Changes to the Redskins Front Office May Signal More Moves Ahead

May 17, 2018

by Steve Thomas

The Redskins announced yesterday afternoon that the team has hired Brian Lafemina as the President of Business Operations and Chief Operating Officer.  First of all, thanks, Redskins, for announcing this literally one day after I published my missive on the front office structure (read it here).  Most of what I wrote there still applies, but that’s not really the point.

Because I have questions. Many.

Number one, the Redskins actually currently have a President of Business Operations, Mr. Dennis Greene, at least according to the Redskins’ website as of this writing.  What does Lafemina’s hiring mean for him?  Is he leaving the team or assuming other duties?  Perhaps not the most critical thing to the fans, but certainly important to Mr. Greene, if nothing else.  I find it odd that someone’s replacement is hired while another person is currently serving in that role.

Second, why is Snyder hiring a COO?  To my knowledge, his team hasn’t had a COO in the entirety of Snyder’s ownership of the franchise.  Is this just the title that Lafemina required in order to leave his job in the NFL’s front office, or is there more to it than that?  Keep that thought in mind, because I’ll come back to it.

More importantly, the press release from the team indicated that Mr. Lafemina would report directly to Dan Snyder, not team president Bruce Allen, while simultaneously reiterating that Allen is and will remain the team president.  What kind of team president isn’t responsible for company business operations and doesn’t have the COO reporting to him?  I find this arrangement as announced to be extremely confusing because it appears to withdraw supervision of the team’s business operations from the man who, as team president, was ultimately responsible for it as of noon on Tuesday.  Now what?

Couple this move with the news from last week that the Redskins do not intend to renew the contract of longtime personnel executive Scott Campbell, and what you have is the potential for a pretty massive shift in power.  Chris Cooley speculated that with Campbell’s departure, the team might be looking to promote Kyle Smith to the general manager role.  As I said in my piece earlier this week, the Redskins are the only team in the NFL not operating as a family business that doesn’t have someone beneath the senior team executive running the football ops side of the house.  Promoting Smith would fill that void and further change the scope of Allen’s duties.

So: last week, we had Bruce Allen running the football operations section with the help of the head of the player personnel department, Doug Williams, as well as the business operations section with the help of Dennis Greene.  The future could conceivably be shaping up to where, sometime soon, Kyle Smith is running the football side and the new guy Lafemina is running the business side, and Allen is doing….what, exactly?

In the here and now, if nothing else, Allen is all of a sudden free to focus on football (to the consternation of the fans), but it’s possible that this might be the makings of a way for Snyder to appease the fans and either give Allen a graceful exit from the franchise, or, perhaps more likely, keep him in Ashburn with his title intact but his true authority on the team marginalized.  I’ve long opined that Allen is the best person the Redskins could possibly get to work on the political machinations necessary to get the team’s new stadium built, probably in Virginia, in time for a grand opening in about 10 years.  I still think that’s the case, and yesterday’s move to hire Lafemina might just be the first step towards making that his principal duty.

Or, parish the thought, at some point soon are we going to have a team run by Lafemina and Smith, with Allen actually leaving town?  Is Lafemina destined to be the team’s senior executive at some point?

On the other hand, another possible alternative is that this might be much ado about nothing and Lafemina’s role is going to be to just serve as another business guy in the front office without any big picture changes.

Certainly, all of this is just speculation on my part, but I’m looking forward to seeing how this drama plays out.  Regardless, I think that this move signals that there’s more going on here than meets the eye.

What do you think?  Let me know in the comment section below.


  • I don’t think there is a person on the blog who would say Trump is an ideal president or person. (At least I hope not.)

    But the hand wringing and hysteria that often follows his incautious remarks in cases like this MS13 “animals” comment, when we all know what he meant, only serves to diminish the odds that the two sides can actually have a rational discussion about the real issues.

    With stuff like this, it is better to understate the hysteria, so that when there’s a real issue, the other side doesn’t just dismiss it as just more [insert political side here] whining and crying.

    Pelosi and other pandering politicians don’t get that. But I think folks here can see the logic in it.

    • ” only serves to diminish the odds that the two sides can actually have a rational discussion about the real issues.”
      That ability went out the window about 15 years ago. The two party system has gotten to a point that no matter what opinion 1 side takes if it’s done publicly the other MUST oppose it and take cheap shots.

      Actually, looked up the date, we are just short of the 20 year mark for when this decay happened. Most poli-sci nerds I’ve heard talk about it place the start of the decay at the Clinton Impeachment hearings.

  • I did some maths today in response to the rocks causing sea rise story on WaPo, and max the seas rise is about
    0.01″ of about 0.3″ required for it all to be explained by basic soil erosion. (0.22 mm of the 7.6 mm necessary)
    2-3% (conservatively high for arguments sake)
    but that excludes cliff shearing, and groundwater mining which I heard from someone who might be completely uninformed is 10%, so that leaves cliff shearing with about 88-90%, assuming that explains it all

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      sea level is rising at about 3.3 mm per year (and accelerating). it would take a sphere 8 miles in diameter to raise sea level 3.3 mm.

      • to create that ball, you’d need about 7.6 mm of top soil eroding from the global land mass, and two sig figures on that is too many, but it’s just an example to show magnitudes. estimates are, though, if all the land were highly eroding basin land (as geologists call it– of which I am not, but I did take a few grad geo classes), it would result in low single digit % of the necessary amount to create that 8 mile diameter ball.

        but if you read the story, the dude’s figures are wrong, and can’t be trusted. If the US were ACTUALLY 9-10 million square miles, the U.S. would be 16% of the entire land mass of the planet. It’s 9.7 square kilometers, not miles. Anyhoo he can be correct in point while still not getting the maths completely correct.

      • You can’t say that wif.

        You have to something like, ‘If you put Mt. Everest in the Gulf Of Mexico…the water around the gulf would rise approximately 1/100th the thickness of a slice of pepperoni’

  • People, all people….are classified as a species of animal.

    And now that the scientific wing has spoken….

    it’s fucking pizza party day.


  • Trump totally missed out on an opportunity:

    The MS-13 are finished, you understand? I see [the tattoo], I kill the man wearin’ it!
    So run, you curs… RUN! Tell all the other curs the law’s comin’!
    You tell ’em I’M coming… and hell’s coming with me, you hear?…
    Hell’s coming with me!

    • what you’d need to do is do a water fast, with lots of water, maybe a no calorie electrolyte solution, to stretch and stretch your stomach… might have to do a test to see how long that would take
      and THEN see if you could take that sucker down

      • No need to exercise it. The stomach will accommodate immediately. Start with soda, the CO2 will expand the gut, after a few slices, that gas will be displaced and pushed out by dough, cheese and pepperoni.

        Consequentially, the pepperoni’s grease will prevent all that mozzarella from impacting the intestines.

        Eat up!

    • Not National Pizza Day. That’s November 12th. But Pizza Party Day.
      Sep 20- National pepperoni pizza day.
      Feb 25- National Hawaiian Pizza Day.
      Sep 5- National Cheese Pizza Day.
      Oct 11- National Sausage Pizza Day.
      Nov 12- National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day

  • Who’s motto is this?
    Rape, control, kill!

    -Hint, They’re animals!

    • Different_Cat

      The Trump administration?

      • As usual, NOILRMOT DC!

        • Different_Cat


          • You do realize allegations are different than a stated motto don’t you? Quit ignoring the fact your party has shit the bed, again, accusing Trump of calling all immigrants animals. smgdh!

          • Different_Cat

            Pretty sure “my party” isn’t the press, which accurately reported what he said as well as the follow-up explanation.

          • No they didn’t accurately report anything. Pelosi sure as hell didn’t report it accurately either.
            You’re a clown

          • Different_Cat

            Pelosi opined that even gang members have souls, which I believe is pretty standard Christian dogma? Or do we not have Christian values anymore?

          • This is what she said and it misquotes Trumps comments as usual.

            “There’s a spark of divinity in every person on Earth and that we all have to recognize that as we respect the dignity and worth of every person,” she added, “and as we recognize our responsibilities with that spark of divinity within us.”

            “And so when the president of the United States says about undocumented immigrants, ‘these aren’t people, these are animals,’ you have to wonder does he not believe in the spark of divinity?” she asked. “The dignity and worth of every person?”

            “These aren’t people, these are animals,” she repeatedly solemnly. “The president of the united States.”

            “Every day that you think you’ve seen it all,” Pelosi continued, “along comes another manifestation of why their policies are so inhumane and why we have to continue the debate, striving for bipartisanship, with openness about what is at stake and what the choices are, and to be unifying in every way possible.”

          • Different_Cat

            Yes, as I said….

          • Problem is, he didn’t and wasn’t referring to all undocumented immigrants clown. He was calling those that adhere to the motto of Rape, control, kill, animals!
            You’re either too dense to get that or are a pot stirrer. Perhaps both…

          • Different_Cat

            It’s debatable who he was referring to. Criminals in general? MS-13 gang members? The person he was responding to referred to both undocumented immigrants in general as well as a hypothetical gang member.

            Should we take Trump’s explanation at face value? No, he lies all the time. He even lied the statement that everyone is talking about: “we’re taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate that’s never happened before.” The truth is that deportations were higher under Obama.

            It’s true that arrests of illegals is way up, but the biggest difference is that under Trump, ICE is arresting WAY more people who don’t have criminal backgrounds.

  • Btw, happy endangered species day!

  • Shut up about politics

    – Steve

  • Different_Cat

    On Thursday, a top Mexican official said that Mr. Trump’s language was offensive whether he was referring to gang members or not.

    “President Trump referred to some immigrants — perhaps he had criminal gangs in mind, I don’t know — as animals, not as persons,” Luis Videgaray, the Mexican foreign minister, said in an interview with Televisa, a Mexican network. “In the opinion of the Mexican government, this is absolutely unacceptable, and we are going to formally communicate this to the U.S. State Department today.”

  • Squinnsamania, brother!

    MS-13 Members ARE animals and should be shipped out of this country as soon as they are apprehended.

    Pelosi’s comments are ridiculous.

    • Squinnsamania, brother!

      Shipped out… in bodybags….


    • Different_Cat

      What Pelosi said: “Does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every person?”

      So she didn’t say they shouldn’t be deported. I believe she is a Catholic and I’m sure that, like most Catholics, she believes we are all human beings — not animals — who are capable of salvation.

    • Seriously they only come to this country to terrorize and recruit and by terrorize I mean committing murderous crimes

      But yeah it’s insensitive to call them animals

      Any one taking umbrage with that choice of words is an imbecile

      • Squinnsamania, brother!

