Josh Norman’s Skimpy Outfit

Steve and Sean talk about Josh Norman on Dancing with the Stars, Star Wars, Game of Thrones. Is this still a football show? Oh, they do talk about the O Line, good. A discussion of Trent Williams future and the tough season Morgan Moses had.


  • Game one observations:

    – Vegas is a faster team
    – Vegas ice sucks
    – Caps need to shore up their D
    – Caps need to hammer the Vegas goalie with shots.

  • So who you got? Cle or GS? How many games?

  • For the love of everything holy, can we get a new post so I won’t see Josh Norman and dwts anymore?

  • I didn’t ask a leading question. I joked with Noone that he should make an effort to include Donald Trump’s name in any negative press about PR.
    You said that wouldn’t be hard to do, and used a reference to relief in Houston and Florida, compared to PR, as your example.
    I asked why they deserve more, or even equal attention than Houston or Florida.
    You have not answered me, after butting in. Classless, and any Judge would laugh you out of a courtroom.
    The giver of aid is in the position of power. The giver of aid can decide what qualifies. Harping fools do not decide how much to give. The taker does not tell the giver how much he will give.

    • noonefromtampa

      the federal government failed to recognize the massive failure of the local government to be prepared for a major storm to hit what is essentially a rural island

      if TX or FL governors had the level of response the local PR did, they would be lynched by their own citizens

      the local Democrats in power major response was to through up their hands and blame the federal government and specifically Trump

      • Remember the Super Dome!……. that’s a thing, right?

      • So the government, congress both parties failed to recognize the abysmal failure of PR’s infrastructure and preparedness? Sounds about right. Only one party claims the other is wrong though..smgdh

        • noonefromtampa

          Trump failed, Obama failed, Bush failed, Clinton failed

          20+ years of failures

          • Amen, but one party is blaming the other now and the sheeple are following along in lock-step

  • noonefromtampa

    for those geographically challenged Puerto Rico is an island over 1,000 nm from Miami

    so you have to load up all that help on ships and then travel to PR

    but first you have to get all those supplies to a port
    find ships to carry those supplies

    that’s not going to happen in 3-5 days

    • We have a RIGHT to be outraged!

    • noonefromtampa

      and having relatives from there, they have always said the local population dreaded major storm coming because the local government was so corrupt that many of the needed preparations were never done

    • Puerto Rico should be a command & control/staging center for FEMA. Stockpile everything you can for future Caribbean weather events affecting PR and the US Virgin Islands.

      Seems like we are having 500-year storms ever other year now.

      • noonefromtampa

        good idea, need to build some of the hurricane proof dome like we have in FL to store stuff
        but in PR you would have to have 24×7 armed guards to prevent it from all being stolen

      • There’s the shrill over reaction we’ve come to expect from you. We would have worried about you if you hadn’t chimed in with your whining hyperbole.

        • Get your hearing checked. Nothing shrill about that. More like a practical assessment.

          • I’ll send you my thoughts and prayers when Myrtle Beach gets wiped out.

          • You’re a fine fellow. I hope you don’t have kids… best to end that bloodline now.

          • Tip: Along with home inspections, pick up a side gig as an insurance adjuster. You’ll get all of the work you want.

          • You can hear words on a screen?

            “Seems like we are having 500-year storms ever other year now.”

            Nothing practical about that statement… sheer shrill hyperbole.

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            well… fact is that ellicot city md, just had their 2nd 1000-yr flood since 2016.

            here’s what a 1000-year flood means:
            “A 1,000-year rain event, as its name implies, is exceptionally rare. It signifies just a 0.1 percent chance of such an event happening in any given year. “Or, a better way to think about it is that 99.9 percent of the time, such an event will never happen,” explained Shane Hubbard, a meteorological researcher at University of Wisconsin’s Space Science and Engineering Center.

            But people often fail to appreciate that when scientists declare that a storm is a 1,000-year, 500-year or 100-year event, it does not mean this extreme rainfall will necessarily happen that infrequently. These return intervals just express probabilities, which lead some to underestimate the risks they signify.

            “The fact is, the math behind these numbers also tell us a 500-year event at a given place has about a 10 percent chance of happening over a 50-year period,” wrote Brian Bledsoe, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of Georgia in a commentary for the Capital Weather Gang.

            He added: “[M]ost people are still surprised, if not astonished, to learn that the 100-year flood at a given location has more than a 1 in 4 chance of occurring within the term of a 30-year mortgage. For most of us, this 26 percent chance our home will be flooded before we have a chance to pay it off is troubling if not unacceptable.”:


    I forgot how much I liked that movie!

  • No Punt Intended

    Kim Kardashian to visit the President at the White House today?

    What is this, “Kim” week?

  • walter_in_fallschurch

    somewhere between 60 and 5,000 people died in PR from maria.

    • No Punt Intended

      Which means it could be anywhere from 4 to 20,000,000.

      – D_C

    • noonefromtampa

      about 65 died from the storm

      about 4,000 died from lack of preparedness of the locals, local government and federal government

      • Umm…..try to fit Donald Trump into that…….thanks

        • Different_Cat

          Not hard to do, actually. Just look at the amount of federal relief sent to PR versus, e.g., Houston or Florida.

          • Why is Puerto Rico more important than Houston, or Florida?

          • Different_Cat

            The question is, why is PR LESS important than Houston or Florida?

          • I asked you a question, if you choose not to answer, or deflect…well.

          • Squinnsamania, brother!

            Technically, DC is right here in terms of the question. Not why should PR get more money than Houston or Florida, but why did it get less?

            There may be valid reasons for less.

          • So you dictate what questions I can ask? I don’t think so. You have to beat me first.

          • Squinnsamania, brother!

            Oh, you can ask whatever questions you want. I really don’t care. Just from a logical standpoint, one seemed more appropriate than the other.

          • That’s fucking hilarious.

          • For one thing, there’s probably a difference here between “getting money” and the response cost

            Giving money to Houston / Florida
            Giving money to Puerto Rico

            One of those has proven to be incompetent in managing their money and clearly did not have the proper response planning and infrastructure to begin with, and IMMEDIATELY had a major contract cancelled because of the perception of acquisition rules violations.

            As example, the FEMA response in PR is the largest and most sustained air mission in US history. But that doesn’t involve giving money to PR. That’s transferring it to other Agencies for direct support.

          • Different_Cat

            You asked a leading question that had no relation to my statement. I never suggested that PR was more important than Houston or Florida. The issue is that they were not treated equally.

          • What you said.

            Zig-Zag_BC noonefromtampa • 8 minutes ago
            Umm…..try to fit Donald Trump into that…….thanks

            •Edit•Reply•Share ›

            Different_Cat • 7 minutes ago
            Not hard to do, actually. Just look at the amount of federal relief sent to PR versus, e.g., Houston or Florida

          • Different_Cat

            It took less than a week to deploy 73 helicopters over Houston, but three weeks to get more than 70 over Puerto Rico.

            $141.8 million was approved for Harvey aid, while only $6.2 million was approved following Maria.
            Within 9 days of each hurricane, 5.1 million meals were provided for Harvey victims, versus 1.6 million for Maria victims.

            4.5 million liters of water in Houston, 2.8 million liters in Puerto Rico.

            20,000 tarps in Houston, 5,000 in Puerto Rico.

            30,000 federal government personnel went to Texas within 9 days of the hurricane, compared to just 10,000 after Maria.

            FEMA took 10 days to approve disaster relief work in Texas, but 43 days for Puerto Rico.

            39% of applications for federal relief were approved for Harvey victims 78 days after the hurricane, meanwhile only 28% of applications from Maria victims were approved in the same time frame.


          • Are you blaming Trump for this?

          • Different_Cat

            Trump is the CEO of the government, is he not?

          • do you blame him?

          • it’s definitely harder to get “volunteers” to go to PR, in part because they (FEMA) want XYZ skillset AND fluency in Spanish

          • Oh for fucks sake….

  • So…. Austin……did you go see Gabe Newell, in Austin?

  • In other news:

    Trump Calls Roseanne Barr To Congratulate Her On Comparing Former White House Aide To Ape

  • WTF are people thinking? Some company developed a video game called “Active Shooter”, where players walk through a high scool and score points for how many students they can take out. Points also awarded for cops killed.

    In response to outrage, the game is being taken down.

    • That’s incredibly reprehensible

      • No Punt Intended

        Almost as bad as an Italian plumber who kidnapped a woman and rolls barrels at an ape, trying to kill him.

        – PETA

        • PETA,
          People eating tasty animals!

          • No Punt Intended

            Why was he trying to kill Valerie Jarrett’s daddy?

            – RB

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            one time, my wife and i were walking across the mall downtown and a sweet little PETA advocate came up to us offering fliers and whatnot. i quickly dispatcher her with a simple, but emphatic, “i like meat.” wife cracked up.

          • When my son was 3 I read him Charlotte’s Web. When Wilbur is about to get killed, I asked, mostly out of curiosity (and also b/c mom is a vegetarian) what he thought about that….

            His response: “Well, dad, it’s kind of a pig’s job to be bacon.”

            Still puts a smile on my face.

      • walter_in_fallschurch

        there are apparently hundreds of games like that. grand theft auto being the prime, classic example. haven’t played video games since the 90s, but i bet there’s one where you go through a mall shooting people looking for find secret weapon upgrades or something.

    • So Valve Corp. tested the market, processed the reaction, and released the disclaimer….

    • Different_Cat

      Disgusting and completely tasteless. Should never have come close to being released. That said … there seems to be much more interest in banning video games allowing people to use make-believe guns than….

      • Where is this interest? (Not to say it doesn’t exist.)

        All I see are parents jumping through hoops to get their kids access to entertainment platforms designed to run Fortnite and the like.

    • noonefromtampa

      is it from ISIS Gaming and Entertainment?

