The Redskins are building a brotherhood, and Da’Ron Payne and Derrius Guice noticed

May 1, 2018

by Jamual Forrest

This past Saturday was the day for first and second-round picks Da’Ron Payne and Derrius Guice to meet the local media and the loyal fanatics of the Washington Redskins at the now annual Redskins Draft Day party. Guice, a fan favorite way before being selected by Washington, was pegged a first-round talent by many draft analysts and the fans of the Redskins themselves. The Redskins bypassed Guice in the first round, however, for Alabama’s Da’Ron Payne, who is a 20-year old defensive stout defensive lineman, known for his havoc-wreaking presence in the run-game. Nonetheless, Guice still found his way to Washington, and the Redskins were also able to pick up one of the better run defenders in the game.

Early in Saturday’s introductory press conference, both Payne and Guice stated they sensed the brotherhood within the Redskins locker room and took notice of what the organization was trying to establish. Guice stated that he noticed everyone within the locker room (those of which he had met on his visit) were willing to do whatever it takes for their teammate to succeed. In his eyes, it was a huge attribute for a team to have, and the feelings were mutual for defensive lineman Da’Ron Payne. Payne, the mellower of the two, was focused on business. As he spoke to fans he stated how excited he was to play for the fans of Washington, but also was ready to get back to work and “the grind,” and a Super Bowl trophy.

These two are ready to contribute to the culture change taking place in Washington.  The young rookies have a lot to learn but will undoubtedly be focal points in the future of the Redskins.


  • Say goodbye to smart luggage. The airlines aren’t having it.

  • I find capitalism repugnant. It is filthy, it is gross, it is alienating… because it causes war, hypocrisy and competition. Fidel Castro

    • Happy May Day!

    • All true. But I’d say it’s not capitalism that causes it, that it’s been a part of human nature since we started farming.

      • why would farming matter? there are h/g societies that will kill the other who looks just like them on sight

        • Well evidence before farming and writing is way more limited. Yes there’s some evidence of what you’re talking about.
          But when we got to the point of farming, the concept of fighting to keep what’s yours changed greatly because the time and work that goes into cultivating the land changes greatly from hunting and gathering.

          • perceived or real scarcity is what has engrained in us the need to work in together in small groups (“communities”) against “nature” and the Other. tribalism is “designed” as a survival tactic, and thus when people feel threatened, it comes out, even today.

    • Why yes, I would enjoy a rum drink, a fine cigar, and a 3 hour paid siesta this afternoon.
      *gets in 1957 Chevy with a blanket-upholstered interior and an Isuzu diesel engine, starts it with a screwdriver, and drives to beach*

  • Peet’s Coffee doesn’t offer third party certification!
    Peet’s Coffee is the California Chamber of Commerce’s WHORE!

    Cringe! The hypocrisy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bummer, I hear they have a great food court at EPA on the 2nd floor.

    • Different_Cat

      It appears to be a cocktail of neurotoxic pesticides, lead, and carcinogenic coal slag. EPA declares it safe — nothing to see here, folks.

    • Hey, what’s this? The box has a 100% post consumer recycle stamp on it.


    • depends in which building. the Clinton buildings, no. the Reagan building that is shared with Commerce (I think) and others does, but unless you work in that building you have to go through TSA-level security to use it, so it can be a long line at lunch.

    • No Punt Intended

      It’s a bag of Peet’s Coffee.

  • Squinnsamania, brother!

    McClain and his agent accepted less guaranteed money.

    Skins could have kept him roster until summer if they wanted to. They let him go right after draft. Give McClain a chance to find employment early.

    • Well, it isn’t totally altruistic on the Redskins part. They actually need the roster space for the UDFAs.

    • Squinnsamania, brother!

      And, seriously, if you and your agent “got tricked” to give up guaranteed money (especially knowing that you were the worst Dlineman player on the team), then that is on you, dumby.

      My guess is that there was some type of arrangement that was acceptable to both parties.

      • walter_in_fallschurch

        what scenario are you imagining where mcclain gave up 3+ mil guaranteed for nothing?

        • That literally happens all the time in the NFL. I’d imagine that the team probably told him that if he redid his contract by making it more palatable to the team, he’d have a chance at sticking around, but if he doesn’t, he would definitely be gone as soon as the team could get rid of him, or something close to that. Which, of course, happened anyway.

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            but if they did “get rid of him”, he’d still get the 3 mil. why would he give that up w/o other assurances?

            seems to me that he just made it easier for they to cut him. why would he do that?

          • If he had the chance to stick around and earn 3+ million with the team; he may have wanted that more than taking 3 million and getting canned. He had a crap year and probably wanted to be in a position to bounce-back. But yeah, taking less money AND getting canned, that’s bad. Probably also a reason why Bruce Allen has such a bad rep with agents.

          • Squinnsamania, brother!

            What Steve said.

