Redskins position group breakdown: Safeties

May 31, 2018

by Jamual Forrest

On the defensive side of the ball, the secondary has some of the biggest question marks on the team. Cornerback is the biggest concern due to the youth that will be taking the place of Bashaud Breeland and an aging veteran in Orlando Scandrick being scheduled to play a big role. The safety position, however, is not as big a question mark.

D.J. Swearinger, the second-year Redskin, provided stability and instant leadership from the first moment he suited up for Washington. His physicality set the tone on how the Redskins played weekly, before all the bodies started falling victim to injuries, of course. Second-year player Montae Nicholson rose to the top of the depth chart very quickly following the departure of Su’a Cravens last season. Nicholson, who showed flashes of what could be in preseason, got his chance early in the regular season to take over as a starter and instantly became the dynamic safety the Redskins have desperately needed for a long time. Nicholson brought speed and power the Redskins have lacked at the free safety position since the tragic passing of Sean Taylor more than 10 years ago. Both Swearinger and Nicholson are the etched-in starters heading into training camp for Washington.  Barring injury, these two players could finally provide the long-term stability that has been missing in Washington for many years.

Behind Nicholson and Swearinger is Deshazor Everett, who will likely serve as the principal backup to both safeties.  Everett has enough talent to become a starter himself someday, and in fact started 8 games for the Redskins last season in the midst of the injury crisis. Everett has significant experience with these group of Redskins players and has been trying to find his specific role that he can play, as playing in space has not been his strong suit. Rookie Troy Apke, who was selected in the 4th round, is raw and underdeveloped. Apke has top-end natural athleticism and has the same rangy ability as Nicholson, given his natural speed and agility. However, Apke may be a liability in coverage right now if he’s is forced to have too much exposure on the field so early in his career.  Apke’s best contribution to the team early in his career will likely come on special teams, not as a returner, but on the coverage and blocking units. In fact, both Everett and Apke are both expected to be key contributors on special teams while playing in a reserve role defensively.

Outside of the top four safeties, Washington has second-year safety Fish Smithson, who was a fan favorite last preseason.  Smithson initially earned a spot on the Redskins practice squad last season but was activated for two games toward the end of the season.  The team brought in undrafted free agent rookie Quin Blanding after the draft, and we’ve heard good reports about him thusfar. Smithson will look to compete with Blanding for a reserve role on the active roster this year. If either one of the two is playing well enough, there is a likelihood that Deshazor Everett can be leapfrogged.   Finally, Washington also gave a shot to undrafted free agent Kenny Ladler, who also looks to compete for a spot but who realistically might find himself on the practice squad at best.


  • noonefromtampa

    @disqus_OkfIyoy5BJ:disqus that FBI agent will either get a posting in Bum Fuck Alaska or if lucky get fired

  • noonefromtampa

    RIP Veteran character actor William Phipps, Voice of Prince Charming in ‘Cinderella’ and Sci-Fi Movie Star, Dies at 96

  • noonefromtampa

    According to Peoria police reports, a Main Street Subway manager was abused by a sandwich and then punched in the face, followed by a spurt of flying cups on Friday.

    Reports show the manager heard a “commotion” near the register. When she asked the customer if there was a problem that’s when she was attacked. The attacker says she had been out in the heat all day and was easily agitated.

    The pregnant assaulter was caught on security footage, which also matched the witness and manager’s story. The woman was caught at the entrance of McDonald’s on Main Street. Once she was detained, officers located 9 bags of marijuana in her purse.

    The woman is arrested on charges of battery, possession of cannabis and with intent to deliver.
    you can’t make these stories up

  • noonefromtampa

    A rookie Georgia police officer has been fired after striking a suspect fleeing on foot with his patrol car, officials said.
    now were getting all particular about how we arrest people

  • Was just watching the end of The Americans

    Damn good show

  • Santana playing the national anthem at the GS-Cavs game

  • I’d love to go on “Family Feud”, but I don’t think I have four other capable family members.

  • Fuck packing

    That is all

    • Both packing and moving both blow. It’s during these times you find out who your buddies are.

    • Yes, moving sucks. Living in the new location is fun but packing all your s*** and getting there is another ordeal and then unpacking. After moving a bunch you learn what’s important and what’s not most of what we have is not necessary

      • We’ve thrown away so much it’s ridiculous. Thank God we are moving into, basically, a one story.

        • Donating items youll never use is nice too. it’s amazing how much stuff you accumulate over the years

          • They have a huge neighborhood wide yard sale here twice a year. Think Carolina Forest size neighborhood. The Mexican families come on and buy everything dirt cheap. What doesn’t get bought get’s donated… everything else fills a dumpster.

            FYI… you’re going to be requisitioned to help move 2 couches and a dresser.

          • Lol okay. When

          • My wife and I can get everything else… the bedroom stuff and dining room stuff aren’t going to come until we sell the house here.

    • So much easier than unpacking

  • No Punt Intended

    Nats beating a very good (1st place) Atlanta team for the 2nd straight game, 2-1 end of the 6th.

  • No Punt Intended

    Nats coming on in a minute. Yesterday was the best baseball game I’ve seen in years. This team has its shit together this year. Not getting by on talent alone; they are grinding out wins.

    That’s the mark of a champion.

  • It’s probably less to buy and have someone in China ship 30 lbs of R22 to the US than it is to buy 10 pounds of it here.

    • Check around Craigslist and whatnot

      • Do you have gauges?

        • Nuh uh

          • You can buy them pretty cheap on Amazon (Chinese).
            Just be sure to read enough reviews.
            I bought a vacuum pump and a set of gauges that work pretty damn good. Pulled and held like 28-29 inches on a dual unit Ford expedition. Swapping out compressor.

          • There are set ups available for vehicle, or residential.

          • Thinking what I’m going to do is get with a Texas based home warranty company. The have whole home plans and HVAC maintenance plans too. The cover up up to $3000 of a new system. So, get the thing a few pounds of refrigerant to get through summer then months down the road, deal with getting at the least the one replaced.

            I’ve seen inside that air handler. That thing has got to go.

          • Sure, I can dig it, just throwing out data.

  • k0n barely ran his unit all winter, now it’s pulling double shifts….. ain’t that how it always goes. Murphy is a fucking bastard

    • She’s the problem. Anything about 74 and she gets in mood. But yea, we need to get the system charged.

      Hell, actually, that’s just a band aid. What we really need is a new system. x 2.

  • Fun with clogged condensate lines.

    Was outside and noticed the secondary line dripping. Go up to the attic to find out which unit has the clog. Poured some bleach in the drain line, no good result there. So okay, let me push some air in there. Go down, get my compressor, get it charged, put the nozzle in the line and released the pressurized air. Voila. I could hear the line clear.

    I wrap things up. Climb out of the attic, close the door, walk around the corner annnnd….

    The condensate line doesn’t run outside. It runs to a bathroom sink drain pipe. The clog, (this is the good part) blew up and out of sink and was, mostly…everywhere. The mirror. The wall. The vanity.

    Fucking cracked me up.

  • I’m hearing a bunch of fapping about Ovie….glad he finally started scoring goals. He’s been keeping the checking going good, this series, just don’t forget about the master of disaster, #77 TJ Oshie is a badger…..and he’s fucking shit up. How many Vegas plays did he destroy, before they could get going? Fucking shit tons of them, that’s how many.

  • SO here’s a true story that happened yesterday…

    Had a lady walking the neighborhood yesterday with a petition. I managed to avoid her out of the neighborhood while taking my dog for a run but she caught me on the way back in. She was asking to sign for gun control. She gave me the spiel about regulating the guns for the safety of the children. I asked her what she was planning to do to make the children safe. She told me that’s what she was doing. I said “no, what do you personally plan to do.” She seemed confused and again stated that’s what she was doing. I asked her if she had any guns herself. This question got the smile and the bloated sense of self I expected… “of course not!.” I said so your plan to fix a problem is to do absolutely nothing. She was again confused. I said so your plan to make kids safer is to give up absolutely nothing yourself but to require other people that you don’t agree with to make all the sacrifices and to give up something they believe in while you sit back and do nothing… she walked away.

    • Bravo!

      • Funny how the left’s plan is to do nothing themselves and make sure everyone else makes the sacrifice… forced or not.

        Take your ass to the school and defend it yourself before you try to require everyone else to give up something that won’t save one damn kid.

        • What do you propose people pro-gun regulation do to make kids safer?

          Go door to door with a forge and pound the guns into rivets?

          • Your first question is worded oddly. Are you asking me what I think those people should do to make kids safer? I think I made that clear. Or, even more simply, they could push for reduced school entry points, metal detectors. Guards at those gates. Staggered start times. More school guards.

            To be clear, while this is anti Libertarian, I would be okay with having to have people register their “assault weapons” and have to go through training and psychological evaluation to get one for a certain period of times with a sunset date. Then we can actually see if their is a reduction in mass shooting rates. There won’t be as I believe most of them are committed with hand guns… but hey. If it works then great

          • So being pro-active to have someone else do the work of installing detectors, guarding doors and making it more difficult to get out of a building in case of an emergency?

            I’m confused.

            That’s a lot more work then people simply reducing the amount of firearms they have at hand. And in a buy back, is really a sacrifice?

          • At least then your tax dollars are involved. Having someone else give up their guns requires absolutely nothing on your part.

            And yes, if you have a forced buy back program it is a sacrifice.

          • Here’s what the anti-second amendment crowd doesn’t quite get. There aren’t substantially more firearms per capita available now than 30 years ago, or 20 years ago. There are alot now and alot then. The increase in school shootings is therefore not caused by gun availability – it’s something else. That should be obvious. Less start with more disaffected youth resulting from less parental supervision, more negative influences in society, and more resulting mental illness.

            The way to correct the problem is abundantly clear, and it isn’t to infringe upon the constitutional rights of innocent Americans. It’s to (1) figure out a way to recognize and deal with the increased number of emboldened and ill young adults, and (2) increase security at schools. Schools are just about the softest target you’ll ever find. Install metal detectors on doors, increase the number of armed police officers, arm the teacher who want to be armed and can pass a training course and a background check, and teachers some sort of alarm button that they can activate.

    • No Punt Intended

      Just like kneeling before a game and calling that fighting oppression and police brutality.

      Really putting yourself in the mix!!!!!!

  • Didn’t we re sign Lavauo? He’ll single handedly keep us from getting 10 wins

    • No Punt Intended

      He knows the calls. So no matter how bad he sucks, he MUST play!

      – Compton

  • 65… I won’t need yard service while I’m there. I’ll do my own. I just need someone to do it once or twice until I get there. Really you could even suggest a neighborhood kid with a mower for all I care. Just trying to NOT have a jungle for all the neighbors to bitch about.

    Also need a tree remover if you know one. Need about 5-6 trees removed so I can plant some new ones.

    I have contacted and left messages with a few lawn mowers this weekend… just thought I’d give business to good people that are recommended. Glad the guy is busy… that’s good news for him. Totally respect not getting spread too thin… sounds like he needs to grow.

    • ^^^^
      Got all you need now Jay.

      • No Punt Intended

        When you have a top defense, that’s not as ballsy as it seems.

        We are still building that so the Skins would be morons to go for it on 4th down as often as Philly.

        • Philly built in 2 years. Skins right there… Not sure how much more Skins lack in this yearly build. Nothing moronic at all to keep throwing daggers if you are able.

          • No Punt Intended

            Sure. We will see. But I know you aren’t suggesting the 2017 Redskins with the shittiest defense in the league (or damn close to it) would have been better served going for it on 4th and 4 from their own 30.

            Yes, that my friend would be moronic.

            Another reason that would be moronic in 2017 was because the Skins couldn’t ever seem to convert a 3rd and short running the ball.

            Hopefully both of those areas will show improvement this year.

          • My initial comment above references the future. This side of the 50…yea perhaps you punt.

          • No Punt Intended

            I’d be fine with that assuming our defense is no longer the hot butter other teams run through like a knife.

          • Well I sure hope this DL revamping is top 5 worthy…I say it is.

    • Different_Cat

      Punting on 4th down is one of the dumb things that coaches do just because it’s always been done that way. Statistically you’re almost always better off going for it on 4th down.

      ” It’s funny how boxed in our thinking can be. Except for the most desperate of circumstances or with inches to go just outside of field-goal range, today’s N.F.L. coaches will choose to punt.

      Every single serious study of 4th-down decisions has found that, in most situations, teams would be better off by going for the conversion attempt rather than kicking. I’ve recently completed a study of 4th-down decisions that confirms what some fans already know, that it pays to be more aggressive. Those short on time might want to skip ahead to the bottom line.”

  • Some early predictions out there from 5 to 8 to 10 wins… Way I see it : Skins won 7 games last year and adding A Smith is worth 3/4 more Ws. Guice is plus 2 more Ws minimum. Payne J Allen and Settle is plus 3.5 Ws.
    So even on the low side of plus Ws Skins are at 11 or 12 Ws. I like this rationale.

  • No Punt Intended

    Nationals play at 1:30p.m. this afternoon.

    Not sure if you saw yesterday but the best pitcher in baseball, Max Scherzer, came in to pinch hit during the 12th inning. What? Yes. Cracks a single. Which was amazing because the next batter put one all the way to the wall in right-center and Scherzer got on his horse and scored from 1st base on Wilmer Difo’s triple.

    Scherzer was mobbed as he entered the dugout.

    This guy is GOING to win his 4th Cy Young award and VERY MUCH is in the discussion for MVP – – well as much as anyone is right now in June.

    Max is a freaking stud baseball player who just happens to pitch every 5 days.

    When he pitches, it’s must-watch TV.

    I hope none of you are missing out on this.

  • Happy Sunday!

  • I still think Cavs steal one in Oakland even if they try to throw it away again after the steal.

  • 2 months 6 days til prrseason game 1 and the trek to the Super Bowl. Hope Gibbs wishes/Capitals Cup rubs off on this football team and the upcoming season.

  • Great effort for 3 periods by the CAPS. Keep it up and Washington will be hoisting the Stanley Cup.

  • Never knew there was an elite #8 in DC. Straight clutch. Larry Bird on skates

  • No Punt Intended

    Keim piece talking with Saban and the latest crop of ‘Bama players to the Redskins:

    Some analysts have suggested Payne could become a better pass-rusher in the NFL than he was at Alabama; he recorded a combined 2.5 sacks his last two seasons as a nose tackle. His impact there was felt most often in the playoffs. Saban agrees with those analysts’ assessments, with a caveat.

    “As long as you keep his weight down,” Saban said. “Bigger is not better with him. He’s big enough.”

  • noonefromtampa

    well the people in Target might have freaked out a little when I yelled GOAL! after that 3rd goal where I was watching while standing in line

  • Hell yeah!!!

  • Caps win! First home cup final win ever, second cup final win. WOOT!

  • 3-1 Caps

  • Sweet baby Jesus

  • No Punt Intended


    3-1 Caps with 6 minutes in the final period.