  • SCamp Big Buck64 • 9 hours ago
    Both of these are examples of why Twitter is so dangerous.
    while I want to be careful to not compare this with the genocides of the first half of the 20th century, the word for it is “fascist”; at least facets of it:
    in this case, it is not a single dictator, but a platform that is reinforced by far less than a majority using propaganda tools, and pushes for their own agenda at a far-reaching centralized authority, suppressing opposition quickly and decisively. the next steps are control of production and economy in the name of a jaded environmental nationalism. and then, if you’ve been paying attention, we’ve been slowly sliding toward a democratically elected dictator (every 4 years) since the early to mid 20th century. All this needs now, is a little more to get the pot boiling… and a charismatic leader to be elected dictator. And since Congress is now a bunch of pandering impotent fools, they will go lock-step or get ousted by the twitter-verse as well. the question is, will it be the far left that is successful? because the right might have done it this last go around had they had the right charismatic leader, Trump is not that guy. he only talks like that guy

    • The difference between the two?

      • the difference between Trump and the future far leftist candidate?
        one difference will be the command and control structure built

        Trump doesn’t have that. but because a far left candidate would not (initially, anyway) have to co-opt the biggest propoganda machine, they would have one less check/balance than Trump. but also, Trump is not going to match wits with such a Stalinesque figure. (what I mean by that, someone is very intellectual AND very charismatic)

        • The difference between left and right.

        • The saving graces are that the Dems have positioned themselves so far against war for any reason that they won’t be able to parlay a “righteous” war into a reason for a “beneficent dictator” to remain in power.

          And there just don’t seem to be many people with intelligence AND charisma who are low-life enough to become politicians. It’s weird, but based on our choices lately, true.

    • And the thing about the “democratically elected dictator” is that it isn’t all that “democratic” when we are continually presented with ever worsening Hobson’s choices.

  • To sum up:
    1) Italy is the new Greece
    2) Trade war with China
    3) Canadia bought the over-the-mountain pipeline to Vancouver from the Alberta sands from Kinder Morgan so that the project IS a lock to happen. Why did they do this? 1) The US is too slow getting oil to refinery and 2) the US does not have enough refineries and 3) Asia will pay more for it.

    And WERE SLAP FIGHTING ABOUT Roseanne, and Keystone XL, and what fallable actors did back in the day by hitting on hot chicks. The good news is that maybe I’ll get to re-finance my mortgage after the bottom drops out of the markets.

  • Happy Wednesday!

  • Did any of the knitting crew bring up today the tweet showing immigrant children in a cage and insinuating they were from recent… only to find out they were from the Obama era?

    I bet they didn’t…

    But let Roseanne tweet something stupid and they lose their minds.

    • As somebody struggling from tick no 3 , i wouldn’t want to take my chances with no 4. You would be stricken with a case of the dumbass forever.

      • Fuck that… she’ll rob your ass blind and leave you in the poorhouse. That bitch represents one of the poorest districts in CA and somehow has gotten filthy rich while being a “public servant”

        • Lives in a 8 million dollar house or some shit . Was voted the worst person in politics or something like that numerous times . Most corrupted or something similar to that , which is really saying something among all those crooks and liars

  • If your comment section is white….

    right click > inspect element > delete highlighted node

  • noonefromtampa

    Chicago Memorial Days numbers this year after massive police presence seven people were killed and 32 others were injured in shootings between Friday evening and Monday night.

    The same number were killed during Memorial Day weekend in 2017, but 45 others were shot. Both years paled in comparison to 2016, when 71 people were shot, six fatally, during the same weekend.

  • noonefromtampa

    Valeria Jarrett – “Tone does start at the top, and we like to look up to our President and feel as though he reflects the values of our country.”

    commenting on the Roseanne Barr situation

    so it’s Trump fault that Roseanne is a racist

  • noonefromtampa

    have a beer with

    Sonny & Billy back in the day

    that would have been crazy

  • Fist Fight is on. Anyone seen this? Funny?

  • Zebco or Shakespeare

    • Doggie style or missionary ?

      • Doggy….but missionary is underrated.

        • Do you prefer the guy just pull out and sling it on your back when he’s done or …. what

          • Look Buck, I know it’s tough times there with Mrs. Buck not being in the mood lately. But come on man, don’t turn to man on man butt-sex.

            Stick to straight porn. Okay?

          • Send him a link to a tube site

          • Thats straight up work place dudes giving each other shit . He got got . It happens .

          • Alright. If you say that’s all it is. Then that’s all it is. I’m just say’n…you’ve been cracking a lot of pillow biter jokes lately. Get’n worried about ya going all poofer on us here.

          • how do you think I learned that one ? I got got while 6 other hard heads laughed their asses off at me

    • Neither fucking one, c’mon man

  • I’ve had a Plymouth, a Buick, 4 Fords, 2 Hondas, 1 BMW and 3 Lexuses

  • 1939- late 50’s International Harvester truck

  • My brother has a 2012 Raptor.


  • All time favorite pickup….1990 Chevy 454 SS.

    And only because spinning those rears was as easy as putting it in drive.

  • 1956 C10

  • 1965 C10

  • First generation Goat

  • I always wanted a Unimog.

  • Casino or Goodfellas

  • World’s Deadliest Catch or Hillbilly Hand Fishin’

  • Love it…Nats kickin’ O’s ass!

  • Is the country seriously at war about Rosanne? I don’t believe you. That’s just the useless masses on social media and the news. Not one person gave a rat’s ass about it at work today

  • Who do you hate more…

    Danny White or Troy Aikman

  • Who would you want to have a beer with the most…

    Jim Tomsula or Cal Ripken Jr.

  • noonefromtampa

    I went to a white party once when I was very young

    I’m not sure you want to go to one Rick

    • I go to them often…at least 1-2 a year. They do get tedious, but if that’s what I gotta do to get a picture with Trey Quinn, I’m a do it.

  • Trucks….

    Ford or Chevy

  • Who wins?

    Randy “Macho Man” Savage vs. “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan

    • John Cena – BC’s young’uns. Lol

    • Duggan beats Randy down with that 2×4. Elizabeth comes into save Macho Man and distracts Duggan. Macho Man recovers, grabs the 2×4 then whacks Duggan over the back of the head gets the pin.

  • Did Bo and Luke Duke ever wear seat belts?

  • Liege

  • Lab created diamonds for $800 a carat.

    Get out of my face.


    5 Things You Should NEVER DO In Las Vegas.

    5. Argue with a pit boss.
    4. Drink cheap liquor.
    3. Drink cheap liquor in the heat.
    2. Go “raw dog”.
    1. Say “whatever happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” and then tell everybody what you did in Vegas.

  • I loved “The Incredible Hulk” with Bill Bixby.

  • …trying to convince my wife to break her committment and go to this “White Party” with me. If so, I’ll pay an extra 50 bucks for VIP and an in-depth interview with Snyder.

  • A show gets cancelled. America goes to war. With itself.

    What the hell.

  • *Joshua R. Norman

    Verified account

    2m2 minutes ago
    Me and @VernonDavis85 are bringing back the #WhiteParty this Sat to raise money for @starz24org and #BGCGW at @decadesdc. Tickets include open bar, food, music and more.
    I will probably go to this…Tickets only a 100 bucks.

    • Summary: Corky > Progressive liberalism

      …. unless you’re into being submissive

    • but they will do a great job managing your healthcare .

    • Hey Nadd…that’s called bureaucracy. Not socialism.

      Maybe if it wasn’t for that mental handicap you have….

  • Here’s a very well done statistical analysis of collegiate QB prospects:

  • Re: Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) – on pornography and school shootings.
    I’ve heard that kind of theory from both Christians, and Feminists, that watching pornography devalues human life, particularly womens’ lives. They say it teaches young men to not care about human life, except as property, or a plaything. That the way people are often treated in pornographic films encourages these kids to be violent, and not care about anything but their own gratification.

    • Squinnsamania, brother!

      Name one boy withing two standard deviations of normal that didn’t watch porn and look at porn as a kid.

      That argument is a stretch. Nearly every growing boy watches and looks at porn and can act completely normal.

      • Squinnsamania, brother!

        In fact, I’d be more worried about the ones that don’t watch it. Those are the ones that are more likely to be on “whacko” side of the equation.

        • IMO, two things create such people, sometimes separately, sometimes both things compounded.
          1) influence as a child
          2) genetics

          • Squinnsamania, brother!

            Boiled down to two issues, correct. Interested in which one is more important.

          • Probably no clear answer.
            Genetics overruling direction
            Misdirection fertilizing genetics

      • It depends on what you’re talking about. If you mean to say that a kid back in our day pulled out dad’s Playboys, or in today’s day and age, googles a few porn sites, sure, that’s normal. But if a kid is obsessed with it, yet doesn’t have real human female interaction, that’s not good.

        • Squinnsamania, brother!

          Of course. But there were those kids when we were growing-up, too. I mean, shit, look at how Flounder turned out.

    • Different_Cat

      Similar to the violent video game theory. Except that has actually been studied and there doesn’t appear to be any link between playing lots of violent video games and real life violent behavior.

      • Buck, D_C wants to pursue this “video game” subject

        • There’s studies and links that claim both as is with most subjects .

          • Different_Cat

            I think the “pro” studies are talking about aggressiveness as opposed to causing actual violent behavior.

            The Supreme Court in 2011 dismissed any link between game violence and real violence when it ruled, 7 to 2, that California could not block the sale of violent games to kids. Justice Antonin Scalia, a hero in the conservative movement, wrote for the majority:

            “Psychological studies purporting to show a connection between exposure to violent video games and harmful effects on children do not prove that such exposure causes minors to act aggressively. Any demonstrated effects are both small and indistinguishable from effects produced by other media.”

          • I think it gives them some numbness to the reality of it. I whipped a kid’s ass once who was a big gamer, said as much. He was genuinely surprised when his cheat code didn’t work.

          • Thats what they claim. Desensitizes some kids , makes them prone to violence .

          • I guess once is all it takes. I can’t imagine a gamer actually whipping a real tough guy, without the surprise shooting, or whatever. I feel like if they tried to actually live as they pretended (as a video game character), they’d be mowed under by the grind.
            Put a gamer in the penitentiary, he’s not Halo, that motherfucker is prey. Natural law.

          • fuckifino. Common sense tells me a kid with some mental issues whose disconnected from society might not ought be watching an overload of violent shit . Can’t be helpful

    • Nikolas Cruz reportedly played fifteen hrs of violent video games everyday

      • I’m talking gonzo porn (on the tame end of it), in response to the original post about what this Mrs. Black said.