          • Different_Cat

            Not saying it doesn’t happen all the time, but I can’t ever remember it happening one year after a player signed a long term contract.

        • Squinnsamania, brother!

          Ask him. These agents know the deal. And, you don’t just give up guaranteed money for nothing. He gave it up for a reason, and I’m sure (again knowing that he was by far overpaid and the worst Dlineman on the team) there were no assurances that he wouldn’t be cut. That would defy logic, and if he was told that AND he and his agent believed that shit, then he deserved what he got.

    • They tricked him with magic- wif

  • Oh please keep Bruce Allen in your organization!
    –Dallas Fans

  • noonefromtampa

    Dan’s issue is trust

    having some he trusts in charge of the team

    can he find someone outside his small circle he trusts

    like someone from the league office Troy Vincent or Brian Rolapp or Howard Katz

    to run the team

  • I think the fans may legitimately abandon the team if Dan brought Vinny back.

    • I may end up joining. Not sure I could take Vinny again

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      i seriously might. i have these silly optimistic notions that dan snyder is slowly learning how to be a competent owner. if vinny is re-hired, all that is out the window.

      • Well, my experience with team owners was that one was super-involved with everything and the other had lots of outside business interests, was very rarely in the building, and wasn’t really involved with the team much, at least not on a day to day basis. I think Dan started out as the former and is now more like the latter, which is a good thing. To the extent that’s true, he’s improved.

      • Would you stop being such a drama queen
        FFS the chance of Vinny coming back are less than zero

        You are just such a negative, dour person how you haven’t opened a vein is a mystery

        • Squinnsamania, brother!

          Not that I agree with BTG’s assessment of WIF, but his comments literally made me burst out laughing.

        • walter_in_fallschurch

          drama queen greg,
          did you see that i was replying to steve’s comment about vinny? wtf is your problem?

          • How long ya got?

          • Vinny isn’t coming back
            Do you understand that

            You make up stuff for your own displeasure

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            again, i was replying to speculation by steve. i understand how for some it can be difficult to hold two or more realities in one’s head, but it’s not beyond my capabilities.

          • Uh oh… he’s name calling Mr. Steve…

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            “btg • an hour ago
            Would you stop being such a drama queen “

          • To be fair Walter, I rarely read what you write. It’s a waste of time as it’s usually something completely unrelated to anything anyone would actually want to read… just happened to stumble upon that one.

        • walter_in_fallschurch

          as foir the negative assessment, have you been watching the last 25 years?!?!

        • my ONLY contention with jumping off the building IF the 0.0000000000001% chance Vinny did come back, is that Vinny may not be that much different than Scot as a GM if Dan continues to stay out of things

    • Lots of fans have already abandoned the team so i would say you’re right. This franchise ain’t nowhere near as popular as it was in the 80s

  • Bad Reputation

    Bruce leaves and Dan gets Vinny back in here:

  • walter_in_fallschurch alex35332 • 7 minutes ago
    i just hope we keep the gold pants.

    Is this supposed to be an impression of me?

  • Bad Reputation

    Adam Schefter

    Verified account

    2m2 minutes ago
    Colts waived running back Matt Jones.

  • Bad Reputation

    My point is that when news surfaces of a guy like Bruce being rumored to be going elsewhere….its’ not just being made up. There is def something to this. Especially if LaConfora and PFT have had articles about it. As much as we love or hate those 2 outlets, they are very credible.

    • I’ve seen other reporters say they’ve confirmed it too now, Freeman had something.

    • *sits down next to old-school rotary phone, waiting for “the call”*

      -Vinny Cerato

      • Bad Reputation

        Dude if Dan did that….

        • SUPERBOWL!

          Vinny might not be as terrible as he was with less Snyder interference, but I doubt Vinny is even a remote possibility.


  • Unpopular take: Bruce is a pretty decent team president. It’s just the football ops part that he gets too involved in, although this year’s draft, which he gets credit for, appears at first glance to be outstanding. If he every allowed a true GM to be here (whether DW or someone else) and do his thing (which he won’t due to his own ego), if might actually work.

    • Squinnsamania, brother!

      Pants, harvest fest and stadium and keeping Dan out of football operations. If that’s all he was involved in, I’d be good with that.

      • My role as outside counsel for football team X involved alot of negotiations for things like sponsorship and marketing deals, so I dealt with the team’s general counsel on an almost daily basis for awhile (and with an assistant general counsel for another team, but to a much lesser extent). I occasionally ended up in the office of the team president to talk about these things, and my impression was that he basically left football to the GM with the exception of QB contract negotiations and high profile draft pick negotiations. I only ever met the GM once or twice, because he did the football stuff only.

        Bruce’s problem is that he’s way too involved in football stuff, but he’s not good enough to be that involved.

        • Squinnsamania, brother!

          ^100% Agree. In fact, BA may not be bad at the president stuff.