  • Scamp. You will have to just interview a few people when you get here. I hesitate to recommend anyone. Personality comes into play as much as I expectations. I respect what my guy just told me that he doesn’t want to be spread too thin and provide poor service to those he’s already working with. Most people would just keep taking on new customers I think. There are plenty of people for you to interview once youre here

    • It’s not “once I’m there”… it’s while I’m not… so the neighbors aren’t pissed that the lawn wasn’t touched for a month. I’ll take care of my own once I get there. I was also hoping to have about 6 trees taken out of the yard.

  • CAPS are outskating and outshooting those fuckers. Let’s do this!!!

  • This here’s a robbery

  • Fucking asshole

  • 2-0 Caps

  • Sweet baby Jesus

  • Hey k0n…..see how Ovie put it in the air? Huh? Do ya, huh? “The Save….that wasn’t”

  • 1-0 Caps

  • Sweet baby Jesus

  • No Punt Intended


  • Hey 65… if you see this do you know any other lawn care guys? Your boy couldn’t take care of me…

  • No Punt Intended

    Nationals tied at 3 in the 12th inning and they pinch hit Max Scherzer. That’s right. Max Scherzer up to bat.

    Oh he just cranks a single and then scores from first on a Wilmer Difo shot off the right field wall.

    Max will win the Cy Young easily and is very much in the MVP discussion.


    Hogsty article sited at the bottom of this site in player news.

  • Okay… so Kapri Bibbs has only 16 games played in his career. I’ve seen some odd new PS rules so I don’t know if he is PS eligible or not… but we picked him up late in the year so I have no doubt he could skate to another PS IF eligible.

    But, of course, he will be the new Redskins fan crush in camp for RB.

    Now, I’d hit this!

    • old as dirt.

    • No Punt Intended

      I lived around the corner from her as a kid. Would see her on a rare occasion at the store and she is stunning to look at in person. Of course this was also about 30 years ago.

      • Were you peeping in her windows?

        • No Punt Intended

          Shit she was living with that Keating guy who went to prison I think but her house was like a big, gated compound off Piney Meetinghouse Rd. in Potomac. Couldn’t get close. Would have to run a serious mission to get those views. Not like Bluto just putting up a ladder.

  • No Punt Intended

    Nats / Braves 3-3 in the top of the 11th with a man on 1st, no outs.

  • I’ve soured on Rob Kelley…has no vision and actually cuts back into traffic.

    • Different_Cat

      Bah, I disagree. Does a very good job making something out of nothing, which is what the OL has generally given him.

      In 2016, when he was healthy, he was No. 2 among all starting NFL RBs in elusive rating (“runner’s success beyond the point of being helped by his blockers”).

  • SCamp No Punt Intended • 5 hours ago
    He’ll be a memory… unless they can stash him on the PS… which I would LOVE to see
    LOL…they can’t put Kapri Bibbs on the practice squad. He has a Super Bowl ring with Denver.

  • Storming like Norman .

  • CAPS!!!

  • So Rob Kelly cut his hair after 9 years is a half a step quicker and in great shape. Looks like he won’t be going down without a fight .

  • OH MY GOD , Trump is being mean to Canada !!!!

  • No Punt Intended

    over a thousdna comments and no knew thred what the fuck theirs news going on this shit makes no cents do you”re jobs

    – Flounder

  • The father in-law’s brother passed away this morning from Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease.

    The human version of mad cow disease. He was diagnosed barely a week ago. Doctors said he had a year to 18 months.

    Yea, they fucked that one up.

    • Sorry for your loss! I don’t like when doctors give diagnosis of how long one will live. Some people just can’t take it. I’d rather not know and just live everyday

    • noonefromtampa

      first sorry for your loss, second wow that is pretty rare.

      I saw that once on one of the TV medical shows there are like 350 cases diagnosed each year in the US which is something like 0.0001%. Most people have it for years and never even know it. It’s not until there are personality changes and people go to a doctor that they find out they have it.

    • Sorry to hear that man… never even heard of that.

    • 🙁

  • Avocado, cilantro and lime Triscuits are frign tasty. Even Steve might like them. Hold the mayo though.

    On the front of the box ‘Natural flavor with other natural flavor’

    I’m like…what does that even mean!!!

  • Speaking of worms. Once again, the overhang of the side of the house is home to nest. The previous tenant, a robin, left it behind. It’s now occupied by doves. Which are just way too big for the nest the robin built. There’s two younglings. Any minute now they’re going to be too big to be in the nest and instead will be on it. They are growing crazy fast.

    Anyway, with the parents bringing them food…how do birds ever learn where and what to eat? They just eating whatever moves that fits in the beak?

    • Same way we keep scuttling euphoric academia
      Hey hey hey, it’s DNA

    • A basic fun experiment:
      Put out cracked corn, observe the species of birds attracted.
      Put out sunflower seeds, observe the species ” ” “.
      Put out seed (variety) ”
      Put out suet, ”

      You’ll have some common species that do it all, but you’ll also pull in some that you would never see, if it were just cracked corn on the menu.

      • And then the mice show up. Then the rats. Then cats. Coyotes. Prolly a bobcat or two also.

        We do have a good number of species of birds here in north Texas. Owls, falcons, hawks, vultures, ducks, peckers, egret, blue jay, cardinals, plenty of the more commons birds. The one we see the most are the grackles.

        Which just crack me. When they’re not busy sounding happy, they’re breaking bad with each other or some other bird. They poof out and start chasing at whatever is in their spot. It’s hysterical when it’s one or more other grackles. They face off by craning their heads back and seeing who gets tired of it first.

        • Grackles are much like crows.

          • In the fall, they get together in big numbers. You pull into a parking lot with trees and find out there’s a party going on. They make a lot of noise.

            But it’s happy sounds. Wish I had a recording. They straight sound like life is good.

    • Doves are about the dumbest birds alive. Surprising that their species has not been weened out.

  • If we had worm skin, we could live in the ground.

    But who knew there was so much oxygen in the back yard?

  • Happy Saturday!

  • It’s so hard being a reporter these days….at least one covering politics. We have to report that it is, then that it isn’t, then that we don’t fucking know, then that it is, because he said she said this, when she said he said that, which is why it is, instead of isn’t, like it was, or what we thought it was, but it isn’t, cause now everyone knows, we’re fucking tools, as it’s right there on display, each and every day…….but it’ll be ok *sniffle* I’m just gonna go cry some more….let Friedrich Hayek comfort and inspire me……but I won’t put in the work, all I want is my ticket….Davos, here we come, baby!

  • Different_Cat Different_Cat • 6 hours ago
    So we’re cosying up to North Korea, China, and Russia, and imposing sanctions against our best and oldest allies in Canada and Europe. #MAGA!
    Keep your enemies close, but your….somthink like dat.

    • Well on the past he was,always freaking out about going to war with N Korea and starting WW3 so i guess this scenario is an improvement . Regardless of the situation , you’re going to get an hysterical over the top load of BS .

      • Different_Cat

        Hysterical over the top BS from conservative columnist Bret Stephens:

        “Never mind restoring a bust of Winston Churchill to the Oval Office. The spirit that really hovers over this White House is Herbert Hoover’s.

        But that’s unfair to Hoover, whose soul can now rest easy that he is no longer the worst Republican president ever. In the grip of the Great Depression, the 31st president was under intense political pressure to sign the Tariff Act of 1930, better known as Smoot-Hawley after its Republican authors in Congress. Hoover himself was a somewhat reluctant protectionist. And while 1,028 economists signed a petition imploring the president not to sign, he could not then know that “Smoot-Hawley” would become a byword for economic folly. Between 1930 and 1933, the value of global trade declined from $4.9 billion to $1.8 billion.

        Trump has no such excuses. The economy is humming. The overwhelming majority of Americans want more trade deals, not fewer, and are leery of a trade war. Congressional Republicans are broadly pro-trade and aren’t trying to push the administration into a political corner. And the opposition to tariffs among professional economists is about as universal now as it was then.”

        • One wonders what the deal was, when he took the job at the Times……”we need to stop alienating Jewish readers with our love of all things Muslim, you come fix that, we’ll pay your asking price, one condition……please feel free to fire at will, on Trump, a polar opposite personality to yourself… we have a deal?”

          Pulitzer Prize winner for his writings on the Fail that is, Barack Hussain Obama. 🙂

          • Different_Cat

            There are many conservatives who can’t stand Trump because … he isn’t really a conservative.

          • Your brilliance is blinding.

          • Different_Cat

            My suggestion: wear your welding mask.

          • Make sure you answer the question exactly the same, each time. If you don’t think you can, please say so now, we’ll send someone to make sure you get through.

  • No Punt Intended

    Nats got owned tonight.

  • Steven King

    • I had seen Carrie, Salem’s Lot and Creepshow before I found who he was.

      First of his I had read was The Talisman. That he co-wrote with Peter Straub. After that, for the rest of my adolescence, I was hooked.

      • It’s ph btw

        – wif

      • Saw Carrie at a drive in movie. Didn’t really follow much except knowing that the end was scary shit. Blood. Knives. Fucked up mom.

        Salem’s Lot was on TV. A two night thing. I think. Anyway, when the big bad vampire showed up at the table, I hopped straight up and behind the couch. That fucker scared my ass.

        Creepshow, I don’t remember what we bought tickets for…but once inside the theater, we snuck in to see R rated Creepshow.

        • Salem’s Lot…there was that kid scratching at the window. And the scene where dude was fighting off the minion vampires in that cubby.

          Who lets an 8 year old watch that shit!

  • somebody not obeying the cops commands . Wonders why he got tazed. Idiot

    • Remember the good ole’ days, before tazers, when they just beat your ass?

      • I never had any real run in’s with the cops in my town , there wasn’t that many of them and they weren’t the fighting kind anyway .. Now if you went over to Newport News or Hampton and got mouthy you could get thumped in the head and taken to jail.

      • I remember the days when before anything else started…’Hey, didn’t you date my mother? Oh right! That was you doing coke that night!’

  • Give a man a fish, then, see if he’ll clean out your messy ass garage for you

    – HTTR65 saying

  • Always wanted to work there, never took the time.

  • Portland is a fun town.

  • No Punt Intended

    Nats/Braves on…

    • Ya know. How can it matter if a tubes video is here or there? It’s still the intertubes.

  • Aerial America , WV

  • Nags Head the last week of July . Wish it was next week . Can;t wait to sit my big ass in a beach chair all day and survey the sites . Eat seafood every night .

  • 1969

  • Piece of shit in Springfield, Mass is possible serial killer. C’mon Noone

    • what was the deal with Terry MaCaulliffe and the voting thing for felons ? Can they vote or not ?

      • I saw you relied something about it . Thats why i ask .

      • Not without individual reinstatement, that was fake news. You can look it up on the state site.

        • Thats what i thought . So Austin’s original post was BS then . I do think somebody who has paid there debt to society should be able to vote again .

          • Yeah, bullshit agenda driven crap. I haven’t bothered looking up the Nazi Chomo guy, doubt he’s more than a fart in a whirlwind.

  • Did he read the letter? Didn’t he read the letter? Letter letter the letter ooooooooo the letter

  • The summit is off, oh my! The summit is on, oh my! Lol

  • Larry Bird . Best ever .

  • Barroom argument…

    Has LeBron surpassed Magic?

    • Long ago

    • Different_Cat

      Yeah, a couple years ago.

    • Different_Cat

      I think the only legit question is whether LeBron has surpassed Jordan.

      • So no respect for Magic?

        • Different_Cat

          Magic’s top 5 for sure, but look at the cast he had around him compared to the schlubs LeBron is carrying.

          • …but I look at it this way…look at the cast he had around him as a 19 year old rookie, and he led them to a championship

          • Different_Cat

            Right, that’s what I mean. And now he’s 33 years old and he did it again.

      • Once again, D_C, moron. Kareem’s resume is as good or better than Jordan’s, and in terms of pure awesomeness, Wilt is unmatched. LeBron is a guy who has lost a bunch of finals. Great player, not in the discussion, yet.

        • Different_Cat

          You’re an ass hat who can’t view Lakers players objectively. Aside from that, it’s a rather pointless exercise. Different positions, different eras, different supporting casts. Good arguments can be made for several players including some of the ones you mentioned.

        • You cannot compare Centers to non-Centers.

        • yep

    • Johnson is the greatest point guard who has ever played the game of basketball. LeBron James isn’t a point guard. The answer is no, absolutely not.

  • 100°F

    Get some!

  • noonefromtampa

    We called it

    ABC is reportedly looking into rebooting “Roseanne,” but this time the series will be focused on Sara Gilbert.

    According to TMZ, ABC is seeing if there is a possibility of “re-branding the show and focusing on” Gilbert’s character, Darlene Conner, rather than Roseanne.

    Fox News has reached out to ABC for comment.

    TMZ reports that Gilbert has been contacting her “Roseanne” cast members to see how much interest they have in a potential reboot just in case the network moves forward.

    One person who may be onboard is John Goodman. Goodman, who plays Roseanne’s husband and Gilbert’s father on the comedy, is reportedly “very interested.”

  • Canada stole our weed strains and will be selling them on the open and black market.

    Fuck them.

  • Clearly, I’m doing it wrong. We’re all, doing it wrong.

  • Uber driver shoots passenger dead. Happened at about 2:45am. Gives credence to Steve’s motto:

    • Different_Cat

      The truth:

      David MacNaughton, Canada’s Ambassador to the U.S., pointed out that America runs a trade surplus with Canada’s agriculture industry.

      “American farmers are some of the biggest beneficiaries of NAFTA and Canada-U.S. trade,” MacNaughton tweeted. “The U.S. has a $1.9 billion trade surplus with Canada in agriculture and agri-food, which includes a $333 million surplus in dairy #FriendsPartnersAllies.”

      • Different_Cat

        Canada is our biggest export market and we’ve just slammed them with a bunch of tariffs under the false pretense of “national security.” This will raise the cost of steel and aluminum and make many products more expensive.

        And, as was 100% predictable, Canada has retaliated by imposing $16 billion in tariffs against the U.S., which will further damage U.S. businesses.

        • You act like we couldn’t squeeze Canada into submission.

          Why are you so stupid?

          • asking a stupid person or mentally challenged person why they are stupid, is that wise? Lmao

          • Was hoping he could give me some insight into what he ate or what his parents did to him as a child. He’s an unnatural level of stupid. Something had to happen to him to make him that stupid… it doesn’t happen naturally.

          • Different_Cat

            Is it, 65? Never mind.

        • Different_Cat

          So we’re cosying up to North Korea, China, and Russia, and imposing sanctions against our best and oldest allies in Canada and Europe. #MAGA!

          • “Cosy” has a “z”, not an “s”.

          • Different_Cat

            Thanks, comrade.

          • I realize you can’t spell. Just trying to help.