      • Different_Cat

        So did the games cause him to be violent, or did he play the games all the time because he was a violent person?

        • How the fuck do i know. ? I don’t make statements that i don’t know to be true . He watched an excessive amount of the shit and went on a rampage .

          • Countries where video games are the most popular tend to be the safest. America’s mass-murder problem is distinct for developed nations and video-game loving nations alike.

            Man the offseason can really blow.

          • Points for adding porn reference in your post.

          • I’d like to see the backup to that statement

          • Okay… let me just say before I even click on that…

            The WaPo? Really?

            Rarely do they post anything that is even remotely unbiased or credible.

            It’s like someone posting FOX news, Rush Limbaugh, or MSNBC.

          • It’s definitely not like that.

          • Yes, it definitely is…

            Careful… your bent is showing

          • I’ll wait for you to provide some alternate sources. All I’ve seen so far is your “bent”.

          • Yea? You can see my bent when I called out both sides skewed reporting sources as biased?

            Why would I try to provide an alternative source to “10 countries may suggest?” That pretty much proves the article is fluff and crap.

          • Hey guy… you posted a comparison of 10 countries that “may suggest”…

            That’s an epic fail

          • Find something wrong with this statement:

            Video games are popular in other developed nations. In some developed nations, particularly certain asian cultures, they are even more popular. None of these nations display the mass murder problem that America does.

            That’s if you don’t even want to consider the content of the study. Or google “Video games and violence”, which will yield plenty of studies. Some from sources I’m sure will be more to your liking.

          • You attempted to make a claim that “Countries where video games are the most popular tend to be the safest.” Then you posted a WaPo study that looked at 10 countries that “may suggest…”


            Now you are saying that Asian countries prove it… having nothing at all to do with the Asian culture itself… it’s all about video games NOT the culture right?

            Are you sure you’re not a D_C sock puppet?

          • I’m waiting for you to refute an argument…or even offer one. All this is just noise, as usual.

          • What argument? That 10 countries may suggest? Some argument you got there sport.

            “5% of all nations were studied and this may suggest”


          • I’m not going to do the work for you. No source that I find will be good enough for you, so find them yourself.

            The correlation between violent media consumption, including and particularly video games, and mass murder/violent crime is not borne out globally. Countries in which video games are more popular than they are in America (part of the percentage studied) have less violent crime. If you can’t extrapolate an argument from that, I can’t help you.

  • since i work Tues-Sat, today’s my day off. got on NFL Network “Top 10 Teams” and got me thinking of RB’s all-time. Jim Brown and Sweetness, those guys as 1 and 1a, and then everyone else, IMO.

    • Never saw Brown play (only highlights). But of those I actually saw, I’d put Barry Sanders as 1. He was the best at making something out of nothing.

    • Yeah, Jim Brown is probably my #1, too.

    • Lol

    • Different_Cat

      Just one box? I got 3, plus a drawer.

    • Squinnsamania, brother!

      I finally gave mine up. I had several boxes. My wife was like WTF are you ever going to do with all that shit? I realized she was right. Saved like two or three I would definietly use and got rid of the rest.

  • I wish I could say this was an interesting discussion…

    Sadly… it’s simply a rehash of about 377 previous conversations

  • Different_Cat

    While we’re solving all the world’s problems I think it’s time to take on the issue of high heel safety.

  • Different_Cat

    Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.), who is running for governor of Tennessee, says that pornography is, “is a big part of the root cause” of school shootings. What kinda porno is she watching?

    • Back to the good ol daysBruce

      Whackos on both sides I tell ya. Fn both sides…

    • If you want to say that the proliferation of pornography is a contributing factor to a degradation of moral values in this country, which is turn leads to other social problems, then, okay. But directly linking pornography to school violence is silly.

  • noonefromtampa

    A former NAACP leader in Washington state whose life unraveled after she was exposed as a white woman pretending to be black has been charged with welfare fraud.

    Nkechi Diallo, known as Rachel Dolezal before she legally changed her name in 2016, was charged this week with theft by welfare fraud, perjury and false verification for public assistance, Spokane news station KHQ-TV reported Thursday.

    She illegally received $8,747 in food assistance and $100 in child care assistance from August 2015 through November 2017, court documents said.

    An investigation started in March 2017 when a Washington state investigator received information that Diallo had written a book. The investigator reviewed Diallo’s records and found that she had been reporting her income as usually less than $500 per month, court documents said.

    A subpoena for her self-employment records, which included copies of her bank statements, showed Diallo had deposited nearly $84,000 into her bank account between August 2015 and September 2017, without reporting most of it to the Department of Social and Health Services.

    The money came from authoring her memoir, “In Full Color,” speaking engagements, soap making, doll making, and the sale of her art, according to the case file.

    Diallo did report a “change of circumstance” to the state agency, saying she did a one-time job in October 2017 worth $20,000, court documents said.

    The former civil rights activist told investigators she “fully disclosed her information” and declined to answer further questions, the documents said.

    She has said previously that she grew up near Troy, Montana, with religious parents and that she began to change her perspective as a teenager, after her parents adopted four black children. She decided to become publicly black years later, after a divorce.

    The ruse worked for years until 2015, when her parents, with whom she has long feuded, told reporters that their daughter was white but was presenting herself as a black activist in the Spokane region.

    The story became an international sensation, and she was fired as head of the Spokane chapter of the NAACP and kicked off a police ombudsman commission. She also lost her job teaching African studies at Eastern Washington University.

  • noonefromtampa

    Snoop Dogg breaks Guinness World Record for largest gin and juice, a 132 gallon cocktail of 180 bottles of gin, 154 bottles of apricot brandy and 38 jugs of orange juice, according to Guinness.

  • Back to the good ol daysBruce

    Lol we’re 50 years removed from jim crow. I WISH race, culture, creed was a non factor. Truly…

    • Different_Cat

      Obama was elected so there’s no more racism.

      • Obama’s policies created alot of the divisiveness that exists today. I won’t opine as to what was in his heart, but if you’re looking for someone to blame for President Trump’s election, blame Obama. His attempts to favor certain groups of people alienated others.

        • Different_Cat

          What specific policies would you say created a lot of the divisiveness? Because I think many blacks would say that he bent over backwards NOT to do African Americans any special favors.

        • noonefromtampa

          if the Democrats had run a fair and honest primary

          Bernie Sanders would be president right now

          • He might have won the nomination, but I maintain that nobody who is that extreme to one side or the other is ever going to win a presidential election. Obama is about the most politically extreme president we’ve had, and that was a special circumstance, plus he’s incredibly charismatic. Sanders is left of Obama. I don’t think Sanders would’ve had a chance in the general election.

            Sanders is to democrats as Mike Huckabee is to republicans. Neither will ever be president.

  • It’s hilarious, and sad, when someone presumes to know what someone else has experienced, by where they say they live at the time. It’s also sad that in our culture, we’ve been reduced to labeling people as colors. Very few blacks are actually black, very few whites are actually white. Latinos aren’t really brown. It stops there, though, and switches back to regional labeling, “Asian”……… can’t very well call them “yellow” now can we.

    • Different_Cat

      If humanity lasts long enough we’ll all be blended together and it won’t matter. Future humans will find some other categories to separate “us” from “them.”

  • Meanwhile in California, this guy, Patrick Little is running for Senate.

  • noonefromtampa

    i’m 1/64th Quadroon

    — D_C race math

  • Loud Noises!!!

  • Now D_C is saying that Trump is half African American.

  • Let me just say that claiming a particular “race”, or half of a “race”, or any part of a “race”, is divisive, pointless, unnecessary, and silly.

    • Especially when it’s not about ethnicity. At all.

      • I think ethnicity is dumb, too. We all bleed red.

        • Different_Cat

          But nationality though….

          • I was born in the United States. I’m legally an American citizen. I served my country for 24 years. I’m an American.

            You were born here, so you are too.

          • Different_Cat

            True. And some people were born black and others white, and others etc. Not sure I understand the distinction between the GPS lottery versus the genetic lottery.

          • What does “white” mean? What does “black” mean?

          • Different_Cat

            I’m pretty sure you don’t need me to answer that for you.

          • I’m pretty sure that neither you nor anyone else could truly define it in a way that is objective and makes sense.

          • Different_Cat

            Doesn’t seem like it’s that difficult. “White” generally means descended from GB or European stock. “Black” generally means descended from African stock.

          • Bloody racist profiler! – Aboriginal people

          • There are many people with very dark skin tones who’ve lived in Europe for generations.

            There are people with very pale complexions who were born in Asia and Africa.

            What are they?

          • And what percentage of genetic material from a particular part of the world qualifies you to say, “I’m ____________”. And more importantly, why does it matter?

          • Squinnsamania, brother!

            Clearly it just means I’m better than you. Duh.

          • Different_Cat

            The former are blacks. The latter are Asians or whites who were born in Africa (sorta like there there are blacks who were born in America or Europe).

    • Different_Cat

      What does it mean to claim a race?

      • wait, you haven’t been given those talking points?

        we’re now what and who we identify as

    • I support this divisive act, while claiming 100% Israeli Hebrew, myself – D_C

      *I don’t know what the proper name is, I’m pretty sure it’s not that.

    • The idea that 23.4587678654% of your genetic material originated from a particular corner of the planet hundreds of years ago shouldn’t make you a part of a “race”. It really doesn’t mean much of anything.

    • noonefromtampa

      that because you’ weren’t a slave and oppressed like me

      — Rick

      • noonefromtampa

        since Rick’s not around I will channel my inner Rick

        • noonefromtampa

          White people don’t see race because it doesn’t impact them like black or brown people

          • My point is, what’s a “white person”, exactly? What constitutes a “black person”? My dad has a darker skin tone and hair color (well, former hair color; it’s mostly gray now) than many who identify as Hispanic or black. I don’t really know my genetic or family history, but I’ve heard that we are mostly European with some Cherokee mixed in. What is he?

          • Squinnsamania, brother!

            ^Fuggin Redskin.