        I’m a liberal/moderate.

        Pelosi sounds like an ass bag with that comment.

    • How she could stand there and say those things is an outrage.

  • Close to 6 inches of rain in these parts since Tuesday… Be safe out there. Yuge maple fell in neighbors yard last nite. Dont park around those yuge trees….

  • …and this dude was all PEDs…big fan of him few years back tho. I really thought Arie K would be starting LG by seasons end…’15. SMH

  • I think the ole’ battle wagon (Nancy) should stay in leadership of the DNC, she’s doing a fine job.

  • Ahhh a wet whiny cry baby morning….

  • It’s really very funny when a blogger goes to bed thinking about you and wakes up thinking about you..

    Rent free kids… under his skin.


  • walter_in_fallschurch

    what is it with you and the personal attacks? why are you calling fellow bloggers “morons” and “adversary” and “clown” and much worse? you personally insult people here every day.

  • Nancy Pelosi what a f****** joke. She should give a direct apology to her president our president immediately.

  • Happy Friday!

  • Buck dominated like the Lightning did…

  • Caps Kirk the series

    • That was a fun game to watch though… despite the Kirklike outcome

      • I listened to the 2nd period on the radio, they dominated, thought they’d pull it out.
        glad I didn’t stay up for the 3rd

      • Tampa has their number.

        • I’m certainly no hockey enthusiast but it seems to me that Ovechkin doesn’t vary the locations of his shots much… right dead center of the net.

          Also, can these goalies have any more shit on them? Why not just set a block wall in front of the net.

          • I don’t think they have shooters, I don’t think they have any real dangerous speed, either, just from what I’ve watched. When Tampa gets set up and starts rotating that zone, the Caps can’t seem to hustle and break it up. Tampa is out checking, out passing, out shooting, and out hustling them. (Just from what I’ve seen this series) I don’t watch them regularly anymore.

          • Pucks are heavy, they will fuck you up.

          • But that doesn’t mean you need to have backstops attached to your forearms and legs.

          • Yeah, it does. The idea behind keeping the pads puffy is that you are covering more square inches of the goal plane, then say, catcher’s leg guards.

          • Okay stick with me here… that’s what I was saying… next thing you know they’ll just come out with a sheet of OSB attached to their chests

          • Nah, they just aren’t gonna make them smaller. Back when they used to wear the old “Jason” masks, they were all the time getting broken cheekbones, ect.

    • I always thought it would be 3-0 or 3-1 and they’d drag it to game 7 OT before the losing the series at home
      still possible, I suppose.

  • No Punt Intended

    Meeting President Trump……..from D_C’s perspective.

  • So….Caps want it to be fair? 2-2 on the series?

  • walter_in_fallschurch

    oh, shit. the worst penalty kill since ancient egypt needs to step up.

  • Texas Game Wardens , Lone Star Law is a good show

    • These guys deal with everything , not just game violations . Arresting illegals crossing and trespassing on private land . According to Austin that never happens though . Everybody is leaving the country going back to Mexico .

      • fools hunting with no licence . Got two and three deer not tagged and no licence . They bust their ass with fines and take the deer . People are stupid

      • Different_Cat

        Well, those Mexicans ARE animals, so I guess it makes sense.

        • No but the MS 13 gang members certainly are , which is what he said . Tell me you aren’t that much of a petty simpleton please . You can’t be that fucking simple .

          • Then again , i should know better because you have demonstrated so many times that you are .

          • Different_Cat

            Sure dude, I guess he also didn’t call them rapists. I guess his chief of staff didn’t say that Mexicans don’t integrate well into the US because they’re “overwhelmingly rural.”

          • Talking about MS thirteen gang members and yes they are rapists . Two Muslim girls were brutally raped by one of these gang members in Loudon co. He is an animal .

          • Different_Cat

            No, in that rapist quote he was talking about undocumented Mexicans in general. No reference to MS-13 whatsoever.

          • Wrong . An MS thirteen member from Loudon Co raped two muslim girls .

          • Different_Cat

            Yeah, that’s what he said AFTER his comment blew up in his face.

          • wrong . He was replying to a direct question . It did not blow up in his face and credible news outlets were forced to correct their prior statements . You have told another untruth in the name of your hyper partisanship . It’s a sickness .

          • Different_Cat

            He called them animals. That’s a fact. If you choose to believe his after-the-fact explanation that’s your choice. He is so truthful, after all.

          • He called MS thirteen gang members animals , which they are . It’s not a choice on what to believe . He was responding to the sheriff of Fresno on these gang members . You can’t even lie good . You are wrong .

          • Different_Cat

            “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said then. “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

          • No , thats not what was said at all . I get that you are changing the narrative because you are wrong and can’t admit it . That’s why you have no credibility and you are the blog laughingstock

          • Different_Cat

            That’s a direct quote from Trump during the campaign. It shows what he thinks about Mexican immigrants. Pull your head out of your ass.

          • Oh so you have moved on to a different version of another entirely different thing , because it would appear you were using that to try and rectify your mistake or lies .

          • not an after the fact explanation at all. That’s an untruth which you got from whatever media outlet you are obsessed with .

          • Different_Cat


          • Totally factual and why the AP was forced to make corrections .

          • He did indeed call MS thirteen gang members animals . I have said that already . It’s not a choice . I don’t get to have a choice about something that’s in black and white . Thats what you do on a daily basis .

  • Few running backs of today are admirable

  • MS-13 members are animals! Who’d debate that?

  • 15:17 to Paris.

  • noonefromtampa

    don’t know if anyone posted this, but the press catches up to the the racist NY lawyer

  • walter_in_fallschurch

    i don’t want to exaggerate and say the caps penalty kill is the worst in history. but it’s the worst at least dating back to the ancient egyptians. wth?!?!

    • You would know

      • walter_in_fallschurch

        oh… right… because i’m old… clever boy.

        • Whiny girl

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            good one! i see how you played off my response. touche!

          • Hey, I heard that the seas are rising because of rocks falling into the sea

            Care to whine about it?

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            only an incredibly ignorant person would make such a claim.

          • Only an incredibly ignorant person would make 90% of the comments you make on here.

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            so, do you agree with the honorable representative from alabama that sea level is rising from rock and dirt falling into the ocean?

            do you think it’s ok that congressmen make statements like that?

          • If islands can flip over from too much development on one side, then rocks can raise sea level, right?

          • Apparently ice melting off of those islands raises the sea level.

          • Try alittle Hank, to get this party started!

          • Does he have some floaties for the little girl up there?

          • We’ll have to ask for more funding……never crossed our minds….. literally….or figuratively.

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            he’s obviously an idiot. i love the realist guy’s response: “we don’t anticipate that.”

          • What’s with the personal attacks Walter… I thought that wasn’t good

            You fucking hypocrite

          • The moron is Henry C. “Hank” Johnson Jr. is the U.S. Representative for Georgia’s 4th congressional district, serving since 2007. He is a member of the Democratic Party. The district is based in DeKalb County, a largely suburban county east of Atlanta.
            He’s wasting the time of Admiral Robert Willard (retired), then Commander of the United States Pacific Fleet.

          • There is no shortage of morons in either party . Strangely some folks can only find them in a particular party as if the one the align themselves with doesnt have any .

          • I just don’t understand how they make it that far……what does that say about the legitimacy of Congress, or our country in general……if you were an enemy, watching C-SPAN…..I mean…lmfao, taking shots of vodka, or rice wine.

          • nothing good for damn sure

          • Or goat piss (Afghanistan)

          • I agree that it takes a moron to focus on what another moron says

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            right. so the representative a plainly a moron, at least as regards science. ironic that he’s on the science, space and technology committee. rich, that.

            and, it appears that YOU are focusing on that ONE comment i made about our moronic representative.

          • It’s just another illustration how YOU are constantly crying like a little girl.



          • walter_in_fallschurch

            so, personal attacks aside… (difficult, for you, i understand) we agree the republican representative is a moron. are we normalizing lies and ridiculous statements like “rocks are causing sea level rise”? i mean, are we that far into the post-truth era that no one blinks at lies like that?

          • Maybe he was just joking…… like Mr. Johnson?

          • I agree that you are a moron yes. You seem to like personal attacks on people you’ve never spoken to or met (you routinely make personal attacks on all sorts of people. You seem to think that makes it okay) I prefer them towards people that I’ve had actual interaction with and definitively know are morons… that would include you

  • C’mon CAPS!!!

  • Love me some slow pitch softball

  • tie ball game

  • Fuck

  • wait… anyone DVR’ing?

  • Caps already scored

  • Woot!

  • I never had interest in huntin’, but don’t hate it. I wanna shoot a wild boar cut him up right there and cook it out in the woods.

  • Seriously…anybody heard from Flounder?

  • I mean if any of you were ever in my neck of the woods, I’d be a poor host if I didn’t extend an invitation to link up.

  • Most people are good people.

  • Hey k0n… does that FM channel work for Skins games, too?

  • Hey Rick, I have some black neighbors that ride horses everywhere. They are country, down to the bone.

    • I believe you. Some of us never left the country

      • This is a weird statement

        • These are proud folks, they don’t pay no attention to shit like that. Grown ass men.

          • It just sounds odd to see someone write “some of us have never left the country”

          • The black women around here would be treating him like a doll baby, prolly get him in big trouble with the menfolk.

      • Got a family that raises hogs. Best damn sausage around. You can get any kinda pork you want. Where my stepson got that buck last year, on his mountain.

    • The guys i hunt with are white and black . Country people and damn good hunters especially with hounds . Race thing really never comes up. Bunch of good ole boys having fun.

      • Where I’m at.

      • I fish with white dudes all the time…race always comes up, but we laugh about it and keep fishin’ and drinkin’

        • yeah , i take that back a little bit . There is some joking and stuff sometimes but it’s all in fun . These black guys i am talking about are hard core hunters . You can’t out hunt them and it is somewhat of a friendly competition . Nobody likes to get out done , it’s a pride thing . They’re country as hell and they know every nook and cranny of the land for a hundred mile radius .

  • You all are wrong.

    Stephon Marbury was the one that I would get free drinks off in the club. Worked like hell for me at the NBA All Star game in DC in ’01.

  • I can just imagine some wasted big fat biker falling and rolling down the hill at Wolf Trap.

  • Wu-Tang clan is coming to DC on November 1st. Probably won’t go…too old

  • True Story…

    Two years ago, I worked concessions at a Kenny Chesney concert. Good lord…you talk about drunk!!!! Fights everywhere….but some fine wimmen

  • John Fogerty and ZZ Topp coming to Wolf Trap in VA….anybody down. I love both groups, but I need a couple of white guys to go with so I feel safe.