            If you think NAFTA has resulted in good things for the U.S., you’re a fool. President Trump has made no secret of his desire to generally modify U.S. trade agreements and policies to favor U.S. businesses, and that’s what he’s going. Scamp is exactly right about his point about being able to squeeze Canada into submission.

          • Different_Cat

            Trump has succeeded in exactly none of his attempts to wangle better trade deals. Even Republicans think his tariffs on Canada and the EU are stupid. The only thing he’s accomplishing is to piss off our closest allies and cut us out of crucial Asian markets.

            He is a complete idiot when it comes to trade, and is in fact the opposite of what Republicans have stood for over the last decades.


      • SHOCKING!

      • Different_Cat

        Not according to OUR statistics. Canada’s are different because they apparently don’t segregate out goods shipped through Canada from other countries.

  • Just got an alert on my phone – Tiger Woods is now -5 through 12 holes. Wow.

    • Just got an alert on my phone! Bernie Sanders is about to eat some mashed potatoes!


      • I think Bernie is pretty much taking all food through a straw at this point.

        • It’s mashed potatoes… give the old guy a break… he can gum the shit outta those things


    The sad thing is that they REALLY believe this ridiculous nonsense.

    • Newsflash: no federal government politician is totally honest and does anything that’s not in his or her own best interest first.

      • Newsflash… Walter, D_C and Austin are as intellectually dishonest and integrity bereft as any politician

  • And now, back by popular demand…

  • walter_in_fallschurch

    the big salad
    close talker
    low talker
    high talker
    master of my domain
    soup nazi
    man hands
    looking at the sun
    festivus, of course
    moops (the card says, “moops”!)
    double dipping

  • I don’t even grill and I know this is wrong:

  • No Punt Intended

    Found D_C’s yearbook photo:

  • Redskins should bring Mychal Kendricks in for a visit…

    • NPI sharing his fap materials. nice

      • No Punt Intended

        Dude you beat off nightly looking at the poster of Bernie Frank taped above your twin bed.

        All this while your mom is upstairs taking multiple BBC’s.

  • “In many states, he’d be barred from running for office, but in 2016, ex-Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe restored the right to vote and run for office for convicted felons.” – Austin

    On July 22, 2016, the Virginia Supreme Court ruled that the Executive Orders issued by Governor Terence R. McAuliffe on April 22, 2016, May 31, 2016, and June 24, 2016, restoring the civil rights to more than 200,000 Virginians, were unconstitutional. The court directed the Secretary of the Commonwealth to delete from the records any individuals who had their rights restored under these orders, and for the Department of Elections to cancel the voter registration of any individual who had been restored under these orders.


  • No Punt Intended

    The day D_C encountered POTUS:

    You can see he’s already got Billy Donovan in the back seat.

  • Steve’s take on hamburgers with mayonnaise

  • Got some 3×3 tube laying around?

  • WTF is going on with neo-nazis running for office? An admitted pedophile, no less.

    An ex-con who promotes pedophilia is running for Congress in Virginia and he’s allowed to because of a 2016 state law.

    Nathan Larson, 37, an independent candidate for Virginia’s 10th congressional district, served more than a year in federal prison after threatening in a detailed email to kill former President Barack Obama in 2008, according to federal court records.

    In many states, he’d be barred from running for office, but in 2016, ex-Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe restored the right to vote and run for office for convicted felons.

    According to the Huffington Post, Larson founded several websites to allow pedophiles to discuss child rape. He bragged online of choking and raping his ex-wife, who has since committed suicide.

  • noonefromtampa

    if you teach a man to throw dynamite into the lake when he is hungry, he will get a lot of fish to eat

  • Squinnsamania, brother!

    Teach a man to fish, and, uh, well, its kinda embarassing.

    -Monti Teo

  • As you might imagine, ask and the internet shall find
    …plenty of materials on how to make backyard clay into “pottery clay”

    • …out of fish?

      • Here’s how I thought this worked.
        Imagine a griddle, like with burners beneath a stainless metal cook top you can get at HD or Lowes
        Now imagine that cooktop has a dome over it, and the heat from the fire below heats the griddle then travels through a flue behind but within the dome and then out the top of a chimney on the front side-ish top of the dome (so the max amount of the oven interior is heated). but instead of metal, it’s all made of bricks and clay.
        so, there’s a separate compartment for the fire and the food
        the fire directly heats the “griddle” (like a pizza stone) from below and the heat from the gases also heats the inside of the oven, so it’s going to sear and bake at the same time unless you put the food in something above the “griddle”
        maybe what I’d have to do is integrate an off-the shelf pizza “stone” to make that work during construction, but otherwise, it would need high temp mortar and clay
        basically it’d be like a grill with a hole in the front and a solid stone/clay cooking surface with a lid (the oven) that didn’t open

        • though their design is easier, and probably way more efficient in terms of wood used

          because thinking about it, that would probably hit 900 degrees pretty fast

          and you’d need to design the vents to be the right size for steady state (rather than coals) cooking


          pizza in 38 seconds!

          and I’m 99.9999% sure what I described is not unique, but something so common you could buy off the shelf if you had a few grand

        • How about….tossing an iron skillet in the oven, get it to temp, throw in your steak and cook it alongside whatever you’ve got going on?

          • daggone it! at “full throttle” I want this thing to roar like a small locomotive!

            I want my neighbors to ASK… is that a tornado a coming or is Mike making pizza again!!!???

          • You need “hot blast”, then. Oxygen mixed with preheated air.

          • “Mike honey, my steak is tough as iron” – Mrs. Mike
            “Err, that’s the skillet, dear, or what’s left of it anyway” – Mike

          • you’d have to make the chimney the right shape to make a bit of an un-necessary rumble and prob have cold air vents in good spots on the fire box, you’d be burning way more wood than necessary

          • 9 cord, per BBQ season.

            Have a damper that you can spill with, get the top of the stack burping woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof

          • Underfire air

        • Your combustion chamber will have to restrict the flue gas enough to burn off the co, to get the needed heat transfer through the brick and clay (or fire up the day before). This would mean you’d need a significant stack, or blower, to control the draft. Maybe your barrier between the oven and combustion chamber could be something that transfers heat more quickly.

          • suddenly, the pizza oven project turned into a lesson in thermal transfer and fluid dynamics

            that’d be quite the show and tell @ kindergarden

          • Fwiw, the refractory you need is available.

  • Teach a man to fish with a baitcasting reel from 13 Fishing

  • Give a man a fish, preferably a burgundy and gold fish, but if not….I guess that’s ok, sorta….I really hope that it’s a burgundy and gold fish, though. No, not a Goldfish, a gold fish. Explain the geothermal significance of the fish, in relation to the probability of a snowy forecast, which supports superb owls, when combined with burgundy and gold, well, fish… – Walter

  • But back to monkeys…

    people had to watch monkeys to learn how to peel a banana.

    And even now, most still do it wrong.

    Think about that.

  • noonefromtampa

    Should we be expecting a top 10 Laker fish list from Steve?

  • I actually do want to, someday, build an old school outdoor wood fired oven; bricks and clay just like our…
    Native Ameri… forefath… just like those people at the brick oven pizza joints have…

    but that’s not something you do until you have the right place to put it.

    • You have a backyard?

      • I have a backyard that’s not super deep, but most people couldn’t throw a football across it

        not without warming up, anyway
        keeping mind, there are a lot of elderly, young children, and very obese people in our general population

    • I was watching some youtubes last night. The guys using a yoga ball for their oven cavity have it going on.

      But wow, it’s really as simple as stacking some bricks on a secure surface and getting a fire going. Don’t even need any mortar.

      • Yes, but what I was hoping for is kind of a dual unit, where the heat slides under and around a flat clay “plate” and then up and into the oven “bubble” but I think what instead you might do is leave a bit of a sill on it if possible for a small area… but that might require reinforcing with rebar, and that might mess up things with the differential heating and expansion… so I probably should not get fancy and just mod my cooking to match the oven. and do you need special clay or brick? I imagine the platform = no, but for everything that goes into the wood area and then the oven (depending on design)…

        because if not, I could just keep some of the heavy clay I’ll get when I dig out a rain garden and use that. Once you get about 18″ down, too chalky, and the top 3-4″ is top soil, but that middle layer? probably perfect for it. and I have a lot of extra regular old bricks people didn’t want in their yard anymore…

        *smash cut*
        clay explodes, fire everywhere, 100′ oak trees like torches, can be seen from space.

  • Give a man a fish….


    I actually do want to, someday, build an old school outdoor wood fired oven; bricks and clay just like our…
    Native Ameri… forefath… just like those people at the brick oven pizza joints have…

    but that’s not something you do until you have the right place to put it.
    I’ve seen it a thousand times!

    — Mike5790 saying

  • Give me a fish, and I’ll put a Britt McHenry bobblehead on it and fuck it.

    – NPI

  • Give a man a fish, make him kill it while you’re on a beer run, show him how the gods cook it – k0n saying

  • Give a man a fish. But only if he’s got a hot wife that makes a stiff drink and shows her ass when noone is looking

    – Noone saying

  • Give a man a fish. And he’ll say, “what the **** is this?”
    I don’t know how to prepare it.
    I don’t have a place to cook it.
    I can’t get drunk off it.

  • Give a man a fish, show him how to gut it, salt it, pickle it, smoke it, use the guts in the garden, take him bowing, drinking and then toking

    – Zig saying

  • noonefromtampa

    You want a fish?

    “Get a job you fucking slob, ” is all he replies

  • Give a man a bong hit and he’ll listen to Phish.

  • Give a man a fish, well sure. That’s what Beto would do!

    – Austin saying

  • Give a man a fish, except if he’s Tom Brady. Fuck that guy

    – Greg saying

  • Give a man a fish, then tell him to fuck off already you fucking bum ass bitch

    – Scamp saying

  • Give a man a fish because, I don’t eat fish anyway.

    – Steve saying

    • Shows how much you know. Many types of fish are on my approved list.

      • Yes, plain unseasoned fish with absolutely no tartar sauce.

        • Well, yes, but I do like fish.

          • If it has fins and swims, I simply can’t eat it. I’m guessing it’s a food allergy. It’s like Russian roullette. Sometimes I’m okay, otherwise it’s a race to the bathroom, followed by projectile vomiting. Just not worth it.

            Oysters, Clams, Crabs, Scallops, Shrimp Mussells etc. – I can eat all day.

          • I’m a huge shrimp fan, but I don’t like any of the rest of what you mentioned, or crawfish.

          • Eat the brains…..or whatever that is, don’t think it’s really brains.

          • So, poo + mercury = OK
            Just mercury = projectile vomiting

            How does sushi go for you?

          • Won’t touch it.

          • Love sushi

          • Why does Steve only eat fish from lakes?

            Because he only like the Lakers!

            boom, snap, crash, rimshot!!

  • Give a man a fish, then, tell him he’s doing it wrong over and over and over until he punches you in the face

    – D_C saying

    • Different_Cat

      There is a very specific way that a fish should be given to a man, it’s true.

      • Grasp the tail firmly, bring the body of the fish briskly across his face, in a slapping motion.

  • Give a man a fish, he’ll it. I’ve seen it a hundred times

    – Mike saying

  • Give a man a fish. While he’s eating it, bang his wife.

    – Squinns saying

    • Serious LOL.

      That just seemed so perfectly in the lane of Squinn’s classic snarcasm! Nice one.

    • Darvin Kidsy

      write that down
      he’s the Next everyone’s “that’s MY guy” for this pre-season spectacular

  • If scamp is out of California then break out the jackhammers and send it into the pacific

  • The Megalopolis has 49 million people in it’s largest 4 CSAs alone, even-though it is only 2% of the nations’ land area.
    California has less than 40 million total.

    The difference is the Megalopolis is divided up into 11 states instead of 1. Might could condense a few NE states and maybe chop Cali into 3. Still keep the flag. I mean, that’s the ultimate goal, right? Maintain the flag.

  • Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he’ll eat for a lifetime. — Ancient Chinese saying

    Give a man a fish and he’ll vote for you for life. Teach a man to fish, and he might catch some of your fish. — Ancient Liberal saying

    • Sorry. I’m half liberal, so I can make that joke.

      • It’s pretty incredible that people got sucked into this commie’s nonsense.

        • He’s considering running in 2020…

          Never underestimate the power of young people’s stupidity

          • I put Bernie in the Ron Paul/Ross Perot/Rand Paul category.

            Some interesting ideas, but way too many other ideas that just aren’t realistic or feasible.

          • Plus, he’s about to turn 77. He’s 5 years older than President Trump, who himself was pretty old for a first term president.

          • If the country is dumb enough to elect him in 2020, he’d be our oldest first term president by almost 10 years. At some point, too old is too old.

          • Dear Dems. Please run Bernie. Please, please, please!!

            — The Donald

          • I think this country has made its stupidity perfectly clear, thank you very much.

          • They sure did… look how many voted for Hillary

    • What’s the Ancient Conservative saying?

      • Give a man a fish? Never! — Ancient Conservative saying

        • Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day, and be grateful. Teach a man to fish, and we’ll sue you for using our methods and practices, take all your fish, and sell them back to you at a 1000% markup –Ancient Conservative saying

          • Every law firm I’ve been to… filled with nothing but … conservatives?

          • The conservatives won’t do the legal work of the lawsuit. They’ll hire the lawyers for that.

            The lawyers will likely be liberals, sure. But they have no problem taking conservative money.

          • they COULD be conservatives that speak Yiddish as a second language?

            wait, is that joke going to get my sitcom cancelled?

          • Plaintiff’s lawyers are usually liberals.

            Civil litigation defense attorneys are usually conservatives.

            Transactional, family, and estate attorneys run the full spectrum.

            Prosecutors are normally conservative, but there are some democrats

            Most criminal defense attorneys lean liberal, but again, they can swing both ways.

            At least that’s my experience.

          • Defense attorneys are Bi? Makes sense, you know, for payment and whatnot.

          • I’m sure that some criminal defense attorneys are bi, sure.

          • Lol

        • If you want to get technical about it….

          Give a man a fish? Fuck that guy, let him put in some work besides…fishing isn’t that hard anyway, fuckin’ crybaby. – Ancient Conservative saying

          • that’s often how the idea of gleaning is interpreted.

            the idea is, you leave some “work” for the “poor” they can benefit from it.

            explicitly this meant leaving 10% of your field unharvested so the poor could harvest it themselves. they still had to put in the work. presumably, they also had to take care of it during the season.

          • That’s so old and shit, we just complain until someone finds some funding to give us what we want, this party will never end.

      • Most things modern conservatives say are actually ancient.

      • Different_Cat

        Light a man a fire and he’ll be warm for a few hours. Light a man ON fire and he’ll be warm for the rest of his life.
        -Ancient Conservative Saying

  • Onion Sports Network Verified account @OnionSports 3m3 minutes ago

    Cash-Strapped FiveThirtyEight Lays Off Dozens Of Top Algorithms

  • I looked again at the new Top Gun movie slide that we discussed yesterday. Cruise is wearing eagles on his flight suit in the photo, so he’s a captain now, meaning that the idea that he’s still active is pretty far-fetched considering it’s been 32 years.