          • noonefromtampa

            the Liqian Chinese are blonde and blue or green eyed Asian people who genetically are 56% Caucasoid but still considered a sub ethnic group of the Han peoples

      • as prevalent as slavery and kinds of bond servitude were across human history
        it’s almost a lock that all of us have slave ownership and enslavement (being slaves) in our ancestry

  • noonefromtampa

    Sesame Street Suing R-Rated Puppet Movie the Happytime Murder

    what’s the world coming to when puppets start suing each other

  • noonefromtampa

    RIP “Deadliest Catch” captain Blake Painter was found dead inside his Oregon home on Friday

  • Roseanne’s agents, ICM, have dropped her as a client.

  • Has anyone ever farted in a NASA clean room?

    If so…what happened?

    • noonefromtampa

      the inside of your clean suit smells

    • I joked with a B&W security guy about stepping over a radioactive barrier (tape on the floor), he was not amused, threatened to have me scrubbed. I stopped trying to make him laugh.

  • so no more original Becky ? That blows .

  • Velveeta jalapeno slices have a respectable amount of heat

    That is all

  • noonefromtampa

    which 1% are you most likely to meet?

    the rich 1%
    the stupid 1%
    the crazy 1%
    the deplorable 1%

    • I’ve encountered the BJs are gross 1%

      He was also a 30 year old virgin

    • Squinnsamania, brother!

      Up here, definitely crazy.

      • if you see a lawyer or a doctor for a visit and they are married to a lawyer or doctor, they very well could be close to the 1%

        especially if they live in a major metro area

    • the rich: I do occasionally bump into business owners, and I’m pretty sure one of the doc specialists I see is (she’s married to another doctor specialist)
      the stupid: I’ve looked in the mirror, but I only see a 5%er there
      the crazy: I once met a hot Sicilian chick for lunch, scratched that demo off the dating list, so not any more
      the deplorable: is this meant to mean hillbillies who live in the hollar who think they’re working the system, because although they don’t have potable water in the house, Mt Dew is just about as cheap as bottled water? [it isn’t, the problem is the 2-L jug makes it look big, but that squaty $1 gallon jug of water is nearly twice as much fluid]

      A: the rich 1%

      • noonefromtampa

        Venezuelan chicks >> Sicilian chick on crazy scale

        • joking. She’s no longer 23 and bar-tending late night on the side, I would at least give her a shot if I were single again and she was single

          and not in prison.
          and by shot, I mean penicilin

          (I kid I kid, my Sicilian friends…)
          Besides, she’d dump me within… I’d give it three weeks.

    • I’ve met some rich 1%ers.

      I have extended family who are proud hillbillies, although I don’t know them at all, really.

      I’m sure I’ve met some incredibly dumb people.

      That leaves that truly crazy as the group I haven’t sampled yet.

  • noonefromtampa

    Jesse Duplantis, 68, a Louisiana televangelist Christian minister based in Destrehan, Louisiana, about 25 miles east of New Orleans, asked followers to donate money for a $54 million private jet that will “go anywhere in the world in one stop” in a video posted last week on his ministry’s website
    because he needs to spread God’s word far and wide

    and quick trips to the Islands with his side pieces would be so much better this way too

  • Back to the good ol daysBruce

    Network tv sucks. Bring back Cosby…oops

  • noonefromtampa

    could they not replace Roseanne with another old fat white chick

    like Kathy Bates or Conchata Ferrell or Camryn Manheim

  • noonefromtampa

    Skype meeting going with virtual whiteboard and people drawing on it

    Alex would have a hard on right now at my work

  • The left is on the twitters celebrating as if Roseanne being canceled is Trump being lead out of the White House in handcuffs

  • I’m surprised folks on the right can embrace Roseanne after this… Makes Kaepernick look like a saint.

  • But it was ok for Commissioner Goodell to announce our 4th pick as Trent “Silverback” Williams…

    • The story is that Trent dared him to say it.

    • Back to the good ol daysBruce

      Funny thing is I know folks who aren’t sports enthusiasts and first heard that sometime last season and was appalled. I had to explain the whole thing. They couldn’t believe he was ok with the name..

  • So, is this going to snowball and generate a tweet from the Donald declaring Rosanne a victim? I really hope not.

  • Back to the good ol daysBruce

    I think pure comedy is the hardest thing to pull off. The race thing is all about delivery. Which is why you have to appreciate guys like Seinfeld and even Kevin Hart. Mostly jokes about their personal experiences and self deprecating humor

    • This is a very good point. “The race thing”, in today’s culture, is low hanging fruit.

    • the thing is, you have to be actively looking for racism in that for it to be racist

      • Back to the good ol daysBruce

        Not necessarily. You read something out of context and it’s received that way. Happens a loi

        • looking like an ape
          looking like a Muslim

          neither of those things is race specific
          there are lots of Muslim – Asians and Caucasians
          there are lots of “white” people with “muzzles” (I have some on the in-law side of the fams)

  • I just think that as human beings we have all done the following two things:
    1.) Tried to be funny and failed and said something that seems way worse than what we meant.
    2.) Got angry and wanted badly to hurt someone’s feelings or insult them and gone to the wrong well of words in order to achieve that purpose and later regretted it.

    ABC should have been company enough to say, “Look, what she said was horrible and wrong and in bad taste and offensive. We don’t blame anyone for boycotting the show. But she has apologized. We apologize, yada yada… But we are not firing the entire cast, crew, and writers of a very successful show because its star made one extremely poor attempt at humor.”

  • What sticks out to me is how the liberal left, pushed back for years against right wing word police in order to say all the shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits that they wanted to.

    And now, decades later, it’s the left who is the thoughts and words police.

  • Back to the good ol daysBruce

    Folks need to watch that Chapelle special on Netflix. Funny as shit and 10x worse than what Roseann tweeted. Well the 1st one. 2nd was meh. Transgendered hated him for a sec but it never got pulled

  • noonefromtampa

    April 2-8, 2018 Ratings (18-49 demographic) Live

    #1 Roseanne 3.9
    #2 Big Bang Theory 2.4
    #3 The Middle 2.2

    +7 day adjusted (accounts for DVR watches)
    #1 Roseanne (+77%) 6.9
    #2 Big Bang Theory (+71%) 4.1
    #3 Middle (+40%) 3.1

    so Roseanne is a huge hit numbers wise

  • Avatar
    mike5790 • 6 minutes ago
    though, if comedians can’t be comedians… slippery slope

    And I think we have already slid down the slope a long way.

  • Different_Cat Zig-Zag_BC • an hour ago
    LOL, I live in Miami and I don’t know any illegals! I’m sure there are a lot more in rural southern VA.

    All I can tell you is that this issue has been studied multiple times by Republican administrations and independent organizations and they have found that it’s a non-issue. If there is a single comprehensive study that has found a problem I haven’t seen i
    noonefromtampa Different_Cat • an hour ago
    What you never leave your mom’s basement?

    because that is the only way to not know any illegals in Miami
    Different_Cat noonefromtampa • an hour ago
    ^true … and there are no basements in Miami.
    noonefromtampa Different_Cat • 42 minutes ago
    or in 99% of FL homes

    You know you’re right, D_C, the illegal immigrants your benefactors hire to wash your dirty clothes probably do have more opportunity, and reason, to want to vote.
    “I’m sure there are a lot more in rural southern VA.” – D_C
    Right, because that’s where they were my coworkers…….moron. Try California to New York, and all points between
    Noone, stop shamelessly promoting Florida, we’ve been there.

  • Oh well, guess I’ll have to go back to watching DDD in place of the now deceased Rosanne show.

  • The since deleted tweet was….Muslim brotherhood and planet of the apes had a baby = vj (Valerie Jarret)

    • Most definitely an inappropriate joke, and one that seems to have come from out of nowhere.

      • give me three guesses as to what ethnicity Valerie is, and it’s not the one people are identifying her with; I’m not so sure the comment was politician and then personal. you don’t have to be a particular race to have um… that look… my in laws are completely white and one side of that family is loaded with people that have, as they describe it… a muzzle

        I’m not a fan of Roseane, but I am of comedians. I’m not a fan of hating on groups of people, but I’m fine with jokes that make us all laugh at each other and ourselves. This, to me, is a low-class personal attack with a political bent, not a racism issue. And that’s fine to criticize her for it, but to shut down the equivalent of an entire business over it in twitter time? That part seems nuts to me. Mull it over and two weeks down the line decide, hey, this is not the person our business wants representing us, fine. But twitter vs twitter?

  • I thought it was okay for comedians to be racist?

    • As long as the victims are caucasians, yes.

    • It hasn’t been okay for comedians to step outside of established lines for a long while now.

      They can push and cross new lines. But, once established, nuh uh.

      • That established line has long been that there is no limit to an acceptable racist joke about white people no matter who tells the joke, and that most every other joke about any other race is off limits unless it comes from someone of that race.

    • racist jokes, yes

      being racist? like, overtly so?

      but technically speaking, her joke isn’t racist. it’s a personal attack against 1 person.

  • Imagine you are part of the cast of the new Rosanne. And you now have no gig, because Twitter can’t handle a joke made in poor taste. A joke that was apologized for. And a joke whose genre is a very common formula from a comedian who has made her career by being brash, crass and insulting.

    I have to imagine you’d feel pretty annoyed.

    • Different_Cat

      Sorry, but it was racist as shit.

      • Against which race?

        Anyway. I get it that we are all super sensitive now, and the older generation has to check their behavior and play by the new rules and all.

        And I am not defending Rosanne OR her stupid, un-funny, lame, off the cuff, poorly thought out attempt at a joke.

        But I do think the folks who are now out of a job, are annoyed. Do you disagree?

        • Different_Cat

          I’m sure they are. Hopefully Roseann will compensate them. She can afford it.

    • If it was a liberal comedian making a joke about a white person’s ethnicity it wouldn’t even have been news.

  • So… what was the tweet?

  • Rosanne is a douch. Ugly, ugly fukn joke.

  • “The series was then cancelled on May 29, 2018 because Roseanne Barr is a disgusting racist.[11]”

    From Wikipedia.


  • New show…..


    • I’d bet that some other network will pick it up. Its ratings were too huge to just throw away.

    • noonefromtampa

      this time Roseanne dies and Dan lives

      We like it
      — ABC exec’s

  • Roseanne sure stirred the hornet’s nest today

    • noonefromtampa

      She’s trying to get her show cancelled

      she can’t handle the success

      • Rosanne has another show?