  • I found that signature.

    You don’t want to look it. You’d have to go on faith that it’s there.

  • Hey K0n… where’s your magical hook up for the Caps game at?

  • So after paying 430.00 to clear out a bird’s nest in the bathroom vent, it turns out the bird fell through a whole in the piping and died behind the wall. My house smells like the morgue.

  • Good evening

  • Where is C3PO with the Hartford news?

  • Thoughts and Prayers for the children and teachers in New Jersey.

    • Not gonna jump to conclusions, but……if that truck driver is anything like the dumptruck drivers around here……

      • I haven’t read about it yet.

        • Devastating crash, knocked the bus body entirely off the chassis, cab and front clip broken off the body, also.

          • Did the dump truck run a red light or fail to give right of way , or what

          • It looked like there was damage to the front of the truck, and a full bed of dirt? The bed tarp was rolled out over the load. They haven’t said.

          • It looked like a tandem, so, 17 ton plus truck weight.

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      hopefully first responders and doctors, too.

  • I wouldn’t mind seeing the new direction the team would head in without Bruce Allen. Too, I’m not gonna sit here and say ‘it can’t get worse’ because it can definitely get worse.

    • Squinnsamania, brother!

      We’ve actually had decent drafts and Bruce has really reigned in the spending and stupid contracts. Not sure if we have those people on staff right now.

      • He did actually manage to get Snyder to stop blowing money on washed up has been’s . IDK if BA is responsible for the salary cap hit we took or not .He will forever go down as a total failure on the KC situation and i guess it’s up to the individual regarding the SM debacle , on how they judge him.

        • Back to the good ol daysBruce

          …and he hired SM so that’s that

          • that’s how i see it . What we don’t know with certainty is if alcohol was the reason for the whole fiasco .

          • what is certain , is it was another huge embarrassment on the franchise played out in public with rumors and innuendos

        • That wasn’t a failure. There were no other half decent options to go to in FA. And man…that guy just was not a Redskin.

          They did pretty damn good all things considered. Just, too bad the price they paid was what it was in costing them other FA acquisitions.

          • Huge failure and i knew you would see it that way . You paid a guy 50 million dollars for two seasons and got nothing in return . Thats a massive failure by anyone’s standards . What other team does that ?

          • He had chances to sign him to a LTD and he fucked it up . It’s a failure .

          • KSFTG kept moving the goal. That’s public.

            Besides….besides man, he didn’t want to be here. You have to consider that. You also have to consider the FA QBs in 16 & 17. They were shit.

          • What’s also public is the fact they didnt sign him to a LTD after the 2015 season when they had the chance . FAILURE

          • Vs cut him loose, and sign who? Osweiller? Fitzpatrick?

            Cousins didn’t want to be a Redskin. That’s the bottom line. He had to go by tag rules. If that wasn’t in place, he would have been gone, by choice, after 2015.

          • I can’t tell you who . You act like kC held them hostage with a gun to their head . Massive failure .

          • You act like making the guy a stupid fucking offer, for a someone who didn’t want to be here…was a failure.

            It wasn’t.

            They worked it the best that was available.

            He was never going to LTD…therefor, that whatever trade you think should have happened, never was going to happen.

          • And that’s all I’ve got to say about that.

          • well you’re wrong so thats probably a good thing .

          • Dan Snyder has zero give a damn about that QB and how it went down


            So go on…keep on harping about how it was a failure

          • Keep spinning it as not a failure , while you sound ridiculous doing it .

          • lol

            You so funny

            Colossal failure not getting anything for the QB that was never going to sign LTD!! OMG! I can’t believe! Fire Bruce already!

          • 50 million dollars for two years with nothing in return . Thats a failure . It’s amazing you know he was never going to sign but BA didn’t . You should be in the FO . Either you are BA is dumbass . Which one is it ?

          • Clearly if he was never going to sign and thats what you keep saying , the smart thing to do would have been to cut him lose after 2016 .

          • There was no one there to bring in man.

            They went with the best option. He knew the system. Yes. It was an expensive option, but both years…he was the best FA QB available.



            Who else would they have brought in? You can grab any of those guys and hamsters would have been losing their god damn minds. Including you.

          • 50 million dollars for two years with not a single playoff win is the shit that makes people lose their minds . FAILURE .

          • oh , but he knew the system , so by all means lets do the dumbest fucking thing that you can possibly do .

          • Best of a bad situation.

            What part of that do you not want to come to terms with?

            I mean damn man.

          • Colossal failure . I came to terms with that when it happened . Absolutely not the best of a bad situation . Making a bad situation a massive fuckup is what they did and it’s squarely on BA’s head .

          • Agree to disagree

            Too many god damn circles going on here

          • Not from me . I never wavered . FAILURE

          • Stubborn as a box of rocks

          • one more time , 50 MILLION DOLLARS to a guy who you say never wanted to be here . Thats the dumbest business decision of a lifetime .

          • Woot!

          • Then if was never going to sign a LTD , they should have got rid of him. Which you don’t know for certain by the way , but for the sake of argument we will go with it . 50 million dollars and nothing in return . FAILURE .

          • they did a terrible job . Paid a guy all that money and didnt even get a playoff win. FAILURE

          • Tag rules is tag rules.

            Man, if only they had kept Griffin. Or, hell…signed Hoyer. Yea. That would have been so much better. Playoffs for sure with Hoyer.

          • Thats the point , they shouldnt have tagged him. He was never going to sign according to you .

          • as opposed to no playoff wins with the 50 million dollar man ? You have no point .

  • I’ll say this…if Dan Snyder is going to do a major, major shakeup and can Bruce and promote Kyle Smith, now’s the time to do it.

  • I don’t think Dak Prescott is good enough to carry the turds if we do end up with a stout defensive front, and shut Zeewok down.

  • Rick also warned in his column today that the Redskins have a habit of breaking bad news at 5:00 on Friday, so watch out to see if anything happens tomorrow, front office-wise.

  • Squinnsamania, brother!

    I agree with Rick Snider. Bruce is out, probably off to Oakland/Vegas. Probably truth to that report from a few weeks ago (Bruce denied it, so that makes it even more likely that its true).

    • He simply said “I’m not going there”

      To me that means he’s not going to talk about it…

      • Squinnsamania, brother!

        Fair point, Scamp. Two meanings for those words. I may have interpreted them incorrectly.

    • he has a home in greater LA (Newport?) maybe the Rams/Chargers?

      • I can’t see either of those owners letting that happen

        • completely blind to that issue, I said it with very little knowledge of their situations, only knowing that they are building a stadium complex and he has a beach/pier home (on the water) out there

    • Different_Cat

      If he’s really gone, who’s going to be left to leak nasty stories about why he left?


    This is level three nerd stuff. That’s your only warning.

  • So, football.
    McPhee is going to be a huge contributor in stopping the run.

  • Who are your favorite wide receivers and running pre Clinton Portis days.

    • Art Monk

      …and I liked Charlie Brown when I was a kid… cause his name was Charley Brown

    • Art Monk, without a doubt, then Ricky Sanders.

      Running backs? Probably Riggo, first, then Stephen Davis.

      • Good choices i liked Charley Taylor, and Downtown Charlie Brown

        • Our interview with Ricky Sanders two years ago is one of my personal highlights of the site.

    • Different_Cat

      Monk, Charlie Taylor, Clarke, Sanders

      Riggins, Larry Brown, Stephen Davis

  • So about this new guy that the Redskins hired, why are we all guessing what his position is and how it falls on the pecking order? Is it because our organization doesn’t do a good job of communicating with the local press? just what is his role and how has anyone else has diminished or been enhanced?

    • It’s all an unknown…

      … now back to crying about Trump.

      • I respect the office of our President. Whoever is in office. And honestly I think Trump has done a lot of good despite the constant negative press.

      • walter_in_fallschurch

        you mean, back to crying about crying about trump.

        • Keep crying little girl… I’m sure your children respect the hell out of all that whining.

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            seriously, scamp, who below is whining about trump?

          • You are ALWAYS whining about something. It’s your nature and frankly it’s embarrassing.

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            so… really it’s just you whining.

          • You are always whining… like a little bitch. You were whining earlier about some idiot Republican and rocks in the ocean. You are always crying… it never ends… and it’s pathetic.

    • We aren’t guessing what his position is. COO is a real thing. I think that the real question, as I raised in my column, is what his hiring means for Bruce Allen’s future.

      Our buddy Rick Snider also wrote a column on this today and said that this hire means Bruce is gone. I’m not willing to go that far, yet.

      • It seems like that should have been Bruce’s thing though… so it is curious.

        • It’s very odd, I agree. Hence, this column.

          • Here’s a question… was the business side ever his thing BEFORE the Skins? Seems he was on the GM side and involved in player acquisition… but that could just be my perception.

          • Hard to say without being in the building. As I mentioned, they’ve always had a President of Business Operations, Dennis Greene. At a minimum, Bruce as team president is ultimately responsible for it.

          • I’m speaking about Bruce… wasn’t he player side in Tampa and Oakland… not business side?

          • He was on the football side, as I understand it.

          • So this could simply mean he’s being pigeonholed back into that here.

          • Yes, it could.

            FWIW, the team president I dealt with wasn’t a football guy at all – he was strictly in the sports business world.

          • Also, you notice a certain whiny blogger skedaddled when the football talk started?


      • Ty Mr. Steve.

    • he’s the President of Business Ops and COO

      what he exactly does is partly of his own design

  • Wow… looks like the whiny bitch herd showed up again today.

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      and yosemite sam’s in town now to clean things up!

    • You mean the blog liberals?

      or just D_C?

      • I was wondering, what do you call a bunch of ferrets?
        A herd
        A gaggle
        A gang
        A flock

      • Looked like a few of them were up to their usual cry fest.

        I mean, how miserable do you have to be to come on a Redskins blog EVERYDAY and bitch and moan about the same guy doing the same shit he always does?

        These losers wake up flushed with their adrenaline rushing… can’t WAIT to get on the blog and cry.

        • walter_in_fallschurch

          “to come on a Redskins blog EVERYDAY and bitch and moan”

          nothing ironic there.

          • Dude… you are such a whiny loser you think EVERYONE else is just like you. I haven’t been on here more than a couple times the last few weeks. But every time I’m here you got your vag packed with sand over Trump. What a whiny little bitch you are… a pure disgrace to men everywhere

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            i have not said anything about trump. that, again, is your baggage.