    • So is the new Top Gun set 32 years later or are you just assuming since it’s been 32 years…

      • All the article said is that it’s set in modern times. But considering the premise apparently has to do with drones, it’d have to be set with the past few years, at a minimum.

  • Speaking of Kerrigan – The perennially underrated Kerrigan ranked No. 2 overall by Pro Football Focus in pass rush productivity. The stat “measures pressure created on a per snap basis with weighting toward sacks.” Kerrigan landed only behind Von Miller on the list, and ahead of guys like Khalil Mack, Justin Houston and Jadeveon Clowney. Preston Smith ranked 20th on the list, one spot behind Clay Matthews. Remember, too, Kerrigan has never missed a game for the Redskins in a seven-year career. In three years, Smith hasn’t missed a game either…

    Interesting stat from JP FInley

    • Different_Cat

      PFF is a fraud! -Steve

      • Wait… I thought how it works is that PFF sucks when it goes against us, but it is ok when it is for us.

        Isn’t that right? That’s how I read it anyway. 🙂

      • Yes, it is. Their rankings and some of their advanced predictive stats are only for dummies. Some of their other raw stats are very good, which is why teams subscribe, but only rubes would blindly accept alot of their crap.

  • @ SCamp
    In your opinion, what does the future look like for CA…I’ve heard the stories of people leaving, but I’m not sure what that’s supposed to mean. I always hear about their economy doing well, so why do people want to move out?

    • Taxed out the wazoo and cost of living?

      • Plus you have to live around a bunch of Californians.

        I mean, there are good people everywhere, even here in PA, but my guess is there’s a fair number of annoying folks in CA.

        • These people here are a breed I don’t really understand. There is no real engagement… almost everyone is thinking inward.

      • Wouldn’t that be offset by what you make? I mean aren’t the wages in line with cost of living?

    • Cost of living, specifically real estate, is out of control there. What would cost $250,000 in many other places is $1,000,000 there, from what I understand.

      • Well… more closely to $260,000 to $800,000.

        Actually that isn’t true… these aren’t similar size houses. Steve… you are most likely spot on… maybe even a little under selling it.

      • walter_in_fallschurch

        similarly…. my house here inside the beltway could buy 2 or 3 comparable houses in most places.

        • There are a few areas in the country that have that going for them… but very rarely is it as widespread as it is here in California… mainly because it dominates so much coast line

    • Well… I live in a fairly exclusive area but have interactions through my businesses (ex businesses?) with a large cross section of people.

      Here’s my thoughts… California will eventually consist of only 2 types of people. Very poor and very rich. The very rich can afford the cost of housing, living, taxes etc. The very poor benefit from the “welfare” state. The middle class is being squeezed out… and that’s how they want it. Contrary to what typical politics would have you believe (the very rich in California are Silicon Valley types and Hollywood types) the Dems in Cali are anti middle class. You always hear the Democrats saying they are for the working class… well not here.

      While they say the economy is doing very well they don’t tell you that they have a massive unfunded pension liability and in reality the government is flat broke. Silicon valley will always do well… but that’s not a statewide industry.

    • State income tax in CA 12.5%, 13.5% if you make over a million
      Nevada 0%

      The secret to being middle class is to be in the early stages of a migration with your job. So, what that means is, you leave CA, or the DMV, or NYC, and go to Austin or Dallas or Denver on the front end of a housing boom, the traffic ain’t crazy, the house is gorgeous and new, an untouched palate ready to paint with new landscaping. Then 10 years later, you are on to the next. Pocket 200K in appreciation on your home and repeat the process about 2 more times and retire to your home region, and buy the dream home of the slub (who might be in your family relation) who stayed there all his life and doesn’t have the easy half million cash to plop down and pay for it straight up. I’ve seen it…

  • Wiggins apprehended by THP

    • Shevin Wiggins?
      The guy who was on the front end of the Flea Kicker?
      I thought he was already in prison.

      • The cop killer that’s been stumbling around in the woods for three days in Tennessee

        • missed that one

          and it looks like Shevin only got probation, and now has a lucrative career with UPS

  • By the way, given the short holiday week and short staff, this post is going to be it for the week unless we get a press release from the team this afternoon.

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      thank you. appreciate all your efforts. no article is fine. we’ll survive, somehow.

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      “no longer on the team”

      that does not sound like an injury. what happened?

      • Different_Cat

        Apparently he’s a “kuncklehead.”

        • walter_in_fallschurch

          yeah… who blew a $100,000 scholarship.

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            mind you, i do not know the details of this case, but the notion that college athletes are being taken advantage of just really bugs me. college is expensive as hell. these guys get a free ride through college. many blow it, or do not avail themselves to the advantages.

            i would favor some sort of program where an athlete gets another 3-4 years after eligibility is up to finish college. i understand how most of these guys “major” on football, or whatever sport – it’s hours and hours a day. sure the smart, well-organized guys can still graduate on time, but most can’t.

          • they are not being taken advantage of any more than any number of “apprentice” level professionals are

    • Worst thing was Ford signing with Penn State

  • Speaking of cheese, it’s better when you have to chase it

  • Different_Cat

    Wife: “It’s actually really easy, and so much better, to make your own mayo at home.”

    Me: “Why don’t you make some then?”

    Wife: “I don’t have time.”

    Me: “K”

    • I’m the same way with peanut/almond butter

      So, we’re still eating the commercial stuff

      I have relatives who buy bulk raw almonds, roast them, and make their own almond butter (I suppose, with something like a vitamix?). ingredients: almonds, salt

      • Different_Cat

        To be fair, she has made it on occasion and it is good.

        • yes. there’s a little “Inn” in Lincoln that makes their own Thousand Island dressing from scratch. and it is delicious. whether or not they are actually going all the way from the ground up (ie making their own ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, and relish), I don’t know. but based on what the waitress was saying, they’re at least making the mayonnaise part from scratch

  • Different_Cat

    Growing up, my mom always used Miracle Whip in place of mayo. I thought it WAS mayo. Then I got older and discovered that real mayo is kinda gross and flavorless.

  • Different_Cat

    Phew! Almost missed the mayonnaise discussion.

    • the FAA regulations mean that it’s going to be a nice job creator
      since you now need certification and registration to operate a small UAS… that’s generally going to keep the rif raff out and raise wages for that “pilot” industry, at least out of the legit $ making businesses for it

  • noonefromtampa

    I grew up with Duke’s that is the only thing my Mom would use to make cole slaw, potato salad, deviled eggs, etc.

    My aunt use to send it up from NC to DC, until the guy at Safeway started special ordering for my Mom around 67/68

    When any of the uncles got stationed overseas, we would be shipping jars to Germany, Japan, Azores, Spain, you name it

    back in the day one time a deal was worked out for 5 cases of Duke’s to get delivered via MAC flight to Europe from Charleston AFB by the 437th MAW for a command changeover, new general was a Southern fella

    • That sort of thing goes on all the time on the airlift flights. They are usually pretty good about transporting things like that as long as its relatively easy and small.

      • A small pallet of Duke’s, no trouble at all.

      • noonefromtampa

        back in the day a bottle of Jack or Wild Turkey got many a package a free ride somewhere

        • I have alot of experience with military airlift. Probably what I know best.

          • noonefromtampa

            I have a lot of experience with DD1348’s and coercing military personal that was my specialty back in the day

          • My dad spent the second half of his career as an airlifter. Was the wing commander of one of the airlift wings (not Charleston) and then after that was at MAC HQs. I was stationed at Andrews as my second active duty assignment (which VIP transport, not cargo, but still a MAC/AMC base) and then again later with a C-5 wing as a reserve officer.

  • NPI walks into a bar and barks at the bartender “Hey Chief, get me a Jack Daniels on the rocks. And see that douchebag at the end of the bar? Get her a drink on me.”

    The bartender pours a drink for NPI and walks down the bar toward the woman and whispers “There’s a sorry excuse for a gentleman at the other end of the bar who would like to buy you a drink. What’ll you have?”

    She replied “Just get me a vinegar and water.”

  • walter_in_fallschurch

    wife’s going away this weekend (already gone). i am contemplating my next 2 steak dinners. will probably order one out and make one at home on the grill. jealous much?

  • We have a friend like Steve. Anytime we have her over for dinner, we have to make deconstructed versions of what we’re having.

    When go out to dinner, she has to have everything on the side. Servers roll their eyes like ‘wtf’. Worse…she’s a shitty tipper.

  • School lunch: ketchup, mustard, and pepper mixed together.

    • Back to the good ol daysBruce

      Having no kids and 20 years removed from grade school I wonder how lunches are now. That shit was garbaaaaage. Overcooked burgers. Microwave chicken fingers and pizza. Trash…

  • Weird shit you do when you’re a kid.

    At about 6 y/o…I would open the fridge, get out the mayonnaise, and hot dogs. Then go watch TV while dipping uncooked hot dogs (look away Steve) right into the jar of mayonnaise.

  • My seasoning/sauce/spice aversion is so bad that I order burgers with only cheese (only cheddar or American), and on the fairly rare occasion that I get wings, I ask for them plain.

  • noonefromtampa

    Duke’s Mayonnaise is a condiment created by Mrs. Eugenia Duke at Duke’s sandwich shop of Greenville, South Carolina, in 1917. Duke’s Mayonnaise contains more egg yolks than other mayonnaise products and no added sugar, giving it a tangy flavor.

    • I prefer Hellman’s. Bought some Duke’s a few months back. Everyone hated it.

    • Squinnsamania, brother!

      Duke’s is the best. When Wegman’s moved to Columbia, MD, they didn’t sell Duke’s. We told them, welcome to the “South”, you need to carry Duke’s and they listened.

      • Back to the good ol daysBruce

        Love wegmans produce and deli. I generally hate grocery shopping but wegmans is life

        • I don’t mean to be a douche, but I am totally turned off by lifestyle identity brands

          it’s the one thing I hate about having a Subaru… that… and the attrocious fuel mileage (a friggen Dodge Durango gets the same mpg for goodness sakes and that can tow a boat!)

          every single time I park it, a gorgeous woman in nice boots and slightly unshaven legs and a body that says “I do Pilates 2 hours a day” comes up to my door and smiles like she is going to hit on me, then frowns and walks away when she realizes I’m male… well… that’s what a Subaru will do for ya…. dadgum granola bars everywhere… it’s like it poops them out into the back seat!

          • I’ve seen it a HUNDRED times!

          • Wait…. I get that Subaru is… and Starbucks… and Apple… and Nike… and a bunch of others.

            But how is Wegmans a lifestyle identity brand? I mean, Whole Foods. Trader Joes. Sure. But Wegmans?

            It just seems like the sensible place to shop if your choices are Wegmans, Topps (how Orwellian) and Giant Eagle.

          • listen to the way everyone talks about Wegmans

            My thought is, is Wegman’s a church, or is it a grocery store

            But hey, we go to Aldi.

          • Compared to Topps and Giant Eagle, stepping into Wegman’s is a fairly religious experience.

            I’ve never been to Aldi. I hear good things. But the one in my town is in the wrong part for me to shop there.

          • Wegman’s people don’t shop at Aldi

            to a Wegman’s shopper, Aldi would be a bit like shopping at 7-Eleven;

      • I like Duke’s and Spicy Stubbs bbq sauce because they’re not luxury priced and both for their genre’s don’t have a lot of sugar

        • Squinnsamania, brother!

          Dinosau BBQ sauce is my favorite. If not available, Stubb’s is the runner-up. Not overly sweet.

          • Stubbs is good stuff. Here in Austin, there are so many local sauces, I enjoy trying as many as possible. The recent winner is “The Jank” sauce, sold at HEB.

          • Squinnsamania, brother!

            You’re still probably wondering what the “secret ingredient” is in the “Jank” sauce.

  • Back to the good ol daysBruce

    Does anyone immediately put salt and pepper on their food before even tasting it? Or steak sauce/hot sauce? My sister does that and I hate it

    • My wife.
      I had to get serious about that, first time she ruined my steak.

      • There’s nothing like a well-done steak smothered in catsup

        – The Donald

        • noonefromtampa

          That’s should be an impeachable offense

          • thick 3″ black bean tofudabeast steak

            you’re putting ketchup and mustard and that, trust me

          • I’m putting more garbage on top of that, in the garbage can.

          • prob a good move… because you’re going to have the worst gas ever… but it’s not going to be stinky

            just really painful and no payoff

          • No “long and healthy life” payoff?

          • I figure if you have a lb of meat for lunch, it’s all good so long as there’s a lb of vegetables with it, they cancel each other out.

        • Buck has said as much. She handed me my ribeye, literally smothered in A1 sauce…….
          “Baby, I’m sorry that your ex used to buy you shitty steak, don’t ever, ever, ever do that again”

    • I basically don’t use either on anything.

    • Man. My mother-in-law (wonderful woman whom I love) never seasons anything when she cooks it. Like zero seasoning.

      Heck, yes I’m salting and peppering that stuff without tasting it. I have tasted it many times, and it was bland as Velveeta (also invented for kids).

      Generally speaking, however, no.

  • Back to the good ol daysBruce

    Listen…mayo and ketchup is the shit. However I never realized how many people despise mayo. Incredible…

  • Haven’t seen it said here, but LeBron was insanely good last night.

    Hate away, if you hate, that’s cool. And I’m not calling him the goat. But that was a crazy good performance, surrounded by K Love, a couple ham sandwiches, and a dude so stoned he couldn’t see the scoreboard, he nearly willed a win against what some people think is a pretty darn good Warriors team.

  • walter_in_fallschurch

    Squinnsamania, brother! Steve Thomas • 6 minutes ago
    My first grade teacher told me it was, so I’m sticking with her.

    my high school physics teacher taught me and his whole class about the (fake) egg/equinox thing: you know – you can balance an egg on its pointy end during the spring and fall equinox. i kind of pondered how that would make a difference, but accepted it. turns out you can balance an egg on its pointy end during the equinox – and every other day of the year, if you’re careful about it. nothing magic, gravitationally, about the equinox…. bastard.

  • walter_in_fallschurch

    it’s all good. appreciate the acknowledgment of a line being crossed.

    • No problem.

    • Line being crossed? Like the planet to dwarf planet line? The ape to human line? What other lines do scientists like to invent out of thin air and then debate?

      • I’m three tokes over the line.

      • walter_in_fallschurch

        the cunt line was crossed.

        • Funny thing, State farm just called….. said they’re dropping my insurance.

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            we had a zip line in the backyard that insurance wanted us to take down. we did. no one was using it anymore.

          • I built one, as a middle-schooler. All of the kids in the neighborhood played on it, till this one kid got stuck, the rope jumped out of the sheave, screamed bloody murder. My Dad rescued him, then cut it down.