          • Hard for me to say 1 way or the other. Don’t know how much of the president stuff we really would see on a day to day basis.

    • his record sucks, and his trust rating is abysmal. Other than that, he’s great

  • Bad Reputation


    Verified account

    4m4 minutes ago
    Trey Quinn: I’m the most relevant Mr. Irrelevant ever

  • walter_in_fallschurch

    so disgraceful

  • Bad Reputation

    Is Bruce gone yet?

    • Yes.

    • Sounds like the reports of his possible return to the Raiders are legit. I wonder if Doug would be promoted or if we would bring somebody else in

      • walter_in_fallschurch

        so… should it happen, let’s remember those who originally “poo-pooed” the fake fake news.

      • promoted to President of Pro Football, Inc.?

        Bruce is not a GM, he’s the PoPFI

        The problem is, if he leaves, the new President is going to want his guy at GM (or his org structure), and that GM (or whomever in the new org structure) might want his coach, and that coach is going to want his QB, and that QB is going to want… I’ve seen it a HUNDRED times

        • Doug isn’t a team president type. He’s a football guy. My guess is that if Bruce leaves, Dan either promotes Eric Schaeffer or brings someone in.

          • The common speculation from the media would be Schaeffer moves up.

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            i just hope we keep the gold pants.

          • Squinnsamania, brother!

            The thing is, I like how Doug is doing as the face and voice of the football operations. If Schaeffer could be a quieter President, I’d be good with that.

          • Squinnsamania, brother!

            ^This is correct.

          • that was sorta my point

            if you want it to potentially all blow up, hopefully under a solid football guy, and are willing to go through all that change, they you want Bruce gone

            if you want to see where this goes under Alex Smith and Jay Gruden, you don’t

            though there is that middle ground where Schaeffer takes over and very little else changes

  • We heard about a GM doing this last season I think. I’d love it if the Skins would start doing stuff like this with reporters. Maybe not Doug or Bruce, but one of the low ranking scouts could be tasked with the gig.

    • One of the low ranking scouts talk to the media? The Redskins don’t roll like that.

      • Which is a shame.

        • When is the last time you heard any regular scout from any team do any interview?

          • I think Morocco Brown was the last one to do anything like that, and mostly that was just him talking to Jasno.

          • noonefromtampa

            I’m sure if you made the question more general, not about specific players or picks they might go for that

            like what is the year of a scout like, take us from a day after the draft up to the draft

            what sort of things to you get from an interview with the player versus just watching tape

            do you prefer a pro day or combine to see a guy in person

        • It would be fun for us, but I think they want to maintain secrecy from other teams

  • noonefromtampa

    Another reason to be on Facebook – free stalkers

    Facebook is investigating whether or not an employee used internal tools to stalk women online, the social network confirmed

  • noonefromtampa

    Details on celeb death

    Avicii Died by Self-Inflicted Wounds From Shattered Wine Bottle

    • I’ve heard about people getting into the bottle, but this is ridiculous

    • That sounds terrible. I’d rather just OD.

      • I wasn’t a fan of his music, but I know that he was a terrible alcoholic, to the point that he was having serious health problems from the drinking and actually had to stop touring as a result.

  • noonefromtampa

    Gibson Files for Bankruptcy With Deal to Renew Guitar Business

    • They had some bad financial management that led to this, but the electric guitar business is also down right now. They also got fined by the Obama Administration for importing some rare wood a couple years ago, if I recall.

      I have a 1989 Les Paul, which is by far my favorite guitar. If you’ve listened to our old show intro, or the current It’s Just Business intro, that’s my Les Paul.

  • noonefromtampa

    New Cigna study reveals loneliness at epidemic levels in America especially among younger people

    put down the video games and go talk to another human being in person

    • noonefromtampa

      Only around half of Americans (53 percent) have meaningful in-person social interactions, such as having an extended conversation with a friend or spending quality time with family, on a daily basis.

      Generation Z (adults ages 18-22) is the loneliest generation and claims to be in worse health than older generations.

      Social media use alone is not a predictor of loneliness; respondents defined as very heavy users of social media have a loneliness score (43.5) that is not markedly different from the score of those who never use social media (41.7).

    • Some of these kids today are essentially addicted to video games. They play them every free waking moment. I don’t remember ever playing video games that much as a kid.

      • I’d also say the helicopter parenting plays into it. So many kids were raised with a parent always around they never had to go out and learn how to be social on their own.

        • So the traditional nuclear family is causing kids to be shut-ins?

          • No, the never let your kids out of your sight, go to the park on their own, walk home from school or anywhere alone.
            In order to be social you need to learn how to be independent

    • Amen!

    • And for the love of sox, tell those teen’s to put down all that internet porn.

    • Squinnsamania, brother!

      Blog=Video Game


    • you can’t
      every word is someone’s hatecrime

  • noonefromtampa

    How about a Fellowship of the Ring?

  • No Punt Intended