        • noonefromtampa

          same show, but redeux

          • I see ABC has cancelled it for her poor Twitter joke.

            Somebody needs a Sensitivity Training….

          • Steve won’t like that. That’s his favorite show.

            We watched the premier, mostly on account of nostalgia. But wow, it just wasn’t funny.

          • The whole “X and Y had a baby” genre of jokes is pretty common.

            I guess who and what are represented by X and Y can get you fired now. Zany times.

          • The premier was the least funny of any of them… the rest have been hysterical

          • I watched most of these new ones – it was pretty entertaining.

          • Why would you think Rosanne is my favorite show? At least get creative with your insults.

          • It wasn’t an insult. You’ve said a few times how much you like the show.

          • I said I enjoyed the new version of the show, so now it’s my favorite? I don’t watch enough new prime time shows to have a favorite.

          • Cool. Favorite new show or whatever….

            it wasn’t an insult.

          • noonefromtampa

            yep as of 8 mins ago

            In the wake of a racist tweet by star and namesake Roseanne Barr, ABC has canceled Roseanne. A statement by ABC Entertainment president Channing Dungey read as follows: Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show.

          • if that is true, that’s a horrible way to do business

            nobody makes good decisions, business or not, at the speed of twitter

            that’s why back in the day any good business person would put down their Blackberry for an evening before they made any business decisions. sometimes a good decision can take days or weeks to make.

      • Well it worked… and it’s too bad. That shit was funny

      • Didn’t take much. Rosanne is a big fat pig, so she’s not worthy of much defense, but I have no doubt that liberal hollywood was just itching to get her for something. Hollywood a tendency to ostracize conservatives and applaud liberals for the same type of hatespeak as long as it’s directed against the approved people.

  • noonefromtampa

    Starbucks Racial Bias training slides obtained preview

    This a black person


    Most of the time they will not hurt you
    (exception: if they are wearing a hoodie, be careful)

    They may be poor and cannot afford to buy anything, but they are welcome at Starbucks

    Treat them with RESPECT!

    BE cordial, BE aware of their feelings
    DO Greet them like any potential customer, DO make them feel welcome

    • All Starbucks employees sitting cross-legged in yogi pose, watching the “Diversity Training” episode of The Office….

      • noonefromtampa

        1995-2005 was very popular time for diversity training
        seems like every job I had in that time period had from 1 day to 1 week of training on diversity

        worse one started with some really offensive video they showed and asked us how it made us feel

        I said is this training or some sort of Klan rally, cause if it’s the latter I did not bring the right clothes

    • They could fix this by having a process whereby they had a label maker at the checkout. Label goes on the cup, with the time/date of arrival and name of customer. You have 1 hour of freebie time at the Starbucks. If you cannot produce a cup or product purchase with a label, you may be asked to leave. If you are an angry man, you may also be asked to leave. If you are an angry woman who flings poo, you may also be asked to leave.

  • noonefromtampa

    No hearing for Tom Wilson, so no suspension for that hit

  • I see the same clowns are still whining about the same crap…

    Some things never change

    • How’s the sale and move coming along, Scamp?

      • Well… long story. Bought the house in Myrtle… packing the house in San Clemente. This house isn’t on the market yet… painting, new flooring, yada yada. Plan on leaving here on the 16th…

        Thanks for your interest… moving is a giant pain in the ass.

        • Yep. We were sitting on the patio yesterday doing the whole, “what if” scenario, and at one point, we were like, we could get a bigger house.

          But we both stopped dead as soon as I said, “But then we’d have to move.”

          Moving sucks indeed.

  • @ D_C

    I can tell you 2 of the few that I personally know are family members. I had another in the past do it, but nothing recent since he hasn’t been in the US for years. That’s one reason I don’t turn them in. I would need more than one hand to count the illegals I’ve personally known for years that have voted. Obviously the only way I could prove it to you would be for you and I to hook up in VA, during another election. I could introduce you and you could actually see it happen. That’s all I got, whether you believe it or not.

    • I believe you, and have also known co-workers, that were illegal, to do this. D_C doesn’t know any illegals.

      • Different_Cat

        LOL, I live in Miami and I don’t know any illegals! I’m sure there are a lot more in rural southern VA.

        All I can tell you is that this issue has been studied multiple times by Republican administrations and independent organizations and they have found that it’s a non-issue. If there is a single comprehensive study that has found a problem I haven’t seen it.

    • You are a bot, designed by conservative Russian zealots, to cast doubt in the minds of lockstep liberals that our Democratic process is entirely and completely legitimate and inviolably secure from voter fraud!

      Admit it.

  • @ D_C

    Dunno about what others have said, but I personally know a few illegals who voted in recent local Virginia elections. Illegals do vote…it’s not debatable.

    • It’s pretty undeniable that it’s happened. The numbers are the question.

      • Right. I can’t understand why D_C would claim there’s zero evidence.

        • I think you know the answer to that.

          • Different_Cat

            I’m certainly open to CREDIBLE evidence. Please don’t cite any known political hacks who have been found guilty of fraud.

          • The amount of hatred liberals have for him is directly related to the amount of liberal hypocrisy he’s exposed.

          • Different_Cat

            I think it’s mostly related to the fact that he’s a fraud.

        • You would have to be insane, to understand that, I am glad that you are not, and do not.

        • Different_Cat

          I would claim there’s zero evidence because there IS zero evidence. I would question how you personally know a few illegals who voted, and also why you didn’t turn them in if it happened.

          One example that it doesn’t happen:

          “In 2012, Florida Governor Rick Scott’s administration started an effort trying to crack down on noncitizens voting by comparing driver’s license data against voter rolls.

          Through this process the Florida Department of State created a list of 182,000 potential noncitizens that had voted. That number was whittled down to 2,700, then to about 200 before the purge was stopped amid criticism that the data was flawed given the number of false positives — including a Brooklyn-born World War II vet.

          Ultimately, only 85 people were removed from the voting rolls.”
          Also worth noting that just because one is registered doesn’t mean that one actually voted. Some people do it inadvertently when they are getting drivers licenses, etc.

        • Different_Cat

          Anyone know what happened to the president’s commission that was supposed to uncover this mass fraud? What about Bush’s commission that was supposed to do the same thing during his presidency?

          • The people that don’t want it exposed have been better at keeping it that way.

          • Different_Cat

            Wow, those people must be pretty powerful to defeat a Republican president presiding over a Republican House and a Republican Senate and a majority conservative Supreme Court.

            The real reason is that there is absolutely no substance to the claims. You could count the number of people convicted of in-person voter fraud over the last 20 years on the fingers of one hand.

            “One in nearly 4.8 million.

            That’s how many fraudulent votes North Carolina’s voter ID law would have stopped in the 2016 election had it not been halted by the US Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, based on a recent audit from the State Board of Elections. After all this time, the court battles, and the protests that the law would disproportionately hurt minority voters, it turns out the push for voter ID was all to stop just one potentially fraudulent vote out of 4,769,640 cast last November.”

          • Voter ID allows you to assure a lot of various schemes to fraud the vote don’t happen, even if it’s a low % chance. This is all how QA/QC works. And if you can’t obtain a Voter ID (don’t have time, etc.) how are you going to [overcome that same obstacle] to vote?

            My thing is, if we can do Banking over the net, why not voting? We pay, file, get refunds for our taxes over the net. So, it seems to me that anti-Voter ID folks and on the flip side, internet voting would seem to remove a lot of the potential fraud or be equal to the same risk. The problem is, digital voting over the net would not be a cheap system to develop and utilize for things we do once a year, and how much would We the People charge the Parties to utilize the system for their selection of candidates (Primaries)?

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      trump would have won the popular vote were it not for illegal aliens voting
      – people disconnected from reality (you know… like our president).

      edited to add:
      and for whatever record there is of our silly convos, i am against illegal aliens voting….

  • Squinnsamania, brother!

    When’s BA getting canned?

  • So Project Veritas is legit or they’re not?

    • They’ve exposed many media outlets and some public agencies, like last week’s videos from inside the NJ teacher’s union.

      Some – i.e., the left, because he goes after left-leaning types, who hate and despite him – have accused him (the guy in charge) of deceptively editing his videos. The Washington Post basically caught his undercover employees trying to infiltrate the Post, but that was more of a case of them just being busted more than it was catching them doing something wrong.

      I’d suggest watching his videos and judging for yourself. Some of them clearly nail the subjects and some don’t.

  • I found a Washington Post article that said that there were 27,000 high schools in the U.S. in 1998. The number has changed now, so for these purposes let’s go with 30,000.

    I googled the cost of a walkthrough metal detector, and saw them for sale for between $2,000 and $2,500. Let’s aim high and say that whatever would be acceptable at a school would cost $3,000 if purchased in bulk on a federal gov’t contract or series of contracts.

    Now, let’s say all high schools could get down to 4 main entrances that don’t require a key held by a school employee to open, or one that isn’t monitored by a someone like athletic locker rooms. That’s 120,000 metal detectors. At $3,000 each, that comes out to $360M, which is a number that the federal government could easily appropriate if it really wanted to do so.

    • + labor

      • Installation, yes, but surely the local schools could get 4 metal detectors installed without federal money.

        • They’d find a way to fuck it up.

          • Heck, increase the federal appropriation to $720M to account for installation, and that’s still an amount the feds could find in their couch cushions if they really wanted to. I’m surprised nobody has brought this up, actually.

          • Explain to me, if you will, what that has to do with banning assault – 15s and high capacity bullet holder thingys?!

          • Ha.

            I just emailed Senator Cruz with my idea and asked for a response. We’ll see if his office actually bothers.

          • Research on how many shootings actually take place “inside” of a courthouse (beyond metal detector checkpoints) would give you an idea of how effective they have the potential of being. Granted, resource officers and/or Principals may not run as tight as ship. The human variable, as with shootings, is the kicker.

          • I can tell you that they’ve had one incident like that in the Harris County civil courthouse, which is one of the largest county court systems in the country.

          • The only one I’m aware of in this area was back in the 70’s, in Louisa County. A man walked into the courtroom with a shotgun and told the judge he was gonna shot him, the judge stood and commanded him to get out of his courtroom, and was shot. Kinda like the F.M.J. deal.