  • Soft-Test Criteria to Detect a Commy

    If you are suspicious, then probe with these discussion points and look for these clues:

    They know very little about Star Wars
    They weren’t a fan of Hulk Hogan
    They like to mix mayo with their ketchup
    The don’t think Pluto is a real planet

    • This is a “like 99%” type list.

    • however, if you mix mayo with ketchup, AND mustard and relish,
      that’s ‘Merican as it gets

    • Mixing mayo and ketchup is disgusting. Mayo by itself is bad enough.

      • I like it. What I don’t get is the British penchant for dumping vinegar on their food. When you have to bathe your cuisine in vinegar to make it taste better, then there is something wrong with your cuisine or your palate.

        • British cuisine is a bit odd, generally. I don’t know how they all don’t die of scurvy.

  • Ya’ll better stop comparing us to humans! That’s so insulting!!

    — Apes

  • So is Pluto a planet or not?

  • I don’t care how it happens. As long as Lebron James’ team loses, it’s a good day.

    • Different Cat disagrees

      • Good

      • As do I, but you already knew that, Steve.

        But, I don’t really care that much. I prefer the underdog Cavs and would like to see a good series, but whatevs.

    • Maybe he’ll take his talents to Toronto, instead of LA?

      • As long as he takes them anywhere but to the varsity locker room at Staples Center, I’m fine with it.

        • Him coming to the Lakers would be alot like Deion Sanders coming to the Redskins. I had to hold my nose and root for him since he was a Redskin for a year, and that’s what I’d have to do for Lebron as a Laker, but I’d rather not have to do it.

    • Michael Jordan never let his team lose a Finals game that way…

      • Of couse, Michael Jordan’s team came within 1 game of the finals without Jordan even being on the team.

        • Michael’s greatness was fired by a near insane compulsive competitiveness that he could not turn off, and I imagine that rubbed off on guys who played with him. there were stories of him playing pickup games where he would not turn it off. I think he dunked over some grandma nun and then pointed at her as she lay on the floor… I’ve seen it a hundred times

          • There are the similar stories about Kobe. Some guys are just like that.

          • Kobe completely cloned his game around Michael Jordan’s game, especially the later part, of Jordan’s career. And there’s nothing wrong with that. I mean, I’ve borrowed Kareem’s sky hook, Pippen’s pull up 3, and Michael’s glide-across-the-lane-hang-jump-shot-fade-that’s-game move. can’t stop that with a little bit of a screen. if you mix all three together, people will call BS on it. Until you do it again. Though you’d be daft to do that on a break-away.

          • Well, it’s not like Jordan invented his own moves out of thin air. They all have influences. Kobe’s talked about his influences many times, and Jordan is a big one, but he’s not the only one.

          • right down to the facial gestures

  • The gentlemanly thing to do, would be to allow a uncontested shot in return……

    The quandary is this… y’all don’t consider me a gentleman.

    • Twitter says we are not apes.

      • Squinnsamania, brother!

        Well, there you have it. If Twitter says so, then it must be true.

        • Look, I don’t mind if you call me an ape. At. All.

          But don’t compare any one who identifies as African American to an ape. Seriously, what the hell?

          • Squinnsamania, brother!

            There’s more of an implication there when used in reference to black people.

          • What are you trying to say?

          • Squinnsamania, brother!

            LOL. No you don’t!

          • 🙂

          • Scientific discussion dude. Not directed towards any individuals,rather towards the human race.

          • Well then….I’ll just butt right the fuck out of it! Humans…..meh….

          • ape is a pretty common term as a personal insult all the way around.

            people have insulted the POTUS and his admin with insinuations or directly that they are nazis and/or apes

            there are lots of unfortunate people who have, for lack of a better term, muzzles… of all races. I have some in-laws… who are completely white, of British origin, who have muzzle type features. I don’t know the person Roseanne called/implied looked like an ape, but if you look at a picture…
            1) if you didn’t know her, and you were forced to play a race game, you would not pick African American, so if we’re looking for “triggers” you’d guess probably, what… a mix of SE Asian/polynesian and… who knows because this is America? and …
            2) well, I ain’t gonna say it. but they say there’s a bit of truth in most jokes…

            And lastly, one of the keys to comedy is being specific. I think Adam Corolla uses the example of cookies. If you are going use a word in the punchline, for some reason, being specific is funnier… so Oreo is a funnier tool than cookie in the comedians toolbox. …so Muslim Brotherhood, funnier than a generic phrase she could have used… and rather than just calling someone an ape, she was specific with a pop culture reference, and she by using the “child of” reference, she gets a factorial bonus.

            This is what they call in her profession, “a joke”. And it has the structure therof. Where it came from, I didn’t follow the story. I don’t (didn’t) know who the other woman is or what she did to get Roseanne to target her personally. she was awful and unfunny in the 1980’s IMO, so what would that change now? But still, it was a personal attack joke against one person, not an entire race or religion. She is a comedian, and just like Trump, not someone you’d ever want as a politician…

            wait… ah… ****!

      • I never said we were, just we share 99%.

  • I genuinely feel bad, Walter, sorry man, that was a frogwater boogerhook.

  • Anyone care to summarize the apes-humans beef/nonbeef?

    Seems like it could be interesting, but I can’t make much of it.

    • Bovine are beef

    • What beef? We share like 99% of DNA

      • Look, this is fucking science, ok? “Like 99%” isn’t a science number.

        • Aug 31, 2005 · A comparison of Clint’s genetic blueprints with that of the human genome shows that our closest living relatives share 96 percent of our DNA. The number of genetic differences between humans and chimps is ten times smaller than that between mice and rats.

          • And your very own Neil Degrasse stressed the vastness in the difference of just 1%, in the clip you posted….
            96% is not 99%.

          • I realize this. Thats from 2005. Idk but I’d bet Neil is correct.

          • I’m insufferable today

          • Different_Cat

            NOILRMOT NDGT

          • Neil is not a biologist, outside of certain science realms (he is an astrophysicist, right?) he is a generalist and pop sci kind of guy, I would rely on him for general process and gross generalizations, now whether a specific number is absolutely accurate.

      • the actual number is like 95-96% and we’re like 60% banana, so don’t get too fired up about it.

        when you have bricks, pods, whatever, you can make a lot of very similar but also different stuff, with various software programs, genetics, actual bricks, being examples. but still, what looks like an onion with added layers of complexity… if in fact, most of the changes result in death, failure… LOSS of layers… what if “evolution” works both ways? and sideways? and upside rightsid… wait… you know what I mean.

    • So, in short, I don’t get no stinking summary?

      That’s cool.

  • Man, playin’ high never affect my performance.

    — JR

  • Big Buck64 Different_Cat • 12 hours ago
    is that like the pictures all of hollywood was tweeting out that were actually from 2014

    Big Buck64 Big Buck64 • 12 hours ago
    That was about as dishonest as you can be . Once the truth was revealed they had to take them down

    The British media knowingly used pictures of the Russian Pogroms and printed them in newspapers labelled as the Germans, during WWI. It was the WWI propaganda against the Germans where the Nazis learned that propaganda could be so powerful, and also part of the reason the German populace probably didn’t believe anything coming out of the Allies’ media.

    Just like today, the right and left don’t believe each other’s media because there’s so much propaganda in all of it. So much so, we have shops and informal witch gatherers on Twitter and other social media that tip the scales, where, like the Nazis, a minority can appear like a majority and then it steam rolls. We have a binary system, which is not part of the design, and it is now winner take all or nothing. At some point, the delusion that modern civil war isn’t physically violent will be washed away. And at some point, a historical character will arrive that will burn the deadwood of civilization. At least, that is what history would imply. If it comes from within, will it be the left or the right that lucks upon such character?

  • Lord Frost Vader, Season 1, Episode 1
    Akron @ Nebraska, Sept 1 @ 8PM on Fox

    When do you suppose was the last time Akron was on national network TV, prime time?

    • “They were hired mainly for their appearance.”

      How is this different than cheerleaders who cheer.

      NYT is setting a new bar there.

  • Dennis Greene resigns, so the other shoe drops in the Skins FO. Makes sense. His group was struggling, and convenient scapegoat for the Cheerleadergate.

  • Darnell Magruder

    Good to hear that both safety position are solid, this defense has a chance to be top 10 if injuries are kept to a minimum .

  • Different_Cat

    Dumbass JR Smith blew Cleveland’s chance to steal game 1. Rebounded a free throw with a 2-3 seconds remaining and thought the Cavs were up 1, but the score was tied. smdh

  • Q: What do you call that patch of hair between an old ladys tits? A: Her snatch.

  • what’d I miss?

  • noonefromtampa

    A black Mustang that fatally hit a young mother and her toddler daughter as they crossed Bayshore Boulevard last week hit 102 mph, then began braking hard before impact, according to an arrest warrant obtained Thursday by the Tampa Bay Times.


    That same compny does make one you can tow . 8000 DOLLARS . 8 GRAND

  • So we’ve figured out the ONLY 2 people on the blog that can remotely stand D_C are Walter and Austin…

  • Hooowee…those Joe Kamados ain’t cheap.

    Joe Classic II – $1200
    Big Joe – $1900
    Joe Jr – $530

    • Break out your solar mortar mixer and build a fucking rock oven.

      • I’ll let you borrow a Potter’s wheel, and you can throw your own. Fire it in your new rock oven…… steps

    • Those and big green eggs are expensive… so are Traegers. Worth it

  • Man, they are dipping into the crazy powder tonight fo’sho

    Calling a woman a cunt isn’t racist. It’s funny.

    – Liberal left

    • Yea… hysterical

    • Different_Cat

      Bee said: “I would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an expletive on my show to describe her last night. It was inappropriate and inexcusable. I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it.”

      But by all means, let’s not even discuss what she was talking about, which is the new Trump policy of taking children away from their parents at the border. That’s far less offensive than calling Ivanka a cunt.

      • What she was talking about, was instantly and thoroughly blown the hell up when she called a woman a cunt on TV.

        • Indeed…if she wanted to reach Ivanka, she should have been cordial. Pulled on the strings of motherhood.

          Not, tell her to show some thigh and go sex up daddy.

          WTF man.

          • You’re are trying to reason with an absolute moron.

            Give it up

          • Different_Cat

            I’m not condoning what she said, but get fucking real. Her comment was out of frustration over two years of trying to appeal to Ivanka’s decency to moderate her father’s behavior. She’s a feckless … Barbie doll.

          • She’s a witch, buuuuurrrnnnn heeeerrrrrrrr

          • alot of people are frustrated about a whole bunch of shit . No excuse and you sound pitiful trying to justify it .

          • Different_Cat

            To be honest I don’t have a problem with her calling Ivanka a feckless cunt. And after all the nasty names you’ve called Hillary, Pelosi, Waters, etc., etc., you just show yourself to be a raging hypocrite calling out others for doing the same fuckin’ thing.

          • Oooooh he’s got you there Buck.

          • yeah because everybody reads the TI for my opinions on the Hildabeast .

          • Insults are insults.

            To be clear… I don’t care what anybody calls anyone. I would just like the shrill voices to be consistent across the board. Don’t give a pass to a liberal just because you’re liberal.

          • I’ve insulted Hillary to the Nth degree and I’ve enjoyed it .I don’t know that I’ve ever called her a cunt . Pretty sure I didnt . If I had a huge platform that people actually saw, i would choose more appropriate words that carried the same message . A few guys talking shit on a blog is not quite the same .

          • on a blog with less than ten people vs twitter which goes world wide in an instant ? Get real . I don’t have my own TV show . You know a platform ?

          • Different_Cat

            So it’s not what she said you object to, but how many people heard it? GTFOOH

          • You are addle brained. No one takes you seriously and you’re just making a bigger fool of yourself than I thought was even possible. Stop posting already.

          • Different_Cat

            Shut up and mind your own business, 65. You add nothing to any conversation.

          • The irony of this statement is rich!

      • Is it a “new Trump policy”, or just a law that’s actually getting enforced now?

        • Different_Cat

          It’s a new Trump policy. Previously families were kept together in detention facilities pending whatever disposition they received.

          • So DSS doesn’t take custody of children who’s parents are committing crimes?

          • Different_Cat

            I’m sure it’s happened, but it wasn’t the default policy as it is now for anyone crossing the border without documentation.

          • Is….it…..the……law?

            For a regular citizen, if you are detained for committing a crime, and you have your kids with you, DSS takes them into custody if a responsible family member isn’t available. How I came to be raising another 5 year old. They called us at 2:30 am. “Can you take him? Or we will”

          • Different_Cat

            No, there’s no law that requires it in the case of immigrants. One reason is that they aren’t all criminals. Many of them are applying for refugee status because they’re fleeing violence and/or persecution in their home countries. The new policy is to separate the kids because … guilty until proven innocent.

          • I saw the one where the woman was fleeing Brazil to escape an abusive husband. I won’t criticize…… that’s one hell of a haul….. Brazil is a pretty big country in it’s own right.

          • wrong .

          • is that like the pictures all of hollywood was tweeting out that were actually from 2014

          • That was about as dishonest as you can be . Once the truth was revealed they had to take them down

          • Different_Cat

            Yeah, that was a fuck up.

      • Different_Cat

        Not to mention Trump’s repeated LIE that this is a Democratic policy….

  • Samantha usta Bee………………… BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  • It’s funny that the blog tool blocks people for insults… while he sits around insulting everyone.

    There’s a real reason no one takes him seriously.

  • Different_Cat

    State Farm becomes second sponsor to drop Samantha Bee over Ivanka Trump slur
    No way, that only happens to conservatards!

  • Different_Cat

    Man, a lot of feckless “this user is blocked” cunts up in here!

  • Samantha Bee! Off with her head!!!!!! Ha ha!

  • Piece of shit radical Islamic cheerleader/recruiter in England convicted. Cheers!

  • Steven Wiggins hit the woods.

  • Checking in from the woods. Hope everyone is behaving. Fun off topic topic idea for this summer. Show what you are grilling.

  • Just doing some back reading….lol

    • …and you realized that D_C is easily one of the most stupid people to ever post here? And Austin is so far in the tank for the Dems that he’s actually attempting to use the prevailing thoughts on millenials and libbies against conservatives?

      Yea, it’s pretty damn funny.

  • No Punt Intended

    The most recent TI thread on the WaPo was posted at 3:53pm this afternoon. There are a grand total of (0) comments. That’s zero.

    Well, okay, now there is one, as of just a few seconds ago.

    Ban Check?

    – The Insider

  • No Punt Intended

    SCamp Different_Cat • 12 minutes ago
    You don’t know shit about shit… that has been well established.
    It’s 5:37p.m. and this is the best laugh of my day.

    Better late than never I Guice.

    • No Punt Intended

      The Dallas Cowboys’ Cole Beasley could be the spokesman for the ‘Lil Tex.

    • These wood pellet grill/smokers are the shit. Never even cook inside anymore

      • I still never cook, period. It’s a character flaw.