          • You cry ALL THE TIME

            Get your binky girly… maybe count the rocks that fell into the ocean.

        • Liberals are in their native element when they are complaining. It’s why their go-to thing is to protest. Whenever they are in power, they can’t actually lead or get anything done, unless they are ripping off conservative ideas and pawning them as their own. I think they were all secretly so relieved when Trump won the WH, because it meant they could go back to what they do best – whine and protest.

    • This is precisely why so many sports blogs prohibit political talk. We made a decision to support the idea of free speech here, within the bounds of reasonably good taste, and the same thing happens, every time. When are people going to realize that bringing up political stuff out of the blue isn’t ever going to go well, particularly when it’s utterly irrelevant to current events. It’s not like a presidential election is happening right now that is an immediate issue.

      • Like today, an innocent college football discussion, shot to hell.

      • Steve… they just aren’t bright enough.

        …and the guys that do it: Walter, Austin, and to some extent D_C… almost NEVER talk about football. They just bitch and moan about their miserable lives.

  • Dachshunds are a fucking deplorable breed.

    • No Punt Intended

      ^ Hilldog?

    • Back to the good ol daysBruce

      As a pitbull (staffy) owner I’m sure most are shocked at breed. Just 2weeks ago one of those wiener dogs jumped up and nipped my pit on snout. Boy if i wasn’t there….

      • Yeah, they will do it. I saw a Great Dane finally lose it one day and kill one of those, after hours of torment. They try to dominate their owners, are not good with kids, you name it. Nasty little bastards, or little nazi bastards.

      • Yea, those things are shit. Bitey and barkey little bastards

      • I would like to get a running start and kick the ever-loving crap out of a yappy-weiner dog just to see if I could break it in half.

  • AustinSkin Steve Thomas • an hour ago
    It’s ashame, because your opinions about all things sports-related are pretty damn boring.

    I’d like to invite you to go find another blog full of hot takes that really get you going. I didn’t ask you to be here.

  • noonefromtampa

    An Oklahoma woman died last week after seven small mixed-breed dogs attacked her, according to the Carter County Sheriff’s Office.

    Tracy Garcia, 52, was mauled by her neighbor’s small dogs — each weighing less than 40 pounds, KTEN reported.

    Six of the seven dogs were identified as a standard dachshund and terrier mix, and one is believed to be a border collie mix, according to KXII. One of the dogs was shot by first responders, and the rest were euthanized at the request of the owner.

    The dogs were covered in ticks and fleas, but didn’t have any other visible health concerns, according to KXII. They won’t be testing the dogs for rabies.

    The attack is still under investigation, according to KTEN. The district attorney will review the case to determine if the dogs’ owner will face charges.

    f*ck coyotes, watch out for the wiener dogs

  • Think D_C got this one right…

    The fact Alabama beat 2 conference champions to win the playoff proves the system got it right. If a conference has 2 or 3 juggernaut teams, it’s not outta the realm of possibility that had one of those teams been in a weaker conference, they’d have won that one! The way Alabama easily handled Clemson means they would’ve certainly won the ACC! Why punish them for being in a conference with 3 teams worthy of a playoff bid?

  • No Punt Intended

    D_C during one of the many and well-deserved beratings by his father:

  • Footage of Houston bar brawl shows patrons throwing glasses, chairs.
    Houstonites of this blog are waaaay above this behavior.

  • Look. Steve and I have a rule that we try not to bring up politics here. We will get in a discussion but we don’t want to start it. That said, i am sure we both have broken that rule.

  • Different_Cat

    If Alabama doesn’t make the playoff, DaRon Payne is a 2nd rounder.

    • Nope.


    • Fuck Alabama, nailed it.

    • If that is true then we fucked up bad.

    • and you were doing so well.

      • Different_Cat

        Just bein’ real. The playoff games are the reason that Payne’s stock shot up. Teams banking on the hope that the lights went on and the *real* DaRon is the guy who dominated Clemson and Georgia and not the guy who was just pretty good over the rest of his career.

        • wrong , wrong , wrong , wrong and wrong .

          • Different_Cat


          • Unless you know what the Redskins thought privately and all the reasons they did what they did , you are just spouting your beliefs .

          • Different_Cat

            Well yeah, as are you.

          • Wrong again.

          • Different_Cat

            My bad, I didn’t realize you were in the draft room.

          • Different_Cat

            Lack of career production is eye-opening — one tackle for loss in 2017 and only five in his career. Benefitted from playing on some of the most talented lines in recent college football history the past three seasons. Performances such as the Georgia game were the exception, not the rule. Disappears for stretches. Can run out of gas late in games with higher snap totals — loses gap integrity and technique gets sloppier. Occasionally prone to late hits and playing past the whistle (see fourth quarter vs. Tennessee).

          • Comes across as petulant and pouting

          • I wasn’t and that’s the entire point . You have once again contradicted yourself .

  • walter_in_fallschurch

    this is how dumb we have become:

    “GOP lawmaker says rocks falling into ocean to blame for rising sea levels”

  • If you are not your conference’s designated champion, you are ineligible to play in the 4 team playoff. Boom, done, problem solved.

    • Different_Cat

      In “solving” the problem you eliminated the best team in the country. To me that’s not solving the problem.

    • No . That’s making the problem bigger .

      • That actually solves the problem. Last year proved that the system remains broken.

        • It doesn’t . Weaker teams would be in and better teams would be out . Nobody wants to watch that.

          • Nobody should be forced to have to watch the absolute joke of a system that installs a team that couldn’t even win its conference as one of the 4 best teams in the county. That’s pathetic. That’s embarrassing. That shows that the people who run the system think all of us are fools. It shows they care more about ratings and money than true competition. It’s shows that the system is completely broken and has been for decades.

          • Steve , people want to see the best four teams. Alabama was one of those teams last year . Improving the playoff system would make it better i agree , but the goal is for the best teams to go at it .

          • Alabama didn’t win its conference. They weren’t even the best SEC team. They clearly didn’t belong, and I think their inclusion made a mockery of college football.

          • Then they shouldn’t have been able to win it all , but they did .

  • Reading below and Alabama would have stomped a mud hole in UCF . Great season , story , etc by them , but Bama would have dealt them a beat down.

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      yeah… i have no prob with bama being in the final 4. i would like to see expanded at least to 8.

    • Clemson , UGA , would have crushed them as well.

      • Except that they beat Auburn, who’s another SEC darling, so, yeah.

        I think the idea of Alabama in last year’s 4 team playoff was an absurdity that destroyed the credibility of the system. I didn’t watch any of the three games.

        • Auburn is consistently hot and cold . Alabama is one of the most powerful teams in the land year in and year out . Nothing was destroyed by including them in the final four .

          • and you missed some fantastic FB . Can’t imagine not watching .

          • No thanks. If they install a real playoff system, I’ll be there.

          • Auburn was better at home

            but if you are limited to 4 teams, divisional and conference play has the most representativeness, so it really should only be conference champions. but that’s sort of a statistical/scientific argument. and again, that’s because there is such a paltry amount of across-conference data AND the few number of slots available. no hating on Alabama specifically, it just only makes sense from an economics perspective to include them (to be able to make them included in the process) and other large-fan-base-teams

    • I disagree. Especially if UCF played them in the first round, so they wouldn’t get to see the strategy they used against a team like Auburn. Auburn wasn’t probably as good as Alabama last year, but they did win that division of the SEC, and really, UCF dominated Auburn. Auburn had to underdog it just to stay in the game. They UCF coaches have the advantage in a one-off; which is one reason why their defense was able to dominate Auburn most of the game. UCF pulled out some new, well-rehearsed schemes… tweaks to their regular scheme… that they really didn’t play all year… primarily to stop the run.

      And I don’t think the discussion was going to end up UCF vs Bama for the last spot, it was prob not going to be UCF if not Bama

  • walter_in_fallschurch

    This will come as no surprise, but if you’re looking for the capital-T truth, do not try to find it on Twitter. At least not during disasters, according to a study at the University of Buffalo.

    We need not look further than Hurricane Sandy in 2012 for the wildest, most ridiculously menacing examples of the phenomenon — massive storm approaches nation’s most populous corridor, people freak out, anonymous Twitter users prey on their fear for kicks.

    Twitter user @comfortablysmug — unmasked as a GOP operative and hedge-fund analyst — was Sandy’s greatest villain, the Atlantic wrote:

    While people tried to make sense of a deluge of incoming Sandy news, they might have heard CNN report that the floor of the New York Stock Exchange was flooded three feet deep. Maybe they read a Reuters brief about Con Edison employees being trapped in a power station. Maybe they scrolled past a panic-stricken all caps retweet announcing a preemptive power shut down throughout Manhattan. None of those reports were correct, and they can all be traced back to Comfortably Smug’s anonymous account, cultivated around the persona of a cocky, Romney-supporting 1-percenter.

    Those might be strong words, but the chaos Shashank Tripathi — smug’s real name — generated was very real in a moment when people in New York City had every reason to be frightened.

    Nearly six years later, what have we learned? Little to nothing. Tripathi has amassed nearly 80,000 followers, many of whom are some of politics and journalism’s biggest influencers. And a study found that we’re still really bad at detecting lies on Twitter.

    “To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate how apt Twitter users are at debunking falsehoods during disasters,” said Jun Zhuang, associate professor of industrial and systems engineering at the University of Buffalo, and the lead author of the study. “Unfortunately, the results paint a less than flattering picture.”

    The University of Buffalo researchers looked at three possible responses users could have when confronted with false information — they could spread it even further, seek to confirm it or cast doubt on it. Guess which one we do most often?

    86 to 91 percent of the users spread the false news either by retweeting or liking
    5 to 9 percent sought to confirm the false news, typically by retweeting and asking if the information was correct
    1 to 9 percent expressed doubt, often by saying the original tweet was not accurate
    It gets better (and by better I mean worse). Even after the false information had been proven false

    Fewer than 10 percent of users who spread the false info deleted the tweet
    Fewer than 20 percent of those users corrected the false tweet with a new one
    This is not great, people. Especially during disasters, we need to keep our heads. You might think that false information — even on something as “trivial” as Twitter — is not going to make a difference, but emergency managers depend on social media to find out who is actually in trouble. If rescuers are going to a flooded neighborhood that isn’t actually flooded, that’s diverting resources away from the people who actually need help.

    Lies on social media are dangerous, and it’s not just the liar who’s to blame — according to this study, it’s all of us.