    • Now, you’d have to add in the cost of manning these metal detectors, but like I said below, I think most schools could easily find veterans in the local community who would volunteer.

      • You are a lawyer and you don’t see the liability issue volunteers would be?

        What I would do, to reduce costs, is have these things at only 1 entrance, the visitor entrance. You would only need 1 security guy have to generally be there, so you could have 2 dudes per school, one “patrolling” and the other there to operate the machine, and for breaks, etc. Like a GSA building though, you have people who are supposed to be there bypass the thing, and go through with their keycards at the main entrance, kids included. You could have other entrances that require next level privilege to be opened (teachers for example) by keycard. And the beauty of this system is that, while almost all kids will bypass the detector and security, you can place certain kids on a list that will not allow their keycard to open the gate to get in, they would have to go through security, just like any other visitor would. So, you’ve added a lot more than $3,000 worth of equipment, you’ve added prob 1 FTE at schools that just had one resource officer, 2 for those who had none. That’s 30,000 FTE, just for high schools alone, estimated cost: $2.4 Billion annually ($40,000 per, plus benefits and overhead). And also, you probably have someone or a couple of people manage the system database and the system at the county level (small districts could huddle up if they wanted to). So, that’s prob another couple of thousand employees nationwide. And you need this type of system because you cannot have 2,000 students go through a metal detectors during the 15 minutes everyone arrives at school. What I imagine is full security scan, X-ray of the baggage and belongings of all visitors and kids on “this list” and that’s going to be a lot more than a metal detector.

        And that still ain’t going to stop someone from flying a small drone with a binary fluid (designed to release a poison) into the HVAC intakes. But then, the person doing that is not going to receive the glorious ending they are envisioning for themselves.

        But still, even if you have a 5-year equipment replacement for the big stuff, you still have annual costs for the keycards, IFF this was largely footed by the Federale, probably looking at an small Agency budget of about $5-10 billion per year, for staff and if you consider eventual replacement costs of equipment over time.

        • Liability problem is easily solved by statute. I’m not worried about that. And, no I wasn’t necessarily talking about X-ray machines; somebody’d have to study it to determine the specific equipment needs.

          No students would have any sort of bypass key; just employees.

          To me, the problem with only having one is that it’s pointless if the shooter can just go in the unmanned other door – my kid’s high school has several entrances, and very few of them go in the main entrance.

          Drone attacks? Possible but very far-fetched. Let’s worried about that later. And, yeah, there’ll be an annual cost to it that’d have to be paid by somebody. Okay., do it.

  • noonefromtampa

    From CBS Sports:

    Washington Redskins

    Key additions: QB Alex Smith, WR Paul Richardson, DL Pernell McPhee, CB Orlando Scandrick
    Key losses: QB Kirk Cousins, OG Spencer Long, DT Terrell McClain, LB Trent Murphy, CB Kendall Fuller, S Su’a Cravens
    Key rookies: DT Da’Ron Payne, RB Derrius Guice, OT Geron Christian, S Troy Apke

    The Redskins rebounded well from the impending departure of Kirk Cousins by landing Alex Smith, but they still wound up giving Smith nearly as much guaranteed money as Cousins ($71 million vs. $84 million) along with a greater cash flow over the first two years of the deal. So, that’s not great.

    The idea of Paul Richardson has long been better than the reality, as his career-best season last year produced just 40 catches for 703 yards and six scores. He has often missed time due to injury and has a catch-rate south of 60 percent for his career. And Washington gave him a contract equal to that of Marvin Jones — a far more accomplished receiver both now and at the time he signed his deal.

    That said, the Redskins did well with the rest of free agency, picking up solid players who don’t count against the compensatory pick formula like Pernell McPhee and Orlando Scandrick. The drafting of Da’Ron Payne to play in the middle of the defense next to his former college teammate Jonathan Allen was a nice move, and they took advantage of Derrius Guice’s odd slide to the back half of the second round. Were it not for the losses of Kendall Fuller and Su’a Cravens in trades to two teams in the AFC West, this grade would likely be higher.

    Grade: C+

    • noonefromtampa

      not sure how trading Cravens should impact the grade since he didn’t play in 2017 anyway

    • Trading Cravens was a positive, not a negative.

    • Good point about Richardson, though. That’s my fear with him.

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      i always seem to forget that we lost long and murphy. bummers, there. i remember the loss of fuller.

      • noonefromtampa

        but they also had a plan to maximize the picks we got for the people we lost

        • walter_in_fallschurch

          well…. count me as skeptical on that account. i am pleased with the acquisition of smith. f cousins. i hope he never has another completion in the nfl.

          • Embattled backup, Kirk Cousins stepped in for Simiens in the fourth quarter with a chance to knock the Cowboys out of the playoffs, and give the Redskins their first Wild Card birth since 2015. However, Cousins’ three passes all fell incomplete and the ensuing FG attempt bounced off the crossbeam, just short of handing the loss to Dallas.

            After the game, a crestfallen Cousins told the story: “I was in the huddle and I looked into the crowd. There was this old guy there with a shirt that read ‘God is NOT Dead’ on it. I was going to give him a little thumbs up or something, but when I looked closer, the bottom of the shirt said, ‘Because Imaginary Beings Can’t Die!’ Now, I’m not going to make excuses, because I’m process oriented, but I’d be a little disingenuous if I didn’t admit that the whole thing rattled me a little. I have to look at the film, you know, see what I could have done better….”

          • “there was trash in the stands”

  • Realistically, the best answer is to increase security at schools. They’re such a soft target right now. I asked jr. what his school had done post-Santa Fe HS (which is maybe 5 miles away from us as the crow flies). He said that there’s a greater police presence inside the building now, plus police dogs, and more outside after school when everyone is leaving. Before, they had one real cop with a firearm and two pretend cops who only carried tasers. Now, there are several police officers patrolling the school (plus their police dogs).

    What probably needs to happen is that the federal government needs to pony up however many billion dollars and provide every high school in the country with enough metal detectors to cover every door. Then, I think you could get some armed volunteer veterans who would be happy to man those metal detectors at just about every school. If they did that, plus the added police presence and a few armed teachers, it’d just about stop the shootings. Crazy will always do crazy, but they wouldn’t get very far under those conditions.

    • noonefromtampa

      Schools should be more like businesses
      Except in emergency situations, we have one way in/out of our building
      full security at that entrance

      school open campus formats make them easy targets

      • Jr’s school has I believe 5,000 students, though. Getting all of them in and out one door in a reasonable time would be an extremely challenging proposition.

        • noonefromtampa

          just a controlled entry point with select random searches would probably be enough to deter most spur of the moment shooters

          if someone is dedicated enough they will find a way around almost any level of security

  • I think it would be cool if they made a text like the spoiler text for super-biased political posts. [Ducks as half the blog points his direction]

    Then, if someone wanted to post an opinion that they knew was going to rile up half the blog, they could make it sort of “hover over this at the risk of your own coronary health.”

    It might save lives.

    • Waste of time and money, people need to experience hostility, you know, for balance.

  • So i go to a pain management and orthopedic and spine specialists . I get injections in my back every three months . They schedule you a follow up appt a couple weeks after this procedure. That appt always ends up being with the nurse practitioner. My beef is that appt costs 80 bucks out of pocket and roughly 180 dollars overall, so i would prefer seeing the Dr, and i think i am going to request /demand it with the office . Is that improper ? Trying to decide if I’m being unreasonable .

    • Can’t hurt to ask nicely, I think.

    • noonefromtampa

      seems like I’m at a “doctor” appt every month

      I rarely ever actually see the doctor, seems like it’s always the NP or PA

      • I know what you mean . Something doesn’t seem right about it . You are paying to see a Dr and you are not . I want to talk to my Dr who actually does the procedure. She was there and she knows what my back looks like . IDK ..

      • noonefromtampa

        at my family doctor that’s ok, I like the PA much better than the doctor

        my lady family doctor has become a bitter woman with all the insurance and regulatory BS she has to put up with

        • She isn’t alone . I’ve found that to be the case with quite a few . They want to retire early . Irritable and stressed out

    • Different_Cat

      What do they typically do at the follow up appointments?

  • noonefromtampa

    Liege, Belgium possible terrorist incident

    several dead, including police officers

  • When exactly did the #MeToo movement start? I’ve heard some people say it started before Trump got nominated, though I haven’t seen evidence or examples of it since Trump…

  • noonefromtampa

    Morgan Freeman’s lawyer goes with tried and true defense of blame the victims

  • Squinnsamania, brother!

    Warriors rock. Lakers suck. Lebron is the King. Game. Set. Match.

    • The 1994 Denver Nuggets, however…

    • If Lavar Ball is to be believed, my Lakers are going to win 50 games next year. I think they at least have a good shot at a back -end playoff spot even if they don’t add any star free agents.

      • You gonna buy my jersey once the Lakers buy me (and by extension, a spot in the Finals)??


        • That’s my nightmare. Right now, I’m just praying that he doesn’t come to the Lakers because I don’t want to have to root for him.

          I think Lebron has been aided tremendously by being in the eastern conference. There’s no way he’d have made a bunch of finals in a row if he’d been in the western conference all this time.

          • Ah. That was me in 2000 when Dieon became a Skin. Turrible.

            Less so with MeJax. But I still could never really like that guy. (Remember in the playoff game when he didn’t even BOTHER to stretch his arm a little to get the ball over the pylon… SMH)

          • I don’t think LBJ is going to come to LA, though, so I’m not too worried about it yet.

  • noonefromtampa

    Watch out for the killer clowns

    The Holly Hill Police Department said a Little Caesars employee was exiting the restaurants after closing just before midnight when he was attacked by a man in a clown mask.

    The worker told authorities the attacker hit him with a wooden post until it broke then brandished a pair of scissors and attempted to stab him.

    Officers said the victim then pulled out his concealed gun and shot the attacker multiple times.

    Authorities said they found the accused attacker unresponsive in the parking lot behind the restaurant with a clown mask and scissors nearby.

    The man was taken to Halifax Health Medical Center where he was pronounced dead.

    Officials said the employee was also hurt in the exchange.