        • I spent a lot of time cooking as a profession when I was younger. I enjoy it.

          • I wish I did. When I have to feed the kids dinner I’m usually either at the grocery store deli or Subway.

          • No Punt Intended

            I remember well my mother traveling for business when I was a kid. It meant my father would take me and my brothers to the Hardee’s or Wendy’s drive-thru, order in subs or come home with two, 2 1/2 lb. cans of Hormel chili and a box of Saltines and tell us to “have at it.”

          • Oh, I’ve done plenty of Wendy’s runs, too. It’s not all healthy, even though it should be.

          • Get one of those Traegers… you’ll want to cook.

  • No Punt Intended

    It’s almost impressive that D_C has so many ‘tag lines’ related to his complete and utter stupidity. Am I leaving any out?

    “No one is less right…more often…than D_C.”
    “You should just stop posting.”
    “SIX = EIGHT!!!!”
    “Blog Putz”
    “You got Fenwick killed!”

    Has there ever been a bigger pussy? Even random passers by who would post something on the WaPo TI would instantly recognize D_C as the blog moron and laugh at him. Hilarious.

  • noonefromtampa

    Last Man Standing was cancelled because it was not huge money maker for ABC and because people like Tim Allen and James Woods get ostracized by the Hollywood liberal elite

    If LMS had pulled down Roseanne level numbers ABC would have kept in on and trucked that money to the bank

    but Fox owned the back end of the deal so ABC has like triple incentive to cancel the show
    lackluster rating overall
    Allen – Conservative person
    Fox – Conservative network

    if you don’t think that all played into the decision you’re foolish

    • Well said. And I’d add to that, the question about whether the show was cancelled because Tim Allen is a conservative person was raised by Tim Allen himself, not a bunch of interneteratti.

    • Different_Cat

      Not saying it isn’t possible that his political views had something to do with it, but it is pure conjecture and I think quite unlikely. The networks care about ratings and that’s about it. They cancelled Roseanne despite the good ratings because they could see a shitstorm abrewing.

      • Squinnsamania, brother!

        Roseanne had good ratings, no?

        • He’s truth challenged

          • Rosanne was the network’s highest rated debut in a long time and was apparently the centerpiece of the upfront with the advertisers a few weeks ago.

      • Squinnsamania, brother!

        A Roseanne shitstorm… yuk….

      • Different_Cat

        Just like Fox didn’t cancel O’Reilly because of his conservative views, but rather because of the public backlash over his sexual harassment problem.

        • Exactly what does Bill O’Reilly have to do with anything?

          • Different_Cat

            It has to do with the fact that networks react, and often overreact, to people contacting their sponsors about things network personalities have done in their personal lives — like Roseanne Barr.

          • No Punt Intended

            He is another conservative voice that absolutely terrifies D_C to the point he becomes self-defecating.

      • One more time

        The political quesiton was raised by Tim Allen himself.

      • and you know this after just finding out the show existed ? amazing .

  • Wow… D_C is a feckless cunt. Nobody is more stupid than that useless turd. Nothing he says is ever correct.

    • Your show is now cancelled.

      • DAMMIT!

        • I guess there’s no reason to apologize now.

          Not that I ever would have… screw that clown

          • It would be considered prudent to issue the standard statement, then blame it on the drugs.

          • As an aside…Rosanne blaming her idiocy on Ambien….has she constantly been on Ambien for the last 30 years? Because unless that’s true, it appears to me that her Ambien intake didn’t change her behavior at all considering all the ridiculous things she’s said and done.

          • It would be convenient if I still did drugs… may be I can blame it on the drugs from 25 years ago. Oh wait! I HAVE AMBIEN!

            Problem solved!

            Yea, fuck that guy!

  • Man, I need my glasses on. For the last half hour I thought you guys were saying she called her a “freckleless c—“.

  • noonefromtampa

    The key point in the Tim Allen discussion below is that D_C was wrong twice

    1. And Tim Allen hasn’t had a TV show since the Clinton administration or thereabouts
    2. I thought he disappeared after Home Improvement.

    please update your scorecard appropriately

    • Umm, I need a fresh one, this one doesn’t have anymore room for wrongness, it’s already wrapped around and filled up the back with NILRMOTD_C

    • Different_Cat

      Let me correct you. The key point is that the wingnuteratti have concluded, based on no evidence, that ABC canceled Allen’s TV show because of his political views.

      • Aren’t you the one who, I’m told, tried to argue that 6 minutes was really 8 minutes?

        • Different_Cat

          No, as usual you don’t know what you’re talking about.

          • I think you’ve more than proven that you’re clueless about absolutely everything.

          • Different_Cat

            I’m definitely not as up on the wingnut conspiracy theories as you are, I’ll give you that. But it’s true … they are all out to get you!

          • If you had even two operating brain cells in your head, which you don’t, you see how wrong you are about this.

          • Different_Cat

            I don’t need more than 2 brain cells to see that there is NO evidence to support your paranoid argument.

          • Good god, you’re dumb, so I’ll repeat one more time. This is an issue because Tim Allen himself – the star of the show – raised it to the media.

          • Different_Cat

            Yeah, I realize that Tim Allen has this paranoid delusion. Just because he’s an idiot doesn’t mean you have to be an idiot, too.

          • You’re already enough of an idiot for everyone.

  • Off to the golf course. Have fun folks.

    • nobody cares

    • Please just stay there.

      • Squinnsamania, brother!

        Steve, you realize you are running off posters, and if you haven’t noticed, new ones aren’t appearing…..

        • You guys aren’t our only audience, you know. People listen to our shows.

        • Different_Cat

          Steve wants this to be “The Hog Sty Fox and Friends Network.” Only political conservatives are welcome.

          Which is odd, because the other two principles are definitely left of center.

          • No, everyone with opposing views are welcome. We have diametrically opposing political views on the staff and get along fine. In fact, I hold a minority political view amongst the staff. It’s just you and Austin who aren’t welcome.

          • Different_Cat

            Austin and I are about the only two who aren’t afraid to counter all the conservative bullcrap around here. That’s why you and the other conservatives are so rude to us. Period.

    • noonefromtampa

      Wash your balls well

      clean balls go further than dirty balls

    • Different_Cat


  • Squinnsamania, brother!

    To be clear “feckless c—” is horrible, too. No excuse for comments like that, either. And, yes, Steve, had that been turned around, undoubtedly (conservative regarding liberal), there would likely have been more calls for her to be canned.

    • You can survive calling a woman fat.

      Call her that though, you best start packing.

      • That’s my point. There’s no need to get into a weiner-measuring contest about which insult is objectively worse. Calling a woman a “c—” is a terrible thing.

        • Squinnsamania, brother!

          Still not nearly as bad as a racial slur, IMO. But, horrible, nonetheless.

          • It’s not even close. This whole false equivalency is made to bring one unacceptable comment down to the level of a slightly less unacceptable comment. It makes one look better and the other worse.

            No one’s losing out by saying a racial slur is worse. I’d question why anyone would even argue that point.

          • I think it’s every bit as bad as a racial slur.

          • Calling someone an irresponsible C for not fighting their fathers immigration policies is nowhere near the same as denigrating them for their race. One is criticizing a behavior, the other a race. It’s not the same thing.

          • One could argue that Ivanka, by virtue of her being in a public position in the White House, is properly subject to a higher level of scrutiny now than Valerie Jarrett, who is now a private citizen, and therefore Rosanne bashing Jarrett seemingly out of the blue is worse than criticizing Ivanka for a photo. That, I’d accept. But I’m sorry, I don’t see an ape joke as being worse than a c— joke.

      • “Does this outfit make me look fat?”

        “No dear, your fat makes you look fat.”

        Said no husband ever.

  • noonefromtampa

    And Tim Allen hasn’t had a TV show since the Clinton administration or thereabouts…

    nobody is more wrong…

    Last Man Standing ran on ABC from 2011 to 2017 for six seasons
    Fox announced it had picked up Last Man Standing for a seventh season, to premiere in the fall of 2018

    • Different_Cat

      Were you aware of it before you googled it?

      • noonefromtampa

        Yes I was it got cancelled because Disney/ABC is anti-Trump

        same reason they canned Roseanne

        • Different_Cat

          Not because it got horrible reviews and generally ranked in the 50s in terms of ratings?

          • 2nd highest rated ABC sitcom for 2017. Picked up by Fox to air this fall

          • That nobody is more wrong thing.

            Tim Allen’s show had good ratings. He publicly questioned whether ABC cancelled his show because he’s a conservative.

            My parents were regular viewers.

          • It got negative reviews from the hollywood crowd, sure, but that was as predictable as the sunrise.

          • Different_Cat

            It also got bad ratings in the most important demographic.

          • The Hollywood Reporter, May 16, 2017:

            “The multicamera comedy produced by 20th Century Fox Television was in its sixth season and had carved out a solid viewership on little-watched Friday nights. For the uninitiated, Fridays are typically earmarked for programming with reduced viewership expectations, where a comedy like Last Man Standing and its 1.7 rating among adults 18-49 and 8.3 million viewers is seen as impressive.”

          • noonefromtampa

            the other problem was that it was a 20th C Fox show not an ABC Studios show

            it was highly successful in syndication also but all those $$ go back to Fox

            which in the end doesn’t matter because Disney is buying the entertainment arm of Fox anyway

          • Unless Comcast can scoop it out from under them, still.

          • Different_Cat

            It did poorly in the coveted 18-49 demographic. If you notice, most of the shows that did as poorly or worse got canceled.


          • you didnt even know it existed 5 minutes ago. There has been a controversy ever since it got axed . That’s why Fox is picking it up. Just be quiet or say you don’t know shit about it

          • He’s bashing it because he now knows that it had a conservative viewpoint.

          • Isn’t that reason enough?

          • Only if you’re a brainwashed idiot

          • Different_Cat

            Dudes, I’m not bashing it. I’m simply telling you where it ranked in the 18-49 demo. Why is that so hard for you to accept? It’s just a fact.

          • Conservatives have problems with facts and truth. It doesn’t square with their beliefs.

          • If you knew any truths, we could discuss them with you.

          • Different_Cat

            Seriously, it’s insane. I could not give a shit about the show one way or the other. But the conservative victim mentality has to make everything about being persecuted. Notwithstanding that Republicans are actually in charge of damn-near everything….

          • And nothing is more pathetic than a gun-hugging conservative with victim mentality.

          • I think nothing is more pathetic than Austin trying to argue.

          • Different_Cat

            They’ve figured out that the REAL reason it was cancelled is because it’s conservative. Apparently ABC just figured that out after 7 seasons.

          • Listen, dolt, this was a major story in the entertainment world at the time, because Tim Allen himself raised the question. We’re not making this up. You just didn’t know about it.

          • Different_Cat

            I’m def not as clued in to the Hollywood TV world as you, Steve! Tell me again how it took ABC 7 years to figure out the show wasn’t liberal enough for them?

          • He didn’t know but after a 5 minute google search he will act like he is an authority on the subject . SOS

          • noonefromtampa

            no it was when Allen supported trump during 2016 election and then his show got canned

          • I’ve said it all along…they gave her the show knowing what her politics were….they gave her the show knowing her character was a trumper. It just randomly became a conservative witch hunt though, apparently. Woe is me.

          • Different_Cat

            Right? And as far as Allen’s show goes, there aren’t that many sitcoms that get more than 6 seasons unless they are legitimate hits, which Allen’s show has never been.

          • yet your squawking your ass off anyway and didnt even know the show existed .

          • It got cancelled and now it’s coming back . That’s the simple truth . Nothing to square with anything .

          • Different_Cat

            Show me where I bashed it? Oh I’m sorry, you’re right. Everything is about conservatives being persecuted for their beliefs. smdh

          • Different_Cat

            I didn’t know shit about it, and now I do. I know that it it didn’t do very well in the demographic that advertisers are interested in.

          • You know nothing and we know it .

          • Different_Cat

            I know where it ranked in the 18-49 demographic, and I know that’s the most important reason shows are renewed or cancelled.

          • Coming back this fall on Fox for a reason. You’re struggling .

          • Different_Cat

            I . don’t . care.

          • and you didn’t know but pretend you do . SOS .

          • Different_Cat

            Not pretending anything, ya whanker.

          • You don’t know shit about shit… that has been well established.

        • noonefromtampa

          and as for “Tim disappeared after Home Improvement”

          he did about 15 or 20 movies mostly for Disney

    • There’s little doubt that being a political conservative in hollywood comes with a price.

  • Different_Cat

    Sean Team Captain • 38 minutes ago
    Anyone watch Samantha Bee? How has that show not been cancelled.
    Because she’s smart and funny?

  • Sean Team Captain Steve Thomas • 29 minutes ago
    You have to admit feckless c**t rolls off the tongue.
    Nothing tops “Cock juggling thunder cunt”

  • noonefromtampa

    RIP Ella Brennan, renowned New Orleans restaurateur, dies at 92

    • Brennan’s…famous Houston fancy restaurant.

      • Different_Cat

        Lots of Brennan restaurants in New Orleans. There was a rift in the family some years back so they’re now split among two branches of the family.

  • I think if some conservative commentator or entertainer with a TV show – Tim Allen, for example – had called Chelsea Clinton a “feckless c___”, he’d have been immediately fired and run out of hollywood.

  • noonefromtampa

    Here’s my pitch

    Roseanne dies, Jackie and Dan get drunk and screw
    hilarity among the family ensues

  • I find it disturbing that people are actually debating the level of insult of a certain statement.

    Neither are proper or right. Why must one be worse than the other?

    Oh, because your side didn’t say it.

    • The world isn’t black and white. Things exist in degrees. No one loses out by saying a racial slur is worse than a general insult.

  • noonefromtampa

    Sara Gilbert to meet with ABC exec’s tomorrow to pitch continuing Roseanne show without Roseanne Barr being on the show

  • Anyone watch Samantha Bee? How has that show not been cancelled.

    • Heard about her… she says some really slick shit. Surprised she still has a show…

      • It’s painfully unfunny. She was good on the Daily Show though.

        • Been saying it from the get-go. She is unfunny. All she does is rant about whatever the hell is up her butt at any given time. Zero comedy.

          Calls Ivanka a c**t and, got laughs for it. I’m like, I’ve called a lot of people c**t. No one laughed when I did it!

      • She apparently referred to Ivanka Trump as a “feckless c___” on her show this week for daring to post a photo of her and her son on social media. Not one word from network brass about it being inappropriate or her being fired for it of course, and we all know why.

        • You have to admit feckless c**t rolls off the tongue.

        • The liberal left spent the whole damn day yesterday denying they have a double standard. Then, along comes Bee with that comment.

          As of about an hour ago, she did happen to issue an apology. Which imo, doesn’t quite cut it.

          • I expected nothing more than the blatant hypocrisy that we’ve seen. Hang Rosanne because she’s theoretically a supporter of the president; let Bee slide because she’s a liberal. No big surprise at all.