    • I witnessed such a thing on Facebook, with the recent tornadoes. The night of…. multiple fatalities, missing children, blah blah blah. The next day, two people hospitalized, no fatalities.

      • walter_in_fallschurch

        does not matter if it’s true, as long as it’s first… i guess.

        • I got to witness the progression of certain posts, as they were reposted and shared. Like when you were a kid and sat in a circle, whispered a sentence to the kid next to you, by the time it got back around….well.

  • noonefromtampa

    so if you want to abuse your children, home-schooling is the way to go since a lot of states have minimal oversight on home-schooled kids

    • Home school can be such a joke. Some people take it seriously, but I know folks like my aunt who did it to her kids, didn’t really teach them at all.

      • noonefromtampa

        a lot of states exclude home-schooled kids from testing

        • She did it for years because she was an anti-vaxer in the early 90s. But too often she just dumped the kids at my grandparents and my grandfather would play chess with them or try and teach them something. After a year or two my grandparents put their foot down, force her to get the kids in public school

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            anti-vaxers are parasites living off the herd immunity of us responsible people.

          • Agree. And my other aunt, a pediatrician, was none to happy with her sister.

      • or it can be useful when children are in competitive sports, or are actors, or are otherwise not inclined to do well in the Government controlled NEA system

        • I don’t get it

          • Squinnsamania, brother!

            ^When you are away taking your kid on travel baseball trips, your wife is getting drilled relentlessly by HTTR65. Relentlessly….

            That’s what he means.

          • Ha! My kids are combat ready, running away from leftist scum solves nothing:)

          • Squinnsamania, brother!

            Mr. BC, tear down this wall!

          • If you raise your children to have self confidence, compassion, morality, it doesn’t matter. They can find the path to truth. Running from public school is a mistake, you’re giving over your country, and culture, without a fight.

          • Squinnsamania, brother!

            Words of wisdom. Who knew you had it in ya?!?!?

          • You did, from way back. Many up here never really listen to anything.

      • if you did it well, it would be very hard for a public or private (unless it was almost like tutoring) school to give you the 1 on 1 attention, and teaching for your learning style and speed. it prob really works well if you have a child who wants to be what one of their parent’s are professionally too. because then, since the age of about six you’ve been learning something that a “I’m not sure what I REALLY want to do, I think I’ll try a few things out” 18 year old only really locks in on when he/she is 20. and, that’s prob about the time when the home-schooler is getting their undergrad, and probably has had the same kind of internships that the Other gets as a Jr in college as a Jr in high school. but not everyone does. so there’s a lot of pharmacy majors who are probably learning a lot about contextual lessons from corn farming.

    • noonefromtampa

      and surprise California is one of the worst at having rules around home-schooling

    • you mean “abuse” as in, since they don’t have to get out of the house, nobody can see the bruises
      it’s abuse because they aren’t learning anything

  • noonefromtampa

    If you don’t win your conference championship game you’re not eligible to be a final four team

    simple fix

  • It’s still weird to see “Alex Smith” on our roster page. I’m so used to seeing “Beaver Cleaver and Buckwheat”.

  • noonefromtampa

    Danny Kanell jumps into the Bama vs UCF fray

    Not sure how you can say you “earned” a national title when you didn’t win your conference and were GIFTED an invitation to the CFB Invitational. But yes…congrats on being the best of those invited four teams. #rolldamntide

    — Danny Kanell (@dannykanell) May 16, 2018
    Throwing shade at a university who ran the table and beat the best team in the SEC seems petty. Calling them out for “self-proclaimed” titles is downright hypocritical considering half your school’s titles are self proclaimed.

    — Danny Kanell (@dannykanell) May 16, 2018

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      what a baby…

      and, note that i am all in favor of expanding the playoff to 8, or i don’t care, 16 teams.

      • eight maybe
        sixteen is tougher because then you’re getting into finals week
        and eight you’re getting the 5 power five champs, and 3 at large bids

        • walter_in_fallschurch

          “finals week”?! oh, please. they will use that excuse for a while then concede. they can schedule finals for athlete whenever they want. they need not have that 3-4 week blank period from the end of the season to the bowl games. 8-16 team playoff would be epic.

        • Finals week. Whatever. That’s of no bearing at all. March Madness takes teams away from school for the better part of 3 weeks and nobody bats an eye over it.

          • this year you could have gone Dec 23, 30, Jan 6, and Jan 13 or 15 (Monday night)

            but I don’t know if that gets into any rules violations, for example on mid-year transfers… IOW could you have a situation where a couple of your transfer players, or early enrollees were then ineligible to play for the Championship Game (because they’re 4 years of eligibility were “up” at the end of the fall semester). but that would be a week after finals, in general. So you could practice up through finals week and then fly out to the first game site and have a week of practice there, though I would imagine, thinking about it, that at least the first round would be home games by the higher seed, maybe first two rounds. maybe they go with just 12 and have a BYE for the top 4? anyway, it would need a bit more tweaking than 8, but it could be done.

        • Power 5… really 4. Got to stop pretending the Big 12 is a power conference, they can’t even get 12 teams for a championship game

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            “stop pretending the Big 12 is a power conference”

            those things are cyclical.

          • Big 12 with it’s 10 teams
            Big 10 with it’s 14 teams
            Don’t tell me it’s about education, they can’t even do simple MATH.

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            i feel like yelling:

            “just stop! everybody go back to your original conference and stay there!”

            followed of course by “get of my lawn….”

          • most of the “original conferences” don’t exist, or they are very different, like the Missouri Valley Conference

          • the Big 10 is just simply saying they don’t value 4 of their schools as much

            the Big 10 technically, for non-athletics also includes the University of Chicago.

            The Big 12 is mourning the loss of Nebraska and Texas A&M?

          • noonefromtampa

            Big 12 hasn’t been a power conference for over a decade

          • they have a championship game now

          • An 8-game College playoff would be ideal.

            1 berth for each of the Power 5 Champions. The other 3 – Best at-large.

          • It needs to be 16. All conference champs plus at large bids.

          • I will get 1 crazier.
            you get your 10 Conference Champs but then in the same week as the Cong-Championship you have a round of wildcard playoffs. Don’t want to give the wild card teams a virtual bye week before the playoffs start because of championship games.

    • I completely agree with Danny. Alabam should never have even been in the playoff at all, and I’d say that at a minimum, at least a couple of their championships aren’t legitimate.

      And on top of that, all SEC teams, but especially Alabama, pack their schedules with powderpuff out of conference games to boost their rankings. The truth is that Alabama only has maybe 3-4 tough games a year at most.

      Plus, I greatly dislike Nick Saban.

      • walter_in_fallschurch

        and… you’re well-known for not letting allegiances influence opinions….

        hahahahahahaa just kidding.

        • Mercer has a football team?

          • I’ll give them Florida St. – quality game. But Fresno St., Colorado St., Vanderbilt isn’t exactly a march of death. And Mercer in late Nov – that’s just embarrassing. Like I said, they play maybe 3-4 tough games per year, that’s it. And Alabama didn’t even win it’s conference yet got in over the team they lost to. That’s when you know your seedings need to be thrown in the trash can.

            Nobody’s saying UCF should be automatically crowned national champs (except UCF). But the idea that they don’t even get a shot is, to me, absurd. And I said the same thing in years past many mid-major teams like, for example, Utah and Boise St.

          • Alabama didn’t even win their DIVISION in the SEC

          • Yes, sorry, I stand corrected.

          • Different_Cat

            ‘cmon, man, the lost one game all year.

          • So what? They didn’t win their division or their conference and were selected over those better teams.

          • Different_Cat

            Obviously it’s not a straight-up Win-Loss calculation. Their one loss came in the conference championship game.

          • Sorry, you don’t win a conference you don’t deserve to dance.

          • Different_Cat

            The actual result of the playoff would seem to contradict your assertion. They beat Clemson, the ACC champion, handily, and then they beat Georgia, the SEC champion. How do you now say they didn’t deserve to be there?

          • They also had a nice little bye week while those champions were fighting to be champions

          • Different_Cat

            ^fair point

          • and that’s both scientific and pragmatic, since we don’t have enough data points to do like, and ANOVA or whatever, the conference has to be the weed out; in that, however the conference wants to choose their champion, it then represents and wipes away all the haranging over stats because in theory, a conference, and especially division record has supreme statistical power; as little as it is, it is the best we have. Ideally, you’d have 12-13 ten-team conferences, each with 9 conf games, all champions make the tourney, with a few at-large to appease the power schools.

          • Different_Cat

            It’s tough for the smaller division teams, no doubt. I’d love to see an expanded playoff. OTOH, getting through an SEC schedule with 1 loss is more impressive to me than UCF going undefeated. Most of the big Power 5 schools play silly out-of-conference opponents — not just Bama.

  • noonefromtampa

    at least 2 dead in school bus vs dump truck accident in NJ

    • Anything in New Jersey involving a construction company is an “accident”, capisce?

      • noonefromtampa

        friend’s uncle who owned a construction company in NJ had a golfing “accident” in his construction trailer on a job site

        got beat to death with one of his golf clubs

  • noonefromtampa

    Pedro, who asked not to be identified by his last name, ordered two coffees from Starbucks and received his order with the word “beaner” on both cups in place of his name
    good thing they have that training scheduled for later this month

  • Rick Snider’s take on BA, FWIW

    “So just wait for some Friday at 5 p.m., when bad news is always delivered. Indeed, it’s when Snyder fired many employees after buying the team. There will be a short press release wishing Allen well.

    And most Redskins fans will rejoice.”

  • See
    If this had not happened D_C would have known better.

    אתה לא קונה בייגל קפוא
    אנחנו ממשיכים לאכול דגים משונים לבלבל בין לא יהודים
    סלפסטיק הוא הקומדיה שלנו
    אתה תמשיך לחפש עסקה מצוינת על רכב צנוע
    אל תסמוך על הגרמנים, תבין בסופו של דבר

  • It’s just a hunch, but I think Samaje Perine is going to turn some heads this year.

    I’m willing to bet that he has analyzed every second of his film last year, and has been training like a man possessed. While the fans are fawning over Guice, he will take the competition seriously, and will excel.

    He had to split time with Mixon at OU and still surpassed Adrian Peterson for the all-time OU rushing title.

  • noonefromtampa

    Ironically one of the best bagel paces in Ft Lauderdale is called Chesapeake Bagel Bakery

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      they used to have those around here. when i was a young office intern, one of my daily jobs to to go to the chesapeake bagel bakery at the wilston shopping center and bring back a dozen bagels for the gang. egg, sesame seed, and cinamon raisin were popular.