  • On the subject of Solo:

    I think Ford as Solo was one of the 5 or so best combinations of great character meets great actor/performance.

    Any time you have that, it’s really tough to find a way to repeat the magic with a different actor, unless you… 1.) Reboot the whole franchise (the Joker, for instance has been done very well by more than one person). Or 2.) Go with a much older or younger version of the character (Ewan McGregor’s Kenobi was nearly as compelling as Alec Guinness’s…. but the age gap helped boost the suspension of disbelief factor.)

    Because of this, I thought Solo was a terrible idea from the jump. Haven’t seen any reviews that make me think otherwise.

    • noonefromtampa

      I think they would be better of not doing more movies about the “classic” characters (maybe outside of Yoda)

      Do some movies about the old Republic or some other part of the Empire/Republic

      • I completely agree. Create some new great characters and free up the galactic turf so they can add all the liberal/PC politics that they want to without messing up the dirty and brilliant era of the original trilogy.

      • they’ll do that movie (some other part of the Empire) on ESPN sometime after Scot Frost retires

    • The kid wasn’t terrible – he’s no Harrison Ford, but I didn’t think he ruined the character or anything. It wasn’t spectacular, but I thought he at least did it justice within the confines of the script.

    • Bad reviews from disgruntled liberal critics? Is he Harrison Ford? No. Does he do a good job as Solo? As best he could, considering the state of Hollywood today.

  • Steve, this Warriors team is the reason the classic post/big man is extinct. 2pt post shots and Rim Protection won’t beat this Warriors team! So all those classic teams you mentioned with a dominant Big man ain’t getting it done against this Warriors abomination.

    That was your theory right? That Shaq, Et al would dominate because no one of the Warriors could guard them. I debunked that when I showed you that no one on the 76ers could guard Shaq…and it’s not like he averaged 40pts a game! Again, 2pt shots aren’t beating this Warriors team.

    • The only way you’re beating this Warriors team is to outshoot them from three. Houston understood that, which is why they shot so many threes! And which is why they couldn’t beat em.

  • Elvin Hayes had the best turnaround, fade-away jump shot in NBA history. If you dispute this, you simply don’t know basketball.

    (How to blog like Steve)

    • Austin, once again proving his idiocy.

      • You’re not being reasonable. You just jumped on this blog and pissed all over everything with your opinions. It’s what you do. You should find another blog or just stop posting.

        • that’s as weird as the comment I was going to make in response to the “I pointed that out” comment, when I was going to say, “Maybe, but I heard it on a podcast so it couldn’t have been you.”

          (I chat Skins football all day, I need my pods to be about something else, for the most part. But I knew it would have be mistaken as a hurtful comment)

        • Nah, I like everyone here except you and probably one other, although that one other has been better recently. I think you’re (a) not very smart, (b) much less smart than you think you are, (c) closed minded, and (d) utterly not fun to talk to at all. I definitely think you should leave this blog, yes.

    • noonefromtampa

      I patterned my turnaround, fade away, bank shot after Big E

      I also had the Unseld little jump hook down too

  • Golden State will win the next two Championships at least if not more! Their team is still young enough and just simply put the most talented bunch ever assembled! I can’t think of any other team that had (3) players who could put up 30+ points in their sleep–which is insane! When your (2) MVP players struggle…and you have the 2nd best SG in the league, who also happens to be a top 5 shooter in the league, who can just bail them out with an cool 35…it’s just not fair at all. F the Warriors and Adam Silver for allowing this abomination to take place!

    • Please don’t start this silly argument again. The Warriors aren’t the best team ever, period, dot, the end.

      • But wait, you don’t watch basketball.

      • They are, but you’re right we had this convo and I debunked your theories…

        I just feel the need to vent about this team that has ruined one of my favorite sports!

        • You didn’t debunk anything. You repeated your talking points over and over again.

          • If you want to get reasonable about it, I’d say that these are the teams that are in the running, from oldest to most recent:

            – pick the best of the 60s Celtics dynasty teams. Not sure which one.
            – ’72 Lakers who won 33 in a row and won the title
            – pick the best of the 80s Celtics teams
            – 83 76ers
            – ’87 Lakers
            – the third of the 6 Bulls championship teams (I think that was the one that won 72 games
            – ’01 Lakers
            – pick one of the Spurs dynasty teams. I’d said probably the final championship team, perhaps
            – last year’s Warriors team

            I’d say that’s probably the argument. As to who’d win that tournament, nobody can really say. You’d have to seed that Bulls team as #1, I think.

          • that Bulls team had Steve Kerr on it, who is, statistically, the best shooter on the Golden State Warriors (forgive me, I forget who pointed that out)

          • I pointed that out.

          • See. I feel that as long as you’ve got the Warriors in the mix, then it’s not pure haterade. It’s just difference of opinion/criteria/perception.

            Objectively, they have an insane collection of talent. But so did the teams you are listing above.

          • Yeah, most of those teams all had 3 HOFers.

          • also, and this should point out the futility of all this, you’d have to decide by WHICH rules they would play by

          • As long as there is a 3pt Shot, the rules won’t matter much. You’d have to outshoot Durant, Chef, and Klay from 3.

          • You just have this weird thing for this Warriors team. Are you old enough to have watched some of these other teams?

          • but if there isn’t a 3 point shot
            David Robinson AND Tim Duncan
            and that might be the Finals

          • That might be the finals even with a 3 point shot.

        • I feel like if the Warriors are not at least in the convo as a top 5 all time team, you just happen to be sippin the haterade on the issue.

          Which is cool with me. I sip haterade on some topics too–all things Cowboys, for example.

          For the record, Vicc, I’m with you on this one. Warriors are the best team ever assembled. It would take two more all stars for the Cavs to have a realistic chance against them as assembled.

          • I hate Lebron, not the Warriors.

          • Can you rise above the hate and admit he is amazing?

            I mean that quite literally too. The dude is an amazing example of what a human can achieve physically.

          • I hate him so much that I literally can’t look at him any more. I can’t watch games in which he’s playing for more than a few minutes at a time. He’s by far my most disliked currently active athlete in any sport. Of course he’s a great player.

          • What has LeBron done to make you hate him more than Zeke the Woman Beating Ewok?

            Do tell. 🙂

          • He just really rubs me the wrong way. Starts with his narcissism and his incredible neediness. I could go on and on, but don’t want to start a Lebron James war here.

          • Tis cool. I am not some LeBron uber-fan or anything.

            Living near Cleveland, I pull for the Cavs and Indians because I’ve always liked the city and they deserve better than the Browns. Plus, they don’t deserve to have to put up with the miserable Steelers fans.

            I respect LeBron’s game, and put him in the mix for goat. I also like that he’s been business savvy, and generally a decent human being throughout his career.

            I can see the ego stuff, and the whininess at calls and MVP counts, etc. But worse than Zeke-wok? That I could never understand. But I’m not a big NBA fan. My most hated player will almost always be a Cowboy or Steeler (looking at you Big Ben!).

          • He’s worse than Zeke to me because I didn’t expect any more from Zeke than what we’ve gotten, so he’s pretty much met my expectations.

            He’s in the mix for the goat discussion, but it’s a bigger talk than just MJ vs LBJ.

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            is it because of all of his off-the-court misbehavior…?

    • if they were “ever”, they would not have gone 7 games against the Rockets

  • noonefromtampa

    RIP Former Maryland basketball player Cliff Tucker passed away Monday from injuries sustained in a car accident in Texas. He was 29 years old.

  • So have peeps seen Solo yet? I watched it yesterday, don’t want to post spoilers, though.

    • Yes, I saw it. Had some good and bad to it.

    • my guess is that I’ll get Netflix about half a day after Disney moves all their stuff from Netflix; and I’ll be foiled again on the Star Wars reboot movies

      I will prob pay a few bucks to “rent” Dead Pool 2 on Amazon or whatever when my wife has a night out after the kids go to bed, but otherwise won’t have seen most of the latest Marvel stuff either.

      • The comic book movies just don’t interest me in the slightest.

      • My daughter wanted to see Infinity War, she told me as we were driving home, that she’s glad we watched Solo, and would wait until Infinity War made it to the $3 movie theater.

    • I haven’t seen it. And don’t really want to…. (it’s the first SW movie I have ever not wanted to watch), but my son really wants to see it.

      Do you ever get over the sense that that dude is so obviously NOT Han Solo? I mean, if there were 30 years age difference, maybe, but the kid is barely younger than Ford was in 1977.

      • is that any different than the James Bond franchise?

        • Each new Bond is like a reboot though.

          Plus, it’s been done so many times that it doesn’t really matter any more.

          AND…. imo, Bond is not that great a character. He’s good. But Han Solo is much better.

          Lastly, don’t all Bonds kinda suck in comparison with Sean Connery?

      • Just take your kid, you’ll be fine.

        • Lol. I plan to take him. (After I milk it as an incentive for a while. Little man’s been quite willing to help around the house since he knew Solo was released.)

  • Rockets vs. the Lebrons in the NBA Finals again…thereby guaranteeing that I won’t watch.

  • noonefromtampa

    where’s the So Happy It’s Tuesday crowd?

  • noonefromtampa

    someone get BC a couple bars of Xanax and take his double expresso away

    • noonefromtampa

      Remember Starbucks closing down early today for racial sensitivity training

      so make your coffee plans accordingly

      • I do not recommend Illy as an afternoon substitute

        Unless it is a 4:20 substitute

        • if you wash down some psilocybin pills and concentrated weed oil with some Illy coffee, I think you have the most focused, cancer-curing meetings with God possible

          the question being, whether or not that meeting ever ends

          • Squinnsamania, brother!

            Let us know how the trip turns out. Sounds like your well on your way.

          • I learned my lesson after the freebie sample from Illy

            that “coffee” is for emergencies only.

    • I’m ok, now…..thanks though.

  • noonefromtampa

    The retired Tampa police captain accused of fatally shooting a man in a Pasco theater four years ago may be closer to a trial date.

    Curtis Reeves is scheduled to be in a Pasco County courtroom Tuesday. A Dade City judge is expected to set a trial date.