          • Yeah, I mean, a terrible joke there should be repercussions for but a false equivalency to compare it to a racial slur.

          • I view it as pretty much the same, if not worse. It’s basically the worst thing you can call a woman. Not sure how it’s any better than Rosanne’s tweet.

          • Roseannes tweet. ewwwwww….

          • Squinnsamania, brother!

            Calling someone a C is not nearly as using a racial slur, IMO. Not even close in fact.

          • I know many, many women who wouldn’t agree with you.

          • Most that I know would very much not like to be called a c, but would admit it’s not quite on the level of racial slurs.

        • Then she told her to “seduce your father”

          If that’s comedy I missed it.

          • You didn’t miss it. It’s just liberal hollywood being liberal hollywood. No wonder so many people despise them.

  • I think I’m going to go get my concealed carry license this weekend, just because.

  • noonefromtampa

    my grandfather ran an area in NC for the wealthy family that owned about 60% of everything important and employed about 50% of the county

    it was a dry county since Prohibition, so the same bootleggers came thru about once week
    the sheriff who essentially worked for my grandfather would collect 15% of their take in the county and also get some bottles of hootch all of which he split with my grandfather

    they thought of it more or less like a tax, because somebody was going to get drunk and do something stupid and cause work for the sheriff and my grandfather to sort out

    the sheriff and his couple of deputies were also the “fixers” for my grandfather
    some got out of line, or tried to union organize the good ole boys would get their baseball bats out and commence to “fixin things”

    that was from to 30’s to the early 50’s

  • Kids that were bullied in highschool, kids that were bullies in highschool…… veterans with ptsd, motherfuckers of general low character…..bad as police officers.

  • Dude gets shot in his back yard because his cell phone in his hand looked threatening.

    Shortly thereafter, the NRA was promoting a gun that cn be disguised as a cell phone at their national conference.

    The irony is rich.

  • Television……….nailed it.

  • noonefromtampa

    Sounds like Scamp got arrested by the Rampart division LAPD gang in LA

    those were some bad cops, what The Shield was based on

  • You gotta be some kind of idiot to point anything that looks like a real rifle off a hotel balcony this day and time . People are going to freak the hell out . That’s a given. Not crazy to think that the law might think they have some mass shooter on their hands .

    • Yeah. I want the cops to treat that quickly and harshly, always.

      They can’t win. They get criticized for not responding quickly and harshly enough to some shootings, and then for the opposite on others. I think the default needs to be the protection of the public.

  • noonefromtampa

    I watched a dude almost get shot because he pulled a “harmless” pellet gun out of console instead of just telling the officer it was there

    even in daylight it is next to impossible to distinguish a pellet gun from a real gun and it’s worse at night

    lucky for that guy he dropped the gun immediately, threw his hands up and started screaming “it’s not real”

    so whether a gun is real or not is mostly immaterial

    • Man, as a citizen, I want cops to treat everything that looks like a gun, as a gun.

      “Oh, sorry, Mr. Coach, we thought surely it was just a water pistol until we figured out it wasn’t. By then your son was already bleeding out.”

      Forget that. Brandish a gun-looking object at your own risk. It’s your right. It’s your risk.

  • Here’s a separate moral to the story… don’t get hammered out of your mind to the point where you have zero control

  • And I realize that sometimes the cops do the wrong thing. That isn’t my point. I worked briefly on a case in which local SWAT responded to a house in which dad had supposedly baracaded mom and kids in a room with a gun. SWAT’s tactics were bad and they set themselves up in a crossfire with themselves and accidentially killed one of their own, then tried to frame the dad for the cops’ murder. Cost the city (not Houston) $750,000. It happens. But that sort of stuff is very, very, very rare, in my opinion.

    • That is probably rare… but it most certainly isn’t rare to charge someone with 5 charges… 3 of which are bogus, to get them to plea to one or two others.

      • Standard practice for keeping that conviction rate high.

      • I wouldn’t say bogus, necessarily, but I’d say that they charge with everything they think that have a basis for even if they think it won’t stick, sure.

      • This is a separate argument. And I can’t and won’t disagree with you here, Scamp.

        As to the other argument, I still believe that if you comply during arrest and are polite and peaceful, you are not going to get shot 99.9+% of the time.

        And it’s sad about the .0000-whatever% who bad things happen to, but life is unfair. And I still bet they could have avoided the situation if they’d acted a little more wisely.

        • I won’t disagree here… but it wasn’t my point to Steve who said 99.999% of ALL police interactions are on the up and up… that simply isn’t true nor even close to reality.

          • I still disagree. My 99.99999% was certainly a bit hyperbolic, because I don’t know the exact number, but I maintain that the overwhelming number of police interactions are on the up and up.

          • I took him to mean everything from saying hi to the old lady walking down the street up to the moment when they have to ask you to put your hands behind your back and choose if you’ll enact your right to remain silent.

            Up until then, we’d been talking about police brutality issues during arrests. Not corruption in the legal process and courts. I don’t have the real life experience to say for sure one way or the other.

    • From January 2010 through December 2010 the National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project recorded 4,861 unique reports of police misconduct that involved 6,613 sworn law enforcement officers and 6,826 alleged victims.

      4,861 – Unique reports of police misconduct tracked
      6,613 – Number of sworn law enforcement officers involved (354 were agency leaders such as chiefs or sheriffs)
      6,826 – Number of alleged victims involved
      247 – Number of fatalities associated with tracked reports
      $346,512,800 – Estimated amount spent on misconduct-related civil judgments and settlements excluding sealed settlements, court costs, and attorney fees.

      Of the 6,613 law enforcement officers involved in reported allegations of misconduct that met NPMSRP criteria for tracking purposes, 1,575 were involved in excessive force reports, which were the most prominent type
      of report at 23.8% of all reports. This was followed by sexual misconduct complaints at 9.3% of officers reported then theft/fraud/robbery allegations involving 7.2% of all officers reported.The following chart displays the breakdown of misconduct types by percentage of reports and the number of reports each by type.

      • That’s a lot of sexual misconduct. And of course, without any doubt…only a tiny fraction of the incidents are ever reported.

        • Wait, over testostoned, low educated males are taking advantage of a power position?

          No way…

      • So if I read this right, this is reported misconduct, not proven/admitted misconduct, then, right? I’d like to see the stats for that.

  • Daniel Shaver owned a pellet gun. At no point have I read, or have the police said, that he pointed it at a person. Owning a pellet gun and pointing it away from people is not a crime. You are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. The cops did not try to learn the truth. The cops assumed his guilt, adopted an aggressive and fatal strategy, and acted on it. He died an innocent man.

    So to me, it is Shaver’s safety that should have been ensured here. He was not accused of assaulting someone. He was not accused of a crime or threat. Someone saw what they thought was a firearm, and they were wrong. He paid. That was not appropriate policing.

    Put another way: gun owners, what would you say if someone saw you holding your gun through the window and called the cops. The cops show up and they’re not asking for your license, they’re not asking for anything, its all commands to get down, shut up, and crawl to them. Would you feel they did their job appropriately?

    • You and I see eye to eye here. Cops are militarized and way too quick to react with fatal intentions.

    • 1.) You are taking the exception and making it the rule.
      2.) He was innocent until proven guilty. He didn’t get to get to exert his innocence because he met the perfect storm of bad/angry/stressed/dumb/aggressive cops and dumb/drunk/non-compliant behavior.

      Again. Don’t do any explaining. Don’t reach for your pants. Get on the ground. Do what they say. Live to fight another day.

    • And how did disobedience work for him

      • That isn’t the question. The question is whether the police acted appropriately.

        • He didn’t obey

          He forced their hands

          • He did obey. And they forced his by showing up to persecute him for a crime that hadn’t taken place.

          • Agree to disagree
            He made a sudden movement and sealed his fate

          • The police put him in that position. Wrongly.

          • To me, while I’m sorry he’s dead, and it’s tragic, he put himself in that position.

          • well he put himself in that postion by pointing a “rifle” off the balcony .

          • Unclear exactly what happened there. I read someone saw it through a window. Go figure, cops won’t really specify for some reason.

          • I can understand their heightened awareness or whatever , but i don’t think the guy had to die . Thats easy for me to say though .

          • They had no way of knowing it was a pellet gun and he didnt obey the commands . With that said they didn’t need to shoot him. He wasn’t in control of his faculties and didnt seem like much of a threat , in my opinion .

          • how sudden were they though ? I hear you that he didnt obey commands and i agree . I just don’t think his movements were sudden like in nature .

          • They repeatedly told him over and over again that he was about to get shot, from the portion that I watched.

          • dude was falling down drunk . They had to see that . It could have been avoided i think .

    • Innocent until proven guilty is a legal standard used in the subsequent criminal case, not necessarily in the act of arrest or dealing with an incident. In incidents in which a guy is waving a gun around, then isn’t cooperative, and is repeatedly warned over and over again, I’m not sure what else they should’ve done. Were they a bit aggressive? Sure, but their lives and the lives of the public were reportedly at risk.

      • The lives of the public are at risk because someone thought they saw a firearm? Surely you of all people can’t be taking that stance.

        Good police work should operate on the level of reality. That’s not what happened. Assumptions were made and a man died. None of the information from the police call indicated an actual crime had taken place.

        • I think everyone is saying the same thing. Comply with the police.

          And I’d add, especially when you have been drinking and/or flashing around something that might be interpreted as a gun in a public building.

          • I agree, I just don’t think there’s much discussion there. Just doing what they say is best for self preservation, sure, but it ignores the heart of the issue, which is whether or not their demands for compliance are reasonable. I’m not saying people should go mouth off to cops.

          • I think they are if you are dealing with a sane and sober person .

  • I don’t know what the public wants these cops to do – is it to put themselves at even greater risk during an incident?

  • Steve Thomas Team Captain Sean • 23 minutes ago
    99.9999999% of police work is honorable and done the right way.


    This is a wholly false statement. It’s 50-50 at best

    • I don’t agree at all, obviously. There’s an awful lot of police work going on out there – millions of public interactions, investigations, and other things going on every day. But there’s no way to know the true %.

      • Mr. Steve, we’ve been reviewing the numbers in your report, and quite frankly, we’re struggling.

      • Well, I don’t know what kind of an attorney you are but coming from someone that has mucho interaction with the police and wholly admitted my guilt and am completely open about the things I did wrong I can tell you, from multiple perspectives, that a lot cops are dirty or one step from prison themselves. And even when they are clean will trump up charges to “pad their stats” for that promotion. They totally believe “the ends justify the means.”

        • Something called the National Law Enforcement Officer’s Memorial Fund says that there are 900,000 sworn law enforcement officers in the united states. I don’t know if that’s true – I just googled it and their site came up – but for these purposes let’s assume that’s close. You’re saying that 450,000 cops are in some way not doing their job in accordance with applicable law. My estimate based on my very high percentage I threw out there is a few hundred. I think my number may be too low, but is much closer to reality than yours.

          • Oh I doubt it. When you have had as much interaction as I have had with law enforcement you hear their conversations, you listen to them brag, you are privy to the underhanded way they do things and the way they assure convictions by trumping up a bunch of charges to get you to plea to the ACTUAL crime or, in rare cases, no crime at all. That isn’t abiding the law, that’s twisting the law to use it to your own advantage. Your number is no where close to reality. In fact, I would bet that more than 80% of police involved in a conviction have used those very tactics. You may think the end justifies the means… but that ain’t impartial reality

          • Amen

          • 80%. Wow. That’s cynical, man.

          • They all do it… it’s a common tactic.

        • For my part, all I’m saying is for the purely law abiding citizen, 99.9(numbers hereafter are fuzzy) of interactions with the police will be completely on the up and up, and especially so if you are polite and respectful.

          Now, I’m not estimating the number of cops with their hands in pies, or who will trump a charge or who will plant evidence or nail someone on something false because they know they missed getting same perp on the real thing. Or on and on and on.

          • Who is truly law abiding? You speed? Change lanes without a turn signal? Drink when you were underaged? No. Such. Thing. this day and age… and that’s sad.

          • Right. And the minute I break the law, I’m putting myself into the hands of cops. Who are human and fallible.

            I have to know that going in. Still, if I break the law and am respectful and compiant…. 99-ish% of the time, I bet I’m going to make it to my phone call to my lawyer.

          • If it’s small and stupid? Sure…

  • I watched the video . He appeared to be a drunken mess . If you’re a cop and you’ve been called there because he was pointing a rifle out the window , i would guess you are on edge . He shouldn’t have been shot in my opinion . his reflexes were too slow and they could have hesitated long enough to see what he was reaching for . He was too drunk to follow commands it appears to me , but like all of us I wasn’t there .

  • noonefromtampa

    from article on Shaver shooting

    At one point the gun was pointed outside his hotel window, prompting a witness to notify the front desk; the police were immediately called.

  • Are we talking about resisting police during a protest when they know you’re protesting…..or resisting police while you’re all alone on a dark and terror filled night?
    There is a difference. What kind of experience being combative with police do you gentlemen actually, like in real life, have?

    • Squinnsamania, brother!

      I don’t have any experience being combative with police in real life. And, I don’t intend on finding out.

      • I’m just sayin’
        I’ve tried it both ways…..the protest way isn’t that bad.
        The other way… it’s bad.

        • Squinnsamania, brother!

          And, that is actually a fair differentiation. Of course there are different degrees and people need to use commn sense (something, unfoortunately, many people lack).

          • I’ll chalk my experience up to angry, violent youth. I learned quickly.
            During protests, sure, you could get your head cracked, sprayed with pepper spray, but there was never any real fear of anything more than an ass-whipping. When a scared cop points a gun at you, or you’re such an ass while being arrested that the deputies in county come visit you….well, you’re just not trying to operate within the boundaries of the game, and you’re gonna lose.

    • I’m not even sure I can envision the scenario where I think, “Yep. My best move here is to get combative with these dudes.”

      Maybe like if I was a serious criminal and the cops came busting in and they were going to find the evidence of my many and sundry crimes and I was going to be facing a life sentence or worse. Yep, then I’d probably go all out for a quick and easy out of court settlement. Suicide by cop. And maybe some martyr status while I was at it. I could see that.

      Otherwise, I’m fixing to kill those dudes with kindness and hire me a mean lawyer.

      • Serious criminals, smart ones anyway, don’t ever fight the cops until it’s the only option. You usually can’t outrun a radio, and they just keep comin’.

  • noonefromtampa

    Sean Team Captain btg • 3 minutes ago
    Nothing more American than blind allegiance to authority figures. Even when they’re wrong.
    Work to make it better
    does your local police have a citizens advisory board?
    does it have an independent review panel for serious incidents?
    what are their policies around use of force, etc.?
    what training or accreditation programs do they use/follow?
    do they have body cams?
    what sort of transparency do they have in the policing process?
    what sort of policing model do they use?

    if you challenge something in a constructive manner, change is much more likely

    • Squinnsamania, brother!