    • [Ears plugged] Lender’s or nothing!!


  • So Different_Cat forgot his meds again and had an “accident” in a Tim Horton’s the other day…I think the video is up on the web somewhere.

  • Skins dodged Hard Knocks again this year (and likely next, too).

    Browns got this year.

    And playoff teams, or teams with a new coach, don’t have to do it. (We’ll likely be one or the other next year.)

    • Browns make a lot of sense, but I feel bad for Jackson, you’re 0-16/1-32 and gonna be on national TV, no win situation.

      • I can’t see why they didn’t fire that dude. One win in two years? Unless they were seriously, and I mean, game-planning-to-lose-seriously tanking. Then I still question it, since you don’t even know if dude can coach to win or not.

        • I mean the Washington Valor just fired their head coach, because he went 3-13 and 0-4 in his 2nd year. At some point it’s a question of accountability at every level of sports.

  • So some woman up in Canada goes into a Tim Hortons, they denied her using the bathroom so she dropped a deuce on the floor and threw it at the workers

    If that’s not enough to get you 30 days in a straight jacket I’m not sure what is

  • Bruce Allen would have been the obvious guy to get a stadium in VA done. The fact that Lafemina is doing this tells me that maybe VA isn’t what Dan really wants.

    Lefemina is a fresh face to the organization with no history (baggage) associated with Redskins organization. He previously helped manage Madison Square Garden before going to the NFL.

    The best-case scenario for a stadium is in the District for a number of reasons, Snyder knows this. Maybe this is Snyder’s way of setting the table for District-negotiations.

    • I know Steve and some others seem to think Bruce is the guy to get a stadium deal done. I’ve never been sold on him. I think his “family” connections in Northern VA are somewhat exaggerated.

      • Dig…..Dig! Channel your dad’s superpowers…..there’s a story here, I can smell the money.

    • He’s on the board at Clemson with a guy named Mitch Norville,
      Until February 28, 2012, Mitch served as Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer at Boston Properties, Inc. with responsibilities for administrative policy and day-to-day control of operations. Prior to his promotion to this position in May 2007, he served as Executive Vice President for Operations since September 2005. From March 1998 to September 2005, he served as Senior Vice President and Regional Manager of the Washington, D.C. office. In that capacity he was in charge of all regional development activities as well as responsible for all leasing, construction, property management and administrative activities. From 1994 to 1998, he served as Senior Vice President and Senior Project Manager in our Washington, D.C. region, with responsibilities for various project developments. In 2015, he started Atlantic South Development Inc., an office development firm focused on class A office developments in South Carolina. Mitch is chair of the Clemson University Foundation and chair of the Dean of Engineering’s Development Board.

    • the fact that Lafemina is doing it is speculation
      we don’t know what exactly the roles are
      all I’m saying is we shouldn’t jump to conclusions
      the Redskins have had wanning fan support and it seems to be Lefemina is good at that aspect and I’m sure he’ll have a role in a lot of stuff, but let’s not jump as to what he and Bruce are or are not doing or where the stadium is going. we don’t know. the Skins may not even exactly know yet.

  • Speaking of buying the rights to I just renewed the URL for another year. Think I got the website hosting coming up too.

  • Newsflash: the team doesn’t care if either MD or VA residents are inconvenienced by the location of a new stadium, even though they’ll pay lip service to the issues. I can attest to that firsthand.

    • they only care insomuch that the threshold isn’t crossed that hurts their attendance and business performance/marketing

      • Yes, but it won’t hurt attendance at all.

        • Loudoun county might hurt attendance.
          Because I live in NoVA and the only time I will go out there and back is between the hours of 9:30 AM and 2:30 PM on a weekday, roundtrip. Or, possibly, in the middle of the night.

        • Putting the stadium out in the sticks…yea, it’ll drop attendance. And who’s going to advertise when they don’t have a location somewhere near the stadium for fans to drop some money?

    • You need to use your lawyer mojo and find the connection, c’mon man!

      • It’s right there…… we’re starting to see the players…….get that semi-hot intern chick to crawl through a window and find some files.

  • Move the team to Va . Change the name , Let the liberal kooks have their day in the sun and shut them up on this issue once and for all .

  • Squinnsamania, brother!

    Where’s Bustini, Dan? That was part of the deal.


  • Squinnsamania, brother!

    I’ve long opined that Allen is the best person the Redskins could possibly get to work on the political machinations necessary to get the team’s new stadium built, probably in Virginia, in time for a grand opening in about 10 years. I still think that’s the case, and yesterday’s move to hire Lafemina might just be the first step towards making that his principal duty.

    Not sure that would be a full-time job, though. I guess if you throw in Harvest Fest and yellow pants, he might be able to keep himself occupied.

    • That’s an issue, but frankly, he doesn’t exactly need to keep 8 – 5 office hours every day. Snyder might be happy just with him as CINC-Stadium for the next several years

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      GOLD! they’re GOLD pants, not yellow. what’s wrong with you?!

  • After I buy the hogsty…I’m putting in a president of editing.

    And an awards program for every post that aggravates Greg.

  • Lafemina is not a football guy he was brought in to get the stadium deal done.

  • Or Allen could be leaving for Oakland.

  • Pls go to Twitter and vote in this week’s poll:

  • Give me a fresh poppy seed, onion or everything bagel with whitefish, a slice of tomato, purple onion, lox, and cream cheese.

  • If you’re looking for an English muffin…it’s gotta be Bay’s. You’ll find them in a cold case somewhere in the grocer.

    Bay’s manhandles the hell out of Thomas’. Not even close. Thomas’ is totally blown off the line.

    • made from corn?

    • I thought they were mostly there as a conveyance for butter and jam

    • I wish they carried those in our Wegmans. We just have Thomas’s and Wegman’s brand. Neither are very good.

      And if you want to talk about a “slicing” problem. English muffins are where the problem lies.

      They say fork split, but you definitely need a knife and some graceful fingers to get them apart in fewer than three pieces!!

    • I’m sorry, but I won’t stand for Thomas’s being dissed. Critical piece of my childhood there.

    • Fair warning…be careful with the packaging. If you do it wrong, you’ll have to cover them in something else before putting them back in the fridge.

      That or eat the whole package in one sitting.

  • AustinSkin Steve Thomas • 20 minutes ago

    – Change the name to The Hogs
    – Stadium gets called The Hog Sty
    – $nyder offers $millions for the rights to secure

    Everybody happy.

    **Distribute those millions among the regs from the site

    • noonefromtampa


    • Tell you all what, if we ever make millions off this site, I’ll at the very least take some of my share and put on a kick ass shindig for everyone here.

      • Don’t get corporate on us, alex. We fled here b/c we didn’t like tap dancing for the man at WaPo. This is the people’s site. Don’t sell out.

        • P1… I would re-build this site on a new web name in a day in that scenario.

          We would call it TheHahahagsty.

          • you’d probably have to agree, or be forced to in court, to not be too close to the trademarked rights of the Redskins, of which, certainly TheHogsty would become.

          • I’m pretty comfortable about where we are on the trademark issue – we’ll be okay in that regard.

        • I’ll sell out The Hog Sty in a heartbeat for the right price.

          • Well of course, Steve, you’re a good old fashion capitalist. Alex is left-leaning, so…

          • Which is why I’d do it and use part of the money to throw a party for the hamsters.

          • I’d keep every penny for myself. But that’s me.

          • I’d keep enough for me to pay off some stuff, first and foremost. Maybe some to start a small business.

          • class action lawsuit filed in the most communist district we could find!

          • $100 and a steak dinner ought to do.

          • Kon, if you come in with something too realistic and honest, it makes everyone uncomfortable

            I’m holding out for the cert 2016 RLX SHAWD Hybrid with the Advance and Technology packages. black and black, preferably, but I’m flexible on colors.

          • I saw one of those at an auto show couple years back. Looked damn good.

          • it’s probably the only Acura that isn’t mostly sold to female real estate agent types

      • at an Acura dealer?

        • Location would vary based on what my cut is of the $. If it’s on the lower side, I’ll rent out some space at somewhere like Glen Echo park and it’s BYOB. If it’s in the millions, we fly everyone out to the tropics for what eventually becomes an awkward photo shoot.

          • noonefromtampa

            Buck in a thong – NFW!

          • Of course this will likely happen when I’m on one of my little breaks from the site! Dagnabbit!!

          • instead of the tropics, how about door prizes
            like a loaded RLX coming off a 3 year lease
            though, you probably could get a heckuva deal flying us out to PR in a few years once the lights come back on.

          • I’d probably go for BVI over PR. They are already back up and running. And I’m partial to there, my grandmother grew up south of Tortola

          • With the first ladies of football!? – Noone

          • Will there be a puppet show in the little hut?

    • if I were the Skins, I’d just hire some homeless guys to execute everyone involved with the domain name I wanted.

      cost: few thousand dollars worth of booze
      risk: you have to take on murdering the guy who you have murder all the homeless people

      solution: you fly all the regulars to the tropics and feed them loose meat sammiches for the weekend. problem and evidence gone.

  • noonefromtampa

    so use of banned CFC chemicals is increasing according to scientists and they have pinpointed Eastern Asia as the source based on monitoring data, but they claim they do not have enough data to pinpoint the exact country

    I call global BS, it’s China, who else pollutes like no tomorrow

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      i’ve seen this story. i had not seen attribution to china. blow me over with a freakin’ feather! i’m shocked! shocked to hear it’s china….

      • noonefromtampa

        they’re wimps that’s why, they don’t want to offend China

      • is it “China” as in government sanctioned, or is it just some Chinese businesses who do things a little rogue and the Chinese government isn’t cracking the whip on CFCs at the moment?

        • noonefromtampa

          the government doesn’t monitor stuff until it become a problem

          like the factory that polluted a river all the way back into Russia (Siberia)

          then the government showed up, executed the factory owners/managers and put new people in charge and told them not to pollute

          • “don’t pollute”
            “Okay really, you can pollute, but if we get a complaint from the ruskies again. Well you saw the retirement package we gave your predecessor”

    • Global BS gets distributed in this general order of perpetrators:

      1) Russia
      2) China
      3) Iran

      4) North Korea

      5) Trump
      6) Goodell

  • Different_Cat

    We can send a man to the moon but they can’t invent a machine that will cut a bagel exactly in half? What’s up with that? Same deal with hot dog and hamburger buns.

  • noonefromtampa

    Fighting words

    “Alabama probably has one or two national championships they claim that weren’t necessarily recognized by everybody,” said Scott Frost when questioned about UCF’s national championship’s claim last season.