    Reeves, 75, is facing second-degree murder charges in the Jan. 13, 2014, shooting death of Chad Oulson, 43. The shooting occurred inside Cobb Theatre in Wesley Chapel after an argument about Oulson using his cell phone during the movie previews.

    Last year, a judge denied Reeves’ “stand your ground” defense.

    so 4 years, 4 months and counting, the rumor around town is that his attorney will try to appeal the “stand your ground” ruling and seek a continuance on the trial

    classic delay for old guy defense, see if he dies before trial and civil case can’s start before criminal case concludes, so all his assets will probably be gone by then too

    good lawyerin’ there

    • Git’r done

    • and by civil case, we’re talking about restitution from the Oulson estate to all the theatre-goers that day, correct?

      • noonefromtampa

        well more specifically the wrongful death suit by Oulson family against Reaves

        Reaves actually shot thru the Oulson’s wife to kill him

  • Back to the good ol daysBruce

    Ain’t it the truth

    It’s not like in the fall, you guys are going to be like, ‘Ah, well, this is his first year here. We’ll give him a break.’ It just doesn’t work that way. Executing is executing. Good ball is good ball. I think you know the difference. Playing this long, you feel like you’ve got a good grasp on it. We’ve got to go. There has to be a sense of urgency… When we get out there and line up and play, no one’s taking it easy on you because you’ve got some new faces. It’s just not how it works, so we’ve got to get up to speed.”

  • Something every hamster should own…

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      i’ve often though they need something like that, maybe a big punching bag, at the 2nd-18th tee of a golf course. get your frustration over the previous hole out before attempting your next tee shot.

      • I thought that’s what the houses lining the course were for. get your frustration out with a few practice tee shots to see if you can take out a window.

    • Squinnsamania, brother!

      I think Scamp has one of those with DC’s face on it.

  • Different_Cat

    Cranky Monday.

    Announcers last night said that the upcoming NBA finals will be the 1st time in pro sports that the same two teams have faced each other four years in a row to determine a championship. Not sure who I’ll root for. Unlike most I actually like both teams.

    • The Lakers-Celtics: 6 out of 8 1962-69;
      Celtics Hawks (STL): 4 out of 5 1957-61
      I don’t think, at least in the NBA it’s been done 3 times in a row.

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      it was a late, dirty, hit. good thing the other guy did a mild, but still late, dirty hit in response.

      at least that game showed we can score on fleury.

      • Sure, cuz it’s only dirty when the Caps do it. Just stop now.

        • walter_in_fallschurch

          “only dirty when the Caps do it.”

          wtf are you talking about?? straw man, much? where the hell are you getting that from?? it was a dirty hit by wilson. fact. i am capable of seeing flaws in my own team. the guy from the other team hit back, illegally. fact. they both got called.

          • Your post has fuck-all to do with mine. It’s hockey, you have to match the intensity, nothing weird about Wilson regulating, it’s hockey. Stop trying to change it. The media is singling out Wilson, Fact. Again, just stop.

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            well…. really, your initial response had nothing to do with my original response. there was NOTHING implied about it being “only” dirty when the caps do it. eat a damn snickers. just keeping it real.

          • we should invent a bar that’s the opposite of snickers

            +testosterone boosters
            +adrenaline trigger boosters
            +250 g of wild jerky protein
            +25 lbs of butter per sq inch

          • How ’bout just man the fuck up, write a fucking report about that.

          • Shut up! NANANANANANANANANANANANA! There will be no cuckersations this Tuesday morning! NANANANANANANANANANANANA!!!!!!!

    • In 1999 Rich Gannon went to the Raiders, at age 34. He had 4 pro bowl years, two of them all pro,

      Here’s to hoping Alex Smith can do that here (though to be fair, Alex Smith has had a lot more success than Gannon did up to that point)

      and that Guice really does have good vision; that separates the great college RBs with wild athletic ability from those who can make it in the NFL… (sans a perfect RB-favored system)

  • Happy Tuesday!

  • Stop rushing…set up the shot for fuck sake

    And then the empty net

    • In 1993, Eric Young homered to the short porch in left field in the first ever home at-bat for the Colorado Rockies, sending the largest crowd to ever see a MLB game into a wild frenzy (remember: Coors Field was not finished until 1995, so they had like 80,000 fans at Mile High Stadium–a marvel of engineering where the ENTIRE left field stands moved inward for baseball). It was the only home run he hit out of the park (I believe he hit an inside-the-park HR later in the season) all season. My assumption was that Game 1 would be a lopsided win by Vegas.

      It was game 1. Should have expected this.

  • Booooooooooooooooooooo

  • welp that sucked

  • empty net.

  • Boooo

  • motherfucker

  • Fuck you, how ’bout that cross-check on the goal by 75?

  • No Punt Intended

    “We’re not going to be suck this year.”

    – Alex Ovechkin

  • Don’t sweat it, Wilson, break those motherfuckers

  • No Punt Intended

    Can Oshie play safety?

  • rrrrrrrgh

  • Fuck me. I hate that kind of ‘oh we have to do it now’ score.

  • C’mon


  • lol…digging up his ass for the puck

  • Woohoo!

  • Tom Wilson, baby

  • pretty classic for the first two periods, hope they pull this out. wouldn’t be the end of the world, but would be a tough loss to start with.

  • Yikes

  • Yea Alex…about a minute

  • Back to the good ol daysBruce

    Oshie a mfn beast..

  • Yea!

  • That’s how you do it!

  • Meh

  • You know better

  • Damn… Caps are turds on defense

  • Eeeeek

  • Keep bustin’ #41’s ass

  • well that lived up to the hype so far

  • Gotta watch that corner, Tampa had success with that.

  • Thanks Buck….it’s your fault.


  • Fuck

  • dammit

  • Good D

  • So the stream is 1 min behind live i guess. Still, go caps go

  • CAPS time punks

  • I gave it a try . I can’t do it . Duck Dynasty reruns .

  • Put it in front

  • Hot damn

  • Take that bitch!!!

  • 🙂


  • Caps need to keep checking

  • Trickle baby, I’ll take it


  • goal bitch

  • Golden Knights fans have on gold sequined jackets….c’mon man.

  • Caps could try dumping in in front of the net like that…

  • Took a while but got the game streaming looks like caps need to adjust to what vegas is doing

  • Murphy Brown is a Knights fan, who knew….

  • Current temp. in Vegas 92 degrees

  • So Vegas is pretty physical, they’re bringing checking to the Caps.

  • not a good start

  • shit

  • Damn…Connely almost with the 1 timer

  • Act like you’ve been there…jeez

  • Knight time is as gay as two boys kissing in the woodline

  • Gray gold and black are ugly colors

  • hell no. need to stomp them, now.

  • The shit is this shit?

  • Just spent a LOT of money on a bed.

    a LOT

  • That’s some dumb shit . I don’t even know what I’m looking at .

  • what in fuck?

  • This pregame show for the Caps game is pretty gay

  • Back to the good ol daysBruce

    Had no idea ovi had that much gray

  • Back to the good ol daysBruce
  • Oscar Meyer natural uncured Angus beef hot dogs are some kind of salty as fuck. Was tasting it on the bun, grabbed one right off the plate to confirm…holy shit it was salty.

  • Go Caps!

  • No Punt Intended

    There is that feeling of excitement one can only experience a few times. There is a woman who comes to DC every so often and we’ve hooked up a couple times and each time ended badly; mainly with her getting pissed because I don’t take seriously a potential exclusive relationship. But she is so hot. I mean, even the women stare when she walks in. She hates me.

    Anyway, she’s coming over at 9PM.

    Yay me!

  • left at 8 am this morning for a soccer tournament for the youngest, and then onto a track meet for the middle child

    best day ever.

    • I’m like…’YO! Do you have to lose your frign mind at every shadow you see???’

      Of course, the reaction to the sight of people going by the window is utterly dwarfed by what happens when a dog goes by.

  • Decided to burn some calories and walk 18 holes in 95 degree heat. Stayed plenty hydrated and shot my best round since getting back into the game. Nice long cold shower, and time for a drink,and maybe some sativa.

    Go Caps!

  • No Punt Intended

    What are the odds the Caps sweep LV in the SC finals?

    • I’d say pretty long, but would love to see it.

      • No Punt Intended

        A friend of mine first gave me 20-1 and then finally 10-1 so I bet him $100.

        Bitch is now rooting against the Caps and he’s a fan.

  • hot dogs , baked beans , corn on the cob , strawberry shortcake .

  • The thing about deviled eggs is…you can eat way more than is good for you to eat. And do it in a hurry too.

  • Don’t go to Lowe’s on Memorial day .

    • If’n I’m going to HD or Lowes, or even the Walmart garden center, I go before 8 AM on weekends and holidays. Sometimes I can get two trips in before 8 AM. Even the afternoon on a workday is a zoo.

  • A far too quick thank you to the loved and lost on this meaningful American holiday. You made this country what it is and I can only hope to live up to the sacrifices you have made so I can live in the greatest country on earth.

  • Anybody here have one of those sleep number beds?

    What do you think?

  • So some NFL players are considering sitting out the season? Good riddance bye bye. Bye Felicia! Don’t let the door hit you where the good Lord split you. F*** off. Adios! Ciao!

  • noonefromtampa

    Poland is willing to pay up to $2 billion for a permanent U.S. military base within its borders, arguing that having American troops stationed there would act as a check against Russian aggression in the region.

    No word is unlimited kielbasa and perogies are included in the deal

  • noonefromtampa

    More than 200 headstones in an Illinois cemetery were defaced with Nazi swastikas early Saturday.

    damn Illinois Nazis!

  • noonefromtampa

    RIP Clint Walker, a former merchant seaman and real-life deputy sheriff who roamed the West as a towering, solitary figure on “Cheyenne,” the first hourlong western on television, died on Monday in Grass Valley, Calif. He was 90.

  • Tough road for the dark horse. However, on a platform of slashing property taxes, protecting liberty, truth, justice, brisket and requiring that all retail parking be at least 50% covered or shaded…

    I’ve a solid shot at being the next governor of Texas

  • I’m pretty sure if I flew the Chilean flag in my yard, most Texans wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

  • Happy Memorial Day Monday!

  • Back to the good ol daysBruce

    Norman skimpy outfit? Title faux pas lol. No no no