      Nah, fugg it, talk and fight back in an aggravated situation, and thin the herd.

      • noonefromtampa

        well when a community prioritizes “snitches get stitches” over effective policing

        you reap what you sow

        • Right. Folks want the Wild West…. right up until the law gets involved.

          You just can’t have it both ways.

  • noonefromtampa

    one of the most ridiculous things I have seen on the cop reality shows

    black woman pulled over for expired tag
    doesn’t have her driver’s licence on her, gets all belligerent
    misspells her name to the cops
    they detain her in cuffs and put her in cop car while trying to verify her identity
    she has absolute crying meltdown over “being arrested” and the literally carry to to squad car
    finally cops figure out her name is misspelled and verify her id
    try to release her with a warning to get her tag renewed
    she gets all belligerent over being “falsely arrested”, uh you were detained
    finally leaves all in a huff over being stopped for something petty like an expired tag
    cops were like well renew your tag on time then

    • It’s definitely not just cops that can be assholes….

      • noonefromtampa

        a lot of cops are assholes but I think they become that what because people constantly lie to them or obstruct the truth

        had a lot of relatives in law enforcement thru the years and it gets hard to turn off being an assholes sometimes

        • And if the cops an a hole grin and bear it
          Resisting only furthers his agenda

          • Nothing more American than blind allegiance to authority figures. Even when they’re wrong.

          • I’m going to have temporary allegiance at the very least , if the cops think i might have a gun and have their weapons pointed at me . We can debate the shit later while I’m still alive .

          • That’s right. My first allegiance is to my wife and kids. I’m going to shut my mouth and explain myself to someone who doesn’t have a gun, and isn’t as likely to be a stressed out jerk.

          • Squinnsamania, brother!

            If a real issue arises, address it later when the threat is over. There are other avenues of recourse that don’t risk your health.

          • Absolutely when they have the legal means to end my life

            Good luck resisting

          • 99.9999999% of police work is honorable and done the right way. The public makes it much, much harder on them to do their jobs, and the .0001% of it that’s done wrong gets blown way out of proportion. Most people aren’t savvy enough to be able to sift through footage and evidence and see what’s actually right and wrong under the law.

            The public is always better served by obeying the police. I’d argue that people who think the police are the enemy are doing themselves, their children, and society wrong.

            It’s easy, unless you have done something illegal: shut up, do what the cop says, and take your ticket. Then go fight it in court if necessary.

          • I’m not necessarily disagreeing with that, but it would be much better for police to do their jobs correctly first rather than burden citizens with fighting it retroactively. And some people, like Daniel shaver, never get the chance to fight it. Because they’re dead.

          • Perhaps better psychological evaluations to pinpoint officers, such as his killer.

          • You can’t seriously say 99.999999999%. I mean, come on. I’ll concede that it’s a majority, but there’s all kinds of misconduct.

          • 99.999999998%

            There. Much better.

            Just imagine how many people the cops interact with in a given day in a country of 300+ million people and how often those interactions go perfectly well.

          • 9.9999999998%?

          • Yes. That’s my point. The cases that make the news make it seem like alot, but there are millions of police interactions every day.

          • No, I’ll stick with 99.99999%. There’s an awful lot of police work going on out there.

          • Squinnsamania, brother!

            I agree with Sean, that number is probably lower. More cops than you may care to believe are dirty. I’ve seen it on numerous occassions (and I’ve had limited interactions with cops).

          • dude, chill. nobody is suggesting allegiance to folks doing the wrong thing, rather, they’re suggesting, like it or not, police have the authority to kill you if you don’t obey them. Live to fight it out in court…smh

        • Squinnsamania, brother!

          it gets hard to turn off being an assholes sometimes

          Clearly you still haven’t figured this part out yet….

        • Absolutely. Some of the most cynical, jaded people on earth are cops. Because they see the same dumb, reckless, careless, clueless, classless, ignorant, hateful, self-injurious, deleterious, civilization-denigrating crap happen day after day after day after day.

          And a lot of times they go into neighborhoods, really caring and wanting to help make the places better, and they are loathed and treated like demons for doing it.

        • agreed

  • noonefromtampa

    I love when technology gets used for interesting things
    so two professors have used data mining and AI to analyze thousands of English language novels
    and have concluded there are six story shapes:

    1. Rags to riches – a steady rise from bad to good fortune
    2. Riches to rags – a fall from good to bad, a tragedy
    3. Icarus – a rise then a fall in fortune
    4. Oedipus – a fall, a rise then a fall again
    5. Cinderella – rise, fall, rise
    6. Man in a hole – fall, rise

    which kind of validates a thesis proposed but rejected by an unknown anthropology student named Kurt Vonnegut – because the thesis over simplified complex literary concepts even though he was able to develop graphs to support his theory

    Way to go Kurt, glad that writing thing worked out for you

  • The thing that I find funny/strange is how a certain type of folk will say how sad it is that they have to have “that talk” about the police with their kids.

    I don’t see how or why that is sad or how or why it is exclusive to any particular type of folks.

    Many, many times my dad told me you don’t talk back to the cops. I was taught from a very young age to respect policemen.

    I remember one coming to our school when I was in elementary school so that we could learn to respect them and obey them. Was that sad?

    The sad part is when people DON’T have the talk–repeatedly–about respecting the police.

    • Squinnsamania, brother!

      And, part of the talk, should include. Default should be respect. Occassionally, though, the cop could be in the wrong. Sometimes, the Cop can be an asshole. You don’t have to respect him/her individually, but you damn well better respect what he or she can do to you. So don’t mouth off; listen to him/her; respect the poser he/she can have over you and how the situation goes down.

      • Absolutely. Cops are people. People are often terrible human beings. You don’t have to like or admire them.

        Just know that once they involved in a situation, you should view it as life and death and you should comply with what they say to do.

        And if someone doesn’t teach you that early and often, that is a real serious shame.

  • What folks can’t seem to comprehend is that ‘ending your life’ is with in the cops duties if things go far enough south

    So yeah keep running your mouth and pissing them off

  • Scripps-Howard Spelling Bee on. There are some tough-as words, like niaouli (Nee-yow-li)

  • If you don’t want a cop to be questioned about how much ‘excessive’ force that he did or did not use, you can prevent that by first NOT attacking him and secondly listening to what he says

    It’s not that hard

    • Most of the time

    • noonefromtampa

      watch LivePD it’s not a race thing

      people do not listen to when the cops say things “keep your hands in plain view”
      they start arguing about their rights and why the cops should never have stopped them in the first place
      and are astonished when they are detained and placed in handcuffs because they were unable to follow simple commands from the police like provide me an ID or ID yourself with Name and DOB

      • Amen!

      • Did you hear the story of Daniel Shaver? The guy used a pellet gun for extermination work and someone called the cops on him. Well he’s there sobbing, trying to explain, but the cops are having none of it. It’s all “shut the fuck up, crawl towards us”, blah blah. He’s sobbing, pleading, explaining. He tries to pull his pants up and boom, five AR 15 shots to the head and chest. Cop had “you’re fucked” etched on his gun barrel.

        So it’s entirely possible that police approach situations incorrectly, escalate them, and sometimes innocent people pay the ultimate price for an itchy trigger finger. Not really disagreeing with what you said, but the assumption that all cops act reasonably and fairly and we should just accept whatever they do is bullshit.

        • This is, of course, true as well. Most often, I’d suggest it isn’t that way but there are bad cops with itchy trigger fingers out there as there are bad peeps in all walks of life. Police tho do have the authority to end your life so I’d tread lightly and respectfully regardless.

        • what is blah blah ? i’d say it was pretty important whatever it was and the guy didnt listen . should have done what he as told being as he had guns pointed at him.

          • If you can stomach it, id recommend you just watch the bodycam video. He is not disobeying their commands in any way, but the commands are coming rapid fire. You can tell he’s confused by what’s going on. He’s obviously terrified as he’s crawling towards them. Then boom.

          • OK

        • WIthout a doubt. And that is a tragic story that I’m sure turned out terribly for the cops and their families as well (even if not nearly as tragically).

          But, why should you even speak in that situation? Don’t try to explain. Just do exactly what they say. And call a lawyer.

        • I saw that, it’s on YouTube.

        • I’ve never heard of this incident, so I can’t comment on it, but I’d argue that the vast majority of police shootings are the fault of the subject. How many times have we heard about incidents that are supposedly awful policing, only to find out that the subject was beligerant and uncooperative? Like the Milwaukee Bucks player incident 2 weeks ago – sure, the cop was a jerk, but if the player had only kept his mouth shut and done what he was told to do by the officers, he wouldn’t have been tasered.

  • noonefromtampa

    you only get so many high draft picks

    so some of the round 4-7 guys you have to season them and coach them up

    like we did Nicholson

    we have been doing a fairly good job the last 3 years of consistently bringing in talent to play today and to develop for tomorrow

  • The Su’a Cravens trade includes a conditional 2020 draft pick for Washington. If he calls it quits in Denver, is the deal off the table?

  • Different_Cat

    Nicholson’s got to stay healthy this year. Otherwise we’re going to have start thinking seriously about adding another starting safety.

  • noonefromtampa

    Sears started out in 1880’s as a catalog where you could buy almost anything and have it delivered

    Amazon started out in 1990’s as an online catalog where you could buy almost anything and have it delivered

    Sears blew it big time, almost as bad as Xerox

  • Maybe the Officer gave her a Big Show chokeslam.

  • noonefromtampa

    So the NJ cop who “viciously attacked” the women on the beach, body cam footage now available

    seems she was illegally drinking on beach
    cops gave her warning to pour out drink and get no ticket
    she became belligerent, refused to take breathalyzer test
    officer attempted to place her under arrest
    she started punching the cop
    and then his “vicious” attack started

  • noonefromtampa

    so the new Nicholson article on WaPo has been up over an hour and has 0 comments

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      why the hell are you reporting comment counts from the insider? it’s just kinda weird. like, “my old girlfriend is dating an ugly guy” or something.

      • Squinnsamania, brother!

        I don’t think its about the number of comments; just the fact that is likely completely dead. Stragglers aren’t even showing up.

        I really wonder why Moe wouldn’t move over here. Real shame.

        • walter_in_fallschurch

          yeah. moe was fun.

        • walter_in_fallschurch

          there are probably stragglers who just missed the move and are wondering what the heck happened.

          • You should lead a rescue party to find them and……you know….. rescue them!

            No? Too hard? Yeah…….where I’m at.

        • I’ve appealed directly to Moe to have a role in some capacity here. He declined. No hard feelings.

      • I believe the term is “gloating”

        • noonefromtampa


          We always told them that place would be nothing without us and did they listen?


  • walter_in_fallschurch

    sure hope kuvnetzov’s upper body heals quickly (though eller was great).

  • noonefromtampa

    Rumor has it Game of Thrones creators David Benioff and W.B. Weiss are working on a Knights of the Old Republic trilogy of movies

    going old timey Star Wars pre Episode 1 way back

    • Well, they’re about to have alot of time on their hands to do Star Wars.

      • noonefromtampa

        Disney has them signed to start work as soon as GoT wraps which should be a couple of months

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      just finish game of thrones already…

      • noonefromtampa

        the filming is mostly done, doing pickups and post production work on Season 8 now

    • Rated NC 17 … some rough scenes with Wookiees on Ewoks, I hear.

      Plus, apparently an all female order of Siths who take a vow of no upper garments.

      Those are just the early rumors.

      • noonefromtampa

        it would be funny to see a “Deadpool” like version of Star Wars

        Fuck, son of bitch Jedi just cut my hand off

      • “some rough scenes with Wookiees on Ewoks” Got a quick thought visual on that — not good.

    • Sweet

  • Robotic peregrine falcon designed to help reduce bird strikes at airports.

    • Birds are a very serious problem at some military runways. DoD will try almost anything to get the birds to go away, from scarecrows to loud noisemakers, but sometimes they just don’t. On rare occasion, they’ve had to kill a few birds to make the rest leave, but it was very rare when it got to that. This drone falcon is a pretty good idea.

  • noonefromtampa

    Top Gun: Maverick aka Top Gun 2 has started production today and will be released next July (7/12/19)

    it’s fighter pilots vs drone pilots this go around

    No confirmation yet on rumor that one of drone pilots is Goose’s son from first movie

  • Different_Cat

    According to Craig Hoffman of 106.7 The Fan, team executive Dennis Greene has resinged.

    Greene was previously the team’s president of business operations, but those duties were taken over when Brian Lefemina was hired.

    Greene was linked to the cheerleader scandal.

  • If I was the least bit realistic, I wouldn’t even bother watching the game tonight. Cavs likely to get blown out.

    Why be frustrated on a Thursday night, just so you can be tired on Friday morning?

    Gee. Replace Thursday and Friday with Monday and Tuesday and it sounds like when the Skins are on MNF.

  • Oct 8th, 2018 Nawlins here we come. Just gotta find some good seats. Thinking of Ticket Club. Anyone try ’em yet?

    • Have fun. Good chance that I will be at the JAX game on December 16.

    • Pls do. We’d really appreciate it. The ad revenue for websites that are below the traffic of a national website is alot less than you might think, and it costs money to run this place. Our experience with them on the back end has been good.

      • Just created an account with them. Hoping they are friendlier in price as advertised. Also, they have a military option that I checked out…suppose to, I guess, have a few more perks.

  • walter_in_fallschurch

    just randomly flipping through channels yesterday and landed on the nfl network. guess what the topic was.

  • Just posted this week’s poll, so please go to Twitter and vote:

    • Squinnsamania, brother!

      I think they’re both above average. Perhaps long term answers, but have to see them play together for a few games first. None of the responses really fit.

    • How about completely unsure on both? Not enough tape on Nicholson. Swearinger had some glaring misses.

  • noonefromtampa

    CB will be interesting battle

    Norman, Dunbar, Moreau, Scandrick, Hosley, Stroman

    probably only 5 make 53 man roster

  • walter_in_fallschurch

    count this among things i never thought i’d say: good on you, trey gowdy – way to be reasonable.

    “President Trump himself in the Comey memos said if anyone connected with my campaign was working with Russia, I want you to investigate it, and it sounds to me like that is exactly what the FBI did,” Mr. Gowdy said. “I am even more convinced that the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens would want them to do when they got the information they got.”

    (although he may be wrong about the “my fellow citizens would want” part.)

  • I hate the Yankees, but this play was just sick, and very lucky.

  • Peeps forgetting that the brilliant flashes of athleticism by Nicholson were sandwiched in between comas…..

  • noonefromtampa

    Everett, Smithson, Apke, Blanding

    comes down who can play ST the mostest and bestest

  • This Memorial Day week I raise a glass to Flouder, and Moe, and Beep and all the other hamsters who are either no longer with us, or fail to make regular contributions anymore.

  • Where the hell is Flounder? Pompeo must be cracking some whips.

  • BC not gonna be liking this .

  • noonefromtampa