    • Different_Cat

      Yeah, Bama would have smashed UCF if they had played.

      • noonefromtampa

        Auburn beat Bama and UCF beat Auburn

      • That’s what everyone said about Aubrurn

        • Different_Cat

          Well, any given Saturday I guess….

          • except it wasn’t a fluke

            if you watch the Auburn game, the fluke is that Auburn was in it at ALL

            but yes, I think it is an uncomfortable situation that UCF has created for themselves

          • Different_Cat

            Okay, but Auburn also lost to LSU, Georgia, and Clemson, and Alabama beat all three of those teams.

          • I’m not arguing that Alabama could not win, it just isn’t a foregone conclusion, I certainly think it would help Alabama (or any of the other “big” schools) should they get to play them second, after having watched how they would have handled the first round of playoff.
            but the thing is, Alabama had the least resume to be there of the 4 playoff teams that did make it; they didn’t even win their own division, let alone, conference. and in such a limited set of data, those should be weed-outs

    • People can disagree with me, but if a team finishes undefeated and isn’t the NCAA champion, the system is broken. The whole point of a playoff system is to make sure of that, and if you’re not putting a 0 loss team in the playoffs, you failed. I don’t care if it’s an SEC team or some school with a 20,000 seat stadium like Toledo. 13-0 should be an AQ for 1 of the playoff spots.

      • noonefromtampa

        I think if you go to 8 teams you can do that

        • You can do it at 4 teams. The reliance on “power rankings” for college sports playoffs is always going to be too flawed.

          Keep it simple. first priority is anyone with 0 losses, 2nd conference champions, 3rd strength of schedule.

        • I think that they need to just dump all the bowl games, because they are a total waste, and have a 16 team tournament that includes all conference champs and a handful of wildcards.

          If you win the Mountain West conference or the American Athletic conference, congrats, you will get your shot. Now go play Ohio St in round 1 and let’s see what you can do.

          • I’d be for that. I could even see a situation where you just have everyone into 8 super conferences.

          • Definitely do away with bowl games. Big. Meaningless. Exhibition game. Who cares?

          • Eh, they could keep the major bowl’s INO and use them for the playoffs.

          • Just rip the band-aid off and end them, I say.

          • I’m just thinking you can keep the playoffs all in some somewhat neutral site stadiums.

          • Sure, but it doesn’t have to be done under the bowl game structure. The NCAA should manage it themselves, directly.

          • That’s just as good in the end.

          • I’ve looked into this; thought about writing a column about it, and I think I’ve talked about this to one extent or the other on It’s Just Business. You want to know who makes money on bowl games? It isn’t the schools; most of them lose money by participating in bowl games and just do it so they can put it on their resume for recruiting purposes. No, the people who make the money are the bowl game organizers. In other words, it’s a racket. What I’d really like to know is precisely how much money is actually ending up in the hands of charities from bowl proceeds, because I suspect that it isn’t alot.

          • Yep, behind every bowl game is some dude who typically makes well into the 6 figures to do that 1 event.

          • schools do it because they’re allowed under NCAA rules to continue practicing until the bowl game. otherwise, you cannot. it’s an extra 3-4 weeks of practice that non-bowl game teams are not allowed to have; so it’s a jump on the next season.

            yes, Bowls are just dudes who want to make money by pairing a match-up after the season. that’s pretty much known. it’s not that dissimilar than thinking the Rep or Dem primaries are governmental. nope. they’re just a special case special interest group that is making a decision among themselves so to speak. the NCAA has rules regarding bowls, but they don’t run them.

          • the bowl games are just games there’s no need to dump them, you can naturally have those that survive the economics of a 8, 12, or 16 game playoff; and the rest will either be as part of the playoff or die out

      • 100% agree, and I also agree with what Scott Frost said.

        • Scott usually says some pretty benign-intended honest words, I don’t think he meant any beef with Alabama per se by it.

          But coach Osborne was on the radio (promoting his Teammates program), and he did talk about how he’s always surprised by some coaches who are really CEO types, but otherwise couldn’t draw up a play. that could easily be a shot at some obvious candidates, but I don’t think he meant anything by it. it was more about how there’s not just one way to be a head coach.

      • walter_in_fallschurch

        “undefeated” should not be an automatic bid. teams would just play crap schedules to finish undefeated. if that were a rule, you’d get 10-12 undefeated teams a year….

    • a lot of schools do that

      and there’s already a fight. Alabama already hired away one of his recruiting assistants, and we know why they did that. Because they want to get an insight on the Next. Alabama and Nebraska (and Ohio State) are on a collision course in the same way Miami and Nebraska were back in the day. Everyone knows it.

      but I’ll bet he just used them as an example because everyone knows them. plus, the context of that conversation (I’m assuming it was the radio interview he did in Orlando) was the validity of UCF claiming a national title. basically Scott is a little uncomfortable with the mention on his ring, but he stayed medium about it, saying the system is definitely better now.

      FWIW, Nebraska does not claim it’s 1918 national title, though there are schools that do with similar contexts, and of course, some schools that haven’t bothered (yet). I think we’ll see more of it as marketing. Saying you’re an X time champ isn’t quite as cool as X + 1 or 2 or 3

      but pretty much, modern football didn’t really begin until, what, the 1950’s? 60’s?

  • “QTS already operates or manages more than five million sq. feet of data centre space in the U.S., including sites in nearby Ashburn and Dulles. The land set to be purchased by the firm has been considered for a number of uses including as a new stadium for Washington’s NFL team.”

  • I think they should turn the pentagon into the new stadium. I’m not saying they should tear down the pentagon, I’m saying they should turn the existing building into a football stadium.

    • I mean, all you need is to add bleachers in the center and maybe on the roof of the inner ring.
      Perfect plan.

  • Different_Cat

    Is it completely out of the question that they might build the stadium on the RFK site?

    • It’s extremely unlikely for a variety of reasons that I wrote in my stadium piece.

      • Different_Cat

        Well that sucks.

        • – The land is owned by the federal gov’t, not DC, and the current lease between DC and the feds expires in something like 20-25 years from now, I forget the exact year, so essentially the feds would have to consent to the stadium. The city has asked for the feds to either sell it to them or grant a 99 year lease, but the feds haven’t acted on it yet.
          – DC’s actually been drawing up long-term plans for usage of the site, and it doesn’t include a stadium
          – The local residents HATE HATE HATE the idea of a new stadium there
          – The DC city council has a problem with the name Redskins, and the Redskins have a problem with DC having a problem with the name Redskins
          – Even if all of that worked out, funding a stadium through DC is a whole other level of complicated and hard, particularly since DC is already paying for a big chunk of the Nationals stadium.

          • Correction,
            DC’s plans for the site have both a vision with a stadium and a vision with out a stadium.

          • True. But the ones I’ve seen that they’re most excited about are the ones without the stadium.

          • I’m excited by that plan, more because it should open up a road that will make it even faster for me to get home.

          • – Change the name to The Hogs
            – Stadium gets called The Hog Sty
            – $nyder offers $millions for the rights to secure

            Everybody happy.

    • I figured the best shot they had to get the land from the government would be during Trump’s administration. Even though the city has asked to buy the land, the administration seems to have no interest in selling.

      • Different_Cat

        Call it Trump Stadium for 20 years. Done deal.

        • My plan would be this.
          DC offers to buy land under RFK from Feds for lets say, $1 million

          DC offers to sell land & old stadium site to Redskins for let’s call it 1.6 million
          Redskins happen to agree to sell land out in PG County to a private real estate firm for a good price… lets just say the real estate firm starts with a T.

  • noonefromtampa

    So Attorney Aaron Schlossberg the racist ranter from yesterday

    videos of his antics are coming out of the woodworks like cockroaches as night

    seems he’s been doing this for several years and people are posting their interactions with him

  • The thing is, fairfax county has a master plan for Tyson’s Corner, and either or BOTH Apple and Amazon would only fill partial goals for jobs and residential for that 50 year plan. it is an ambitious plan, but in theory, if they were to complete it, the center of gravity of the DMV shifts dramatically as Tyson’s would tower over DC from a distance. the problem is of course, getting some semblance of a grid system out in a place that is already possibly the worst suburban traffic possible.

  • The Team 980 @team980 2m2 minutes ago

    .@thecooleyzone thinks the #Redskins hiring new COO Brian Lafemina means one thing…a new stadium deal has already been reached!

  • Any connection to QTS? International City?

  • I still agree with what I wrote about the new stadium months ago, which is that the most logical locations are somewhere out by Dulles or down in Maryland somewhere in the National Harbor area. Nowhere else seems very likely to me.

    • walter_in_fallschurch

      i could very grudgingly get behind, well… not be entirely repulsed by, a national harbor thing. grudgingly. NOT outside the beltway, please.

      • My personal opinion is that a Dulles site is the most likely.

      • National Harbor is outside the beltway and not anywhere near a metro stop, I think the closest one would be King Street, which is on the other side of the Wilson Bridge and not a convenient place to line up a bunch of buses for Stadium runs. maybe Branch Ave would work, but I’m less familiar with the green line

        • walter_in_fallschurch

          it’s on the beltway. parts are inside, parts are inside. that whole crazy gambling complex is inside. i think the distinction here is not important. dulles is outside the beltway….

          • National Harbor, with the casino, the shops, the discount mall, the convention center, it’s all just south of the beltway right up on the Wilson Bridge on the Maryland side. right where the beltway and I-295 meet, along with Indian Head Highway (Rt 210). I-295, I might add, might be one of the worst-maintained, narrow-lane interstates out there. but, you’d have National Harbor and Old Town to pre-game or post-game. Maybe they’d do ferries?

          • walter_in_fallschurch

            hhhmmm… well that’s weird. google maps agrees with you. i could have, in fact would have, sworn that hotel was on the left side as i drove over the bridge from va…. i guess not.

      • There really aren’t too many realistic sites inside the beltway.

  • noonefromtampa

    The new stadium will be part of the new Amazon H2 megaplex

    • Or the Apple 20,000 person HQ they are building.

      • Was actually thinking about this.
        If Apple and Amazon both put a HQ in the NoVA area, would they suddenly have clout regarding a stadium being there or not?

        • Clout? I mean, they’d probably have access to the Virginia legislators and to the governor, sure, so informal clout, perhaps.

        • with regards to infrastructure capacity? you would think a Stadium is generally a good companion to commercial because they tend to have peak usage at different times.

          • That’s what I mean. And I don’t know if either company would be pro or con, but I’m sure if they decided to, that’s a loud megaphone one way or another.

