anti-Ghandi thing.

          • Yes the article said the exact same thing I just did.

          • Presidents aren’t subject to the UCMJ.

          • Back to the good ol daysBruce

            They lead an entire US force that are subject to it

          • Yes but we are not a dictatorship, the last thing we want is a military general as chief executive.

          • not the same thing and I know this being a Veteran. Did the troops perform less well under Clinton? Kennedy? smh…just stop..

        • Back to the good ol daysBruce

          Hell yea i felt the same. I’m not singling out Trump. This applies to all. That’s a part of the many considerations when i vote or criticize a US president. Suppose to be the most respected and admired positon in all the world and dudes cant keep their shit in their pants while married? Thats ridiculous and glad you can overlook that. Most likely a deeper flaw well beyond marriage that could effect ones ability to lead

    • Plus, ultimately regular Joes have no control over who the PoTUS is…. The parties march out their sad sack candidates, and we pick between two bad choices most years.

      You get full control of which golfers you root for (IF you bother to watch golf… not me.)

  • D_I_C, lol

    Monday!!!!!! Yay!!!!!

  • Why folk comparing K Smith to Sean McVay getting away ? Apples and oranges. Smith is no coach and McVay is no GM.

  • noonefromtampa

    Authorities in Grand Junction, CO have set up three traps for a bear that attacked a 5-year-old girl outside her home early Sunday morning. CBS Denver reports the girl ventured outside at 2:30 a.m. Sunday to “investigate noises in the yard she may have thought was her dog,” a news release from the Colorado Parks and Wildlife stated.

    The girl’s mother heard a commotion, investigated, and discovered a large black bear dragging her daughter.

    The woman screamed and the bear dropped the girl.

    The girl suffered serious injuries. She is at St. Mary’s Medical Center in Grand Junction and listed as in fair condition.

    F**k coyotes!

    — Da Bears

  • I like Quinn, he’s legit imo. Plenty of small school/conference guys make it. Coastal Carolina Univ. in my area says hello!

  • noonefromtampa

    so it’s been raining since Saturday night

    tropical disturbance in the Gulf, may become an extratropical storm

  • Different_Cat

    Tiger’s getting close. Be cool if he’s able to get over the hump and play some complete tournaments.

  • “I was excited to just get the draft over with so I could get back to just being around the team and a set schedule. People don’t know how much just being around a team really means. It means a lot to me.”

    Shaun Dion talking the talk.

    I know it means nothing (see McClue, Scot) when they can talk the talk, but it’s still good to hear.

  • noonefromtampa

    kon, from today’s sport page in Tampa

    No, it’s not over. It just feels that way.

    Looks like it, too.

    The Lightning is in big-time trouble. Not dead, but one skate in the grave and the other on a banana peel.

    Someone check the expiration on this feel-good season. It’s starting to rot. Game 2 of the Eastern Conference final Sunday night certainly had a sour smell to it as the Lightning lost to the Capitals 6-2.

    Not even close. The game and, so far, the series.

    Two home games. Two losses. Too much Caps.

    And there is the problem. Too much Caps. All Caps. That’s what this series has become. All Caps.

    Sure, we can pick apart the Lightning’s game, and there’s plenty to pick apart.

    Goalie Andrei Vasilevskiy has a couple of bricks missing in his wall, so many that you wonder if he should sit for the next game. The penalty kill is on permanent vacation. It’s making critical mistakes at crucial times.

  • Fuck the Redwings! – 1998

  • Noone, are they stunned in Tampa?

  • noonefromtampa

    Matt Jones was a hugely overdrafted RB, most teams had grades in round 5-7 on him

    total miss in round 3

  • Am I the only one who thinks Norman and Dancing with the Stars is a lame story line?

    Personally, I’d prefer the guy focus on football.

    • Dude needs to put his shirt on

    • Legs and ass, that is all there is to Dancing with the Stars, unless you’re one of those “show tunes” types…….not that there’s anything wrong with that.

      • noonefromtampa

        wife watches it, keeps saying that every show they are people wearing Redskins gear in the audience

        • There are some fine women on there, not enough for me to watch that shit, though.

  • noonefromtampa

    Should Kyle Smith Become the Redskins New General Manager?
    Short answer is no

    Long answer is the team seems to preparing for the day when Bruce is no longer in his current role
    right now it looks like Doug gets Football Ops and Eric gets Business Ops and in that scenario Kyle could be GM under Doug

    • I feel like they’ve got a solid collection of talent in the front office. As long as Bruce is just doing the stadium politics, he’s fine.

      And, even though I was for signing Cousins, I think they’ve handled that situation as well as they could.

  • noonefromtampa

    Reported yesterday

    RIP Chuck Knox

    don’t think he gets enough honors for the turnaround jobs he did for Rams, Bills, Seahawks

    great football coach

  • Bad Reputation

    So Trey Quinn impressed at rookie mini camp.

    • I like what I’ve seen from him on film. He has that sneaky ability to separate and get open, often times with change of speed.

    • He’s gonna push Crowder off the roster

      • noonefromtampa

        yes because playing future UPS staff is a great indicator of NFL success

        it is encouraging, but let’s see how he does against the real talent like Norman, Dunbar and Moreau

  • Sean Welsh retired?

    There goes our big UDFA hope at LG.

    • Bad Reputation


      • Undrafted free agent signee Sean Welsh participated, but then announced his retirement from the game via Facebook, saying, “I’ve had apprehension about pursuing a professional career for some time.”

        From the W%$#….

    • noonefromtampa

      Yep heart not in it

      My guess he will focus on removing stigma of metal illness in athletes

  • Bad Reputation

    Hogs Haven

    Verified account

    9m9 minutes ago
    Should Kyle Smith Become the Redskins New General Manager? (by @PSUHomer)

  • You can’t just go by the draft.

    During the season, McGlue was aces at finding guys off the street.

  • Fans didn’t overrate McGlue…

    I mean give us a break. We went years, decades, without a GM…and for a short while, we had one.

  • LG is the big gaping wound on the team this year.

    Def. coordinators are going to be attacking us there all season long.

  • You all need to watch some highlight film of this Martez Carter kid.