          • But it could also be about things other than infrastructure, like the stadium funding debate.

          • It’s always only about the funding from a state perspective.

          • Funding means taxes or that maybe they do that bit that the Nats did for their funding of having an extra “hotel tax”.
            You can bet that if it means extra taxes on Amazon, in any way, they will fight. Amazon hates paying taxes more than a libertarian.

          • Maybe, maybe not. Seattle has nice stadiums that are right downtown. How’d they get funded?

          • Hotel and car rental taxes in stadium funding are a favorite because it’s a way to put the burden on primarily out of towners, not the locals.

          • BTW looks like that’s what they did partly in Seattle to build the Seahawks stadium.

            From Wikipedia: The public funding package included new sports-related state lottery
            games, taxes on the facility’s admissions and parking, sales tax
            credits and deferrals, and an eight-year extension of the 2% tax on
            hotel rooms in King County.[20] The taxes on admissions and parking are set at 2% to pay off the project’s tax-exempt
            bonds. Those taxes will be kept below the authorized 10% to preserve
            the tax-exempt status, but the percentage will be increased to the full
            amount when the bonds are completely paid in 2021. At such time, they
            will become dedicated funding sources for maintenance and modernization
            of the facilities.

          • That’s pretty par for the course for these things, and as you know, I’ve worked a few in various capacities.

          • Sure. Granted that stadium was built for something like 1/2 a billion where Redskins stadium will probably be 3-4 times that cost. But I’m guessing they will structure it the same.

          • noonefromtampa

            Companies buy lots of tickets and suites

          • The tickets and suites will sell, Apple or no Apple.

          • Yeah. I never worry about the suits.
            The 100 level, I worry.

    • the new Amazon H2 megaplex and Apple H2 megaplex + Stadium, sharing 1 metro stop

      (actually, because of BRAC and so many moving to Ft Belvoir / Mark Center, Apple might be able to move into Crystal City, and be flanked by (eventually) 3 metro stations (Pent City, CC, and the eventual PY) and cyclic bus service between Braddock Road louping through the other 3 stations and back. And they’re throwing up hippster housing like no tomorrow around that proposed new metro station. neither here nor there. that wouldn’t be anywhere near a new stadium site… UNLESS they close Reagan National. Which won’t happen. Because both Dulles and BWI are in BFE.

      • noonefromtampa

        Congress blocked closing National back in the day when they brought it up
        Those power peeps don’t won’t to go to BFE to catch a flight home

        • Dulles and BWI are massively inconvenient for alot of people. I think it’d be dumb to close National.

          • noonefromtampa

            it is also a very dangerous airport to fly in and out of given all the flight path restrictions

          • Meh. It’s complicated airspace, for sure, but it works out just fine.

          • I only ever fly National. $5 metro ride, plus short cab ride to metro from wherever you live. Baggage is there within minutes of landing. Dulles is a $120 cab ride and forever and a day to get out of there. and there’s not a lot of difference in pricing. I never have to write a justification for work for flying National. And there are hourly flights every day to major hubs. No matter how your travel goes sideways coming home, you know you’re going to get on a Chicago flight back that next morning because there’s one every hour starting at 6 AM from OHare to DCA.

          • Dulles and BWI are inconvenient on their best days. Unless you live way out in the Tysons or Baltimore Suburbs.

            Major cities should have multiple airports. Nothing wrong with how they are set up here.

        • I was just pointing out that National would be about the only place in that neck of the woods, as Potomac Yard (named after a railyard) has been largely redeveloped already and rail yard long gone.

          • noonefromtampa

            Understand, I was pointing out that National has some powerful rabbis backing it

      • Different_Cat

        Snyder sells team to Bezos, free foam fingers for Prime members, Trump goes on non-stop Twitter rant about the name and what a failed franchise it is.

  • Is there any connection to Mitchell Norville, in DC?

    • Any of the potential stadium build sites owned or controlled by Boston Properties, or, less likely, Atlantic South Development Inc.?

  • If new Stadium issues fall under Lafemina, I could see Allen leaving.

    • Allen is the guy you want for the stadium, I think.

      • At present, I agree. Stadium sounds like a Bus. Ops. job.

        • It has nothing to do with titles. NFL stadium development is inherently a state and local political operation, for and foremost, and there’s nobody better, at least in NFL circles, than Bruce when it comes to dealing with Virginia politics.

          • How’s that working out with Richmond? Not being snarky, but it doesn’t appear that the city fared to well on the TC deal.

          • That’s Richmond’s problem, not the Redskins problem. I’d say Bruce did an outstanding job on that transaction.

          • Okay, but wouldn’t that be detrimental to Virginia politics?

          • No. That deal is between the city of Richmond and the Redskins. The state’s paying very little if anything. It’s the city that’s scrambling to come up with the money to make their annual payments.

      • I think that is the plan. one gross generalization might be is that Bruce is going to be the big picture guy for the stadium deal, and others, including Lafemina, will fill in the details and provide analysis for Bruce and Snyder.

        • Yeah, I agree, but I can’t quite get past the fact that Lafemina reports to Snyder. That’s very odd, to me.

      • walter_in_fallschurch

        i support anyone who wants the stadium on the current rfk site. that’s where the stadium should be. i’ll be disappointed w/anything else. i expect to be disappointed.

        (is it logically possible to “expect” to be disappointed? i mean if you expect it, can it be a disappointment?)

    • Snyder:
      ““Brian has been one of the most highly regarded NFL executives amongst league ownership for many years because of his deep understanding of our business, his focus on partner relationships and his genuine belief that fans must be at the center of every decision we make, … Brian is coming to Washington with fresh thinking and big ideas to implement, and I have full confidence that with Brian’s addition and with Bruce Allen continuing as team president, the Redskins’ success will continue to grow, both on and off the field.”

      key thought is operations. that still leaves a guy like Bruce to pull together the very big picture and big projects like the stadium.

  • walter_in_fallschurch

    this rain, rain, rain is like a week of gloomy, doomy vinny cerrato draft picks.

  • noonefromtampa

    So OTAs start next week on 22nd, so I assume there will be a presser

    should be some good questions to be asked then

    • Unless Doug Williams does the presser, in which case he’ll deflect all questions regarding the front office.

      • he could be the man on the way out; but that would be weird given it seems like he’s gotten more press time

        • That’d be a terrible PR move right now.

          • there’s going to be 1-2 execs prob that leave, I would guess

          • I think so too, but I don’t think Doug will be in that group. They just hired him and he’s done a good job, and he’s a Redskins legend who’s beloved by the fans.

        • noonefromtampa

          Doug is not going anywhere

          • *smash cut*
            Doug resigns to take the job of President of the University of Grambling
            (you know, like Jim Tressel escaped Ohio State coach scandal by becoming PoYSU)

  • noonefromtampa

    Octopuses are really, really weird. Masters of disguise, they camouflage the skin on their flailing, eight-armed bodies and dive hundreds of feet below the surface of the sea. The intelligent creatures have even been known to predict the odd sports result.

    Now, a group of 33 scientists from respected institutions around the world have suggested these bizarre creatures descend from organic alien material. Their research was published in the journal Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, ties the “remarkable” rise of octopuses and their cephalopod cousins to the theory of panspermia.
    never trusted them bastards

  • I would say that title for Bruce is in fact President of Football Operations, but there’s obviously no flow chart on the Skins website

    • Lol, y’all do love your flow charts….

      • there’s groupings of people
        and since I don’t think Skins are into Holacracy, not exactly sure of the connections for the business side and front office. once you get down to Player Personnel, it’s a little bit easier, unless Kyle Smith reports to Alex Santos. If that is the case, then your defacto GM lies somewhere between Alex, Doug, and Eric. but I think Kyle and Alex are subordinates of Doug.

        • Doug is running both the pro and college scouting rooms, so it appears as though Kyle Smith and Alex Santos work for him, and Eric Schaffer works for Bruce.

          • Eric would have folks that work for him (essentially, if not administratively) in the Personnel group as well, but yes, Doug + Eric report to Bruce, Alex + Kyle report to Doug.
            typically though, you want at least 4 people reporting before breaking it up, so do you really need Doug (is my point, not that Doug is doing anything wrong), or maybe they just want 1 dude from personnel to sit in the exec roundtable meetings. with snyder, maybe they only have a table that seats 12.

          • The team has one of the scouts whose duties includes salary cap. Doug is the senior VP of Player Personnel, so there’s no doubt that everyone in the scouting rooms work for him. Schaffer may have all of the other business folks. It’s hard to tell.

    • Well, his title is in fact Team President. From a practical reality, it looks like that’s what his duties have become.

  • Look for comments on Mr. Lafemina, by Virginia politicians.

  • If you look at it, Kyle Smith is not anywhere near the GM role, not any closer to it than Alex Santos

    • Not right now, no. But what if Cooley’s idle speculation is correct?

      • looks like to me Kyle and Alex report to Doug, who reports to Bruce; with Doug and Eric basically performing the roles of a GM. With Bruce… I don’t know. seems like they have 1-2 execs on the board to get rid of, but I don’t nec see a problem with the structure, though maybe to many people considering that actually, the Redskins are a small business. got too many execs if those are all FTEs.

  • New stadium in Virginia, righting two decades of wrongs….by any means necessary

  • BA is being phased out . Rightly or wrongly , the fans hate him. He botched the KC situation about as badly as any man could , along with the SM debacle , who he hired .

    • I don’t think what the fans think is or should be relevant in any way. Part of Bruce’s job is to be the bad guy and take the PR hits for Snyder.

      I also think some fans have been pretty darn irrational about it.

      • I thought that was Tony Wyllie’s job.

      • Snyder tired of being embarrassed and looking like a fool and BA magnified that ten fold with the two situations i referenced . Those are epic BA failures .

    • I don’t know that the KC situation ends up differently. The KC situation was screwed up because of the RG3 situation.

      And SM turned out to be not as great as advertised, but who knows how much of that was him taking poor reads from the coaching staff.

  • noonefromtampa

    Allen has a multi-million dollar home in Newport CA, he’s going to live in it full time at some point I would assume

    maybe commute to Vegas?

  • noonefromtampa

    My thought is that Dennis Greene is screwed

    • noonefromtampa

      and hopefully Tony Wyllie is too

      • he almost got this post out before we basically had the discussion, much much faster than WaPo

        • It would’ve been published last night except it was too late for me to properly edit the first draft.

      • Alex and Jamual can address this more, because they’ve see it first hand, but Tony Wylie actually does a good job with the local